Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Audit results are said to be completed in mid May, maybe a little later.
The media circus around this audit seems to be making it difficult to get just straight facts about what is going on. All outlets appear extremely biased.
Fraudit is just a term they’re using to undermine this audit. I can’t find any media coverage that isn’t biased on this. Disconcerting!
The entire media goal seems to be discredit this audi, and nothing else!
There is some high school function at the coliseum where the audit is. That will cause a one week delay. No way the audit completes by 5/14 when the high school functions (tournaments) begin, for a week. I can see this audit going well into June/July.
It seems the Dems are afraid that they didn't actually win Arizona.

Whatever process is being used can't be anymore biased that what we saw after the election. Remember the 2AM Biden surges, when, in some cases, counting wasn't supposed to be happening?
I stand corrected on total votes counted in AZ Audit. My information was dated. After searching for ~10 minutes it doesn't appear that any update has been published on progress since ~4/27 when they had ~100k counted.

I'm too exhausted to validate or debunk the most recent Antrim County case submission. I'll simply point out that Trump won every single precinct in Antrim County in the official vote results (9,748 -5,960). Jo Jorgenson, 3rd place candidate received 189 votes. Trump secured 61% of the vote in Antrim County.
in 2016 a lot of woke dems could not believe Hillary lost and they came up with a lot of insane conspiracy theories to explain the source of their befuddlement.

why is it so hard for Trumpistas to acknowledge their guy ran his mouth so much that normally sleeping dog voters turned out in record numbers to throw his worthless butt out? No, they come up with a bunch more conspiracy theories that are equally far fetched as the russians did it, the russians did it.

Get a grip and start working towards the 2022 elections. Or just wallow in your paranoia. Like the democrats
in 2016 a lot of woke dems could not believe Hillary lost and they came up with a lot of insane conspiracy theories to explain the source of their befuddlement.

why is it so hard for Trumpistas to acknowledge their guy ran his mouth so much that normally sleeping dog voters turned out in record numbers to throw his worthless butt out? No, they come up with a bunch more conspiracy theories that are equally far fetched as the russians did it, the russians did it.

Get a grip and start working towards the 2022 elections. Or just wallow in your paranoia. Like the democrats
Probably because Libs are letting in illegals by the thousands in hopes of turning the vote in their favor forever, and they are against voter ID, which makes them look, at the very least, suspicious.
in 2016 a lot of woke dems could not believe Hillary lost and they came up with a lot of insane conspiracy theories to explain the source of their befuddlement.

why is it so hard for Trumpistas to acknowledge their guy ran his mouth so much that normally sleeping dog voters turned out in record numbers to throw his worthless butt out? No, they come up with a bunch more conspiracy theories that are equally far fetched as the russians did it, the russians did it.

Get a grip and start working towards the 2022 elections. Or just wallow in your paranoia. Like the democrats
Is it a conspiracy theory to say that Russia wanted Trump instead of Clinton? That they armed Trump and wikileaks with information damaging to Clinton? The Podesta emails all came from the GRU. It also seems to have happened that click bait ad revenue fed this fire as well. Meaning the people on the various sites made money based off of their traffic and likely gave zero turds about who won but putting out misinformation was making them money.

I've never claimed the voting was inaccurate. I've not seen that be a point of emphasis.
in 2016 a lot of woke dems could not believe Hillary lost and they came up with a lot of insane conspiracy theories to explain the source of their befuddlement.
Huisache, you made a very good point. The Democrats were beyond stunned when the results came in and Trump won.
IMO, Hillary lost for three reasons - (1) she was not an inspiring candidate, (2) she ran a terrible campaign, and (3) Trump ran a very effective campaign. And they spent the four following years with zero emphasis on governing - their sole objective over those four years was to get Trump out of office.
Is it a conspiracy theory to say that Russia wanted Trump instead of Clinton? That they armed Trump and wikileaks with information damaging to Clinton? The Podesta emails all came from the GRU. It also seems to have happened that click bait ad revenue fed this fire as well. Meaning the people on the various sites made money based off of their traffic and likely gave zero turds about who won but putting out misinformation was making them money.

I've never claimed the voting was inaccurate. I've not seen that be a point of emphasis.

The Mueller report showed that while there was a lot of smoke, willing interactions between the Trump campaign and attempts to aid them by the Russians (Podesta email leaks) there was no documented fire, collaboration between the Trump Campaign and Russians. That's acceptable. HRC was not a great candidate and with her email behaviors she gave the Republicans a bullet with which to shoot her. It was a 100% self-inflicted and controllable wound.

Plenty of hard evidence (Trump Tower meeting, Podesta email leaks to Wikileaks which drop 2 days after the "Grab 'em by the *****" tape, etc.) and evidence that proved less "hard" like the dossier. Still, the investigation was predicated on a significant volume of evidence that ultimately couldn't prove a connection. That's OK. Paul Manafort was stopped from having role in the admin which was a very good thing based on his ties to Russia. Roger Stone deserved jail time but was spared by Trump. Even Flynn was a significant security risk based on all publicly available info. It's reassuring that Trump wasn't directly tied to the Russians.
Huisache, you made a very good point. The Democrats were beyond stunned when the results came in and Trump won.
IMO, Hillary lost for three reasons - (1) she was not an inspiring candidate, (2) she ran a terrible campaign, and (3) Trump ran a very effective campaign. And they spent the four following years with zero emphasis on governing - their sole objective over those four years was to get Trump out of office.

Democrats spent as much time governing as Trump did. ;)
They are gathering affidavits from those who received multiple ballots in AZ.

In MI, 66K votes were found to have come from those not on the voter roles. So either they’re not citizens or not alive.

BLM riots (protest) start late this week in Phoenix. Going to be a long, violent summer. This IS a coup attempt. Dems want a nationalized police force to take over local police departments. They would control this police department. I wonder what crimes they would go after? Gun ownership and no vaccine passport?
Is it a conspiracy theory to say that Russia wanted Trump instead of Clinton? That they armed Trump and wikileaks with information damaging to Clinton? The Podesta emails all came from the GRU. It also seems to have happened that click bait ad revenue fed this fire as well. Meaning the people on the various sites made money based off of their traffic and likely gave zero turds about who won but putting out misinformation was making them money.

I've never claimed the voting was inaccurate. I've not seen that be a point of emphasis.
What exactly did the Russians release that was so damaging?
Hillary was damaged by her repulsiveness to large numbers of us. And by her standing by her man, a more worthless human I could not have imagined until Trump stumbled in
Hillary was damaged by her repulsiveness to large numbers of us. And by her standing by her man, a more worthless human I could not have imagined until Trump stumbled in
Look at the results he had. As strange and weird as he is, his policies totally kicked *** and he had better results than any President in my lifetime, save for, maybe, Reagan thanks to the fall of the USSR.
Yep, for me it’s Reagan,Trump, then I hear Washington, Jackson, Lincoln we’re all great ones. JFK was truly attempting some remarkable things before the cabal took him out. He may be the best of the Dems.
Look at the results he had. As strange and weird as he is, his policies totally kicked *** and he had better results than any President in my lifetime, save for, maybe, Reagan thanks to the fall of the USSR.

Trump was the first president to recognize and acknowledge the threat of China. All our other representatives have been asleep at the wheel.
Biden’s DOJ sent a letter to Arizona senator with audit team asking to stop the audit. Arizona said you do not have jurisdiction over the audit.
Biden’s DOJ sent a letter to Arizona senator with audit team asking to stop the audit. Arizona said you do not have jurisdiction over the audit.
And we get back to the. "If the election was legit, what do you have to fear?" In fact, they should be encouraging it, as it would only support an honest election. But exactly the opposite is happening. Will biden be calling in the National Guard next?

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