Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

I agree with you on the philosophical angle. I'm just saying AC and Switzer are similar in the sense that sometimes I just can't resist the urge to ridicule them.
That's fair. I like to try to draw out AC myself. The Q stuff is just hard to ignore.
So, the lab in Montana that Ben Cotton personally drove the data to that was gleaned from the voting machines/tabulators is also his home address.

To recap, Ben Cotton is the CEO of both CyFIR (which is contracted to analyze the machines) and CyTECH (which is the lab that is analyzing the data) whose business address is also Cotton's home address in Montana.

If you presented this script to a Hollywood studio they'd turn you away because the narrative was so poorly written. It's a clown show all around.
Is there an actual source on a Case Number? PACER just shows that the MTD's were taken under advisement on June 24. No additional entries since that time.

(the above is for the cases against Rudy and against Sidney- I did not look at any other Dominion cases)
Is there an actual source on a Case Number? PACER just shows that the MTD's were taken under advisement on June 24. No additional entries since that time.

(the above is for the cases against Rudy and against Sidney- I did not look at any other Dominion cases)
It's ********. It's been bouncing around the web since May. AC stated earlier in this thread that he/she does not have the time nor inclination to verify the validity of information he/she shares nor the sources of that information. In turn, apply the "never verified" lens to anything he/she posts.

There was a hearing a few weeks back in which the judge appeared skeptical of the defense's motion to dismiss.
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So, the lab in Montana that Ben Cotton personally drove the data to that was gleaned from the voting machines/tabulators is also his home address.

To recap, Ben Cotton is the CEO of both CyFIR (which is contracted to analyze the machines) and CyTECH (which is the lab that is analyzing the data) whose business address is also Cotton's home address in Montana.

If you presented this script to a Hollywood studio they'd turn you away because the narrative was so poorly written. It's a clown show all around.
That is RICH! That should make the whole **** show moot. It's no more "evidentiary" than this:
I believe the evidence that has not yet been released about election fraud will shed a lot of light on AZ. Then it will be up to other states how they handle it. I started this thread because I cannot sit by and do nothing while voter integrity is ruined after this, IMHO, fraudulent election. If several states after AZ prove it then we will see where it goes from there. I never set a date when Trump would be reinstated, which would constitute moving goalposts. I think he will, but I agree the legal wrangling on that will be unbelievable! Thus, I post things related to the forensic audits, I have seen videos and other proof. I own two companies and have 2 kids. I’m male by the way! Should be obvious to those who know me. I know about 30 hornfans members. Anyway I am not some idiot. I am just conservative, and pro Trump! Reagan and Trump were the only good presidents in my lifetime. I have to support him. I think he won last November. The truth will come out eventually and not everyone can accept it! I’m fine with that. Conservatives should fight back and not give all narratives to loud liberals to rule the roost! There are more of us than libs on this board!
I believe the evidence that has not yet been released about election fraud will shed a lot of light on AZ. Then it will be up to other states how they handle it. I started this thread because I cannot sit by and do nothing while voter integrity is ruined after this, IMHO, fraudulent election. If several states after AZ prove it then we will see where it goes from there. I never set a date when Trump would be reinstated, which would constitute moving goalposts. I think he will, but I agree the legal wrangling on that will be unbelievable! Thus, I post things related to the forensic audits, I have seen videos and other proof. I own two companies and have 2 kids. I’m male by the way! Should be obvious to those who know me. I know about 30 hornfans members. Anyway I am not some idiot. I am just conservative, and pro Trump! Reagan and Trump were the only good presidents in my lifetime. I have to support him. I think he won last November. The truth will come out eventually and not everyone can accept it! I’m fine with that. Conservatives should fight back and not give all narratives to loud liberals to rule the roost! There are more of us than libs on this board!

Thanks for the clarification. I too am male and realized that assuming your pronoun wasn't fair. You seem like a very good guy and the entrepreneurial spirit is commendable. We are all extremely busy. I have the benefit of sitting on conference calls often with large volumes of people that allow me to multi-task.

To be sure, nobody is questioning your integrity. What some (me!) are questioning is the source(s) of your evidence, in particular the evidence you've shared on this thread that is so rampantly partisan and in many cases easily proven false. If this is a demonstration of what is informing your opinion then know that you either either misinformed or less informed and should welcome our ability to correct your information.
I think what MTG is trying to say, and I agree with her 100%, is that setting a date is ridiculous. August 13? Where in the hell does that come from? I don't follow Mike Lindell so I have no idea what he reports. It WILL be very hard to overturn the 2020 election. It can be done, but it very well may not happen. That IS possible. AZ and other states proving the election was fraudulent is the only way. It has to come from each state. Trump is not pushing that, neither is Mike Lindell or MTG. State legislatures would have to do it. If they don't for political reasons. Then the 2020 election cannot be overturned.
I will say MSM sources are trying to debunk everything related to election fraud, 2020. Even Fox. I don't follow anyone in MSM anymore. I have no trust for them.
It WILL be very hard to overturn the 2020 election. It can be done, but it very well may not happen. That IS possible.

I'm not sure overturning the election IS possible after the election has been certified. That's the point of certification and why Trump and his supporters tried unsuccessfully to stop the certification on 1/6.

The problem is that if Trump and is supporters admit that there is no recourse, the election is done and over then all the momentum to investigate, audit and try to create a stolen election narrative dissipates. Trump needs the carrot there to keep the buzz going in conservative circles. It also helps his fundraising efforts.

Trump supporters, not Trump, are spending millions to try to reinforce the stolen election narrative. Clearly it's working for the 60% of R's that believe the election was stolen. Does anyone realistically think it will grow much beyond that?
Long Twitter thread if you want to understand what Conservative or more traditional Republicans think about the 2020 election. It's long but it goes into the history to explain why people (we) think this way. This doesn't exactly represent my thoughts but I am sympathetic to them.

My issue is that the dossier may have been sketch. It was more of a document that was as valid as a Trump presser - [I mean I'm not saying that Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK, but, some people are saying it]. While it was finished off in funding from the Dem's it was initiated and funded for the most part by a GOP campaign. The issue with any warrants related to that document certainly could be suspect. However, much more suspect is the FISA warrant issuing process. Over 33 years 12 out of 33,942 were denied. That's astounding.

No one has drilled into Cambridge Analytica and the sharing of information from the Trump campaign and the funding of that operation. That's the stage IV cancer sitting on top of the liver that no one wants to talk about.
My issue is that the dossier may have been sketch. It was more of a document that was as valid as a Trump presser - [I mean I'm not saying that Ted Cruz's dad killed JFK, but, some people are saying it]. While it was finished off in funding from the Dem's it was initiated and funded for the most part by a GOP campaign. The issue with any warrants related to that document certainly could be suspect. However, much more suspect is the FISA warrant issuing process. Over 33 years 12 out of 33,942 were denied. That's astounding.

No one has drilled into Cambridge Analytica and the sharing of information from the Trump campaign and the funding of that operation. That's the stage IV cancer sitting on top of the liver that no one wants to talk about.
It is odd that everything you dislike is a conspiracy, yet you supported every disproven conspiracy against Trump.
I'm not sure overturning the election IS possible after the election has been certified. That's the point of certification and why Trump and his supporters tried unsuccessfully to stop the certification on 1/6.

The problem is that if Trump and is supporters admit that there is no recourse, the election is done and over then all the momentum to investigate, audit and try to create a stolen election narrative dissipates. Trump needs the carrot there to keep the buzz going in conservative circles. It also helps his fundraising efforts.

Trump supporters, not Trump, are spending millions to try to reinforce the stolen election narrative. Clearly it's working for the 60% of R's that believe the election was stolen. Does anyone realistically think it will grow much beyond that?

Yes. IF and maybe a big IF, enough states (3-4) show high enough levels of fraud that the state legislatures vote to decertify their states election result.
Another possibility is if enough fraud is proven, not only in election fraud, but proof Biden is compromised, through the Durham special council grand jury report. If the level is high enough. The Military can step in. Nothing has come out yet. Nobody has the information to know what proof exists. I believe this proof will be shocking, and it cannot be suppressed that much longer. Until it comes out, we have to wait and hold judgement! We simply don’t know right now!
Yes. IF and maybe a big IF, enough states (3-4) show high enough levels of fraud that the state legislatures vote to decertify their states election result.
Another possibility is if enough fraud is proven, not only in election fraud, but proof Biden is compromised, through the Durham special council grand jury report. If the level is high enough. The Military can step in. Nothing has come out yet. Nobody has the information to know what proof exists. I believe this proof will be shocking, and it cannot be suppressed that much longer. Until it comes out, we have to wait and hold judgement! We simply don’t know right now!
So that Gitmo information, what's the status of that? Has Brennan been released?

The state of spy craft, according to former CIA director

On 6/17/21, his cell at Gitmo looks a lot like a rich guy's home office.
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The Military can step in.

You sorta nonchalantly toss around "the military stepping in." Do you know how friggin' dangerous that would actually be?

If it actually "stepped in," think of what that would mean. First, it would be acting under no legal or constitutional authority at all. In other words, it would be acting arbitrarily and completely untethered from the rule of law. Basically, the Constitution would be completely out the window. Second, it would be acting against what the law says is its commander in chief. That would mean the end of the civilian command of the military. The true commander in chief would be whatever general or admiral that the military was listening to at any given time. That's how the military is run in places like Liberia or Bangladesh, not civilized nations like the United States, but considering that the US military is the most powerful institution in the history of humanity and can literally kill every man, woman, and child in existence, that would be pretty scary - much scarier than if Joe Biden had actually scored a one-off election theft.
An audit is to determine if everything election officials certified is correct. Pretty simple if you certified 2.1 million votes but only have 1.7 million ballots yeah I am going to question the total. Not saying that is case but a simple example.
I'm not sure how jurisdiction fell to Montgomery County, but Hervis Rogers is in custody for doing, not once, but twice, that which the left continues to insist never happens. Seems he came to light after CNN jammed a camera in his face on Super Tuesday when he voted at TSU after being in line for six hours. Am guessing the second case would be election day itself...

Hervis Rogers is a multi-felon who was apparently on supervision at the time and thus, ineligible.
but Hervis Rogers is in custody for doing, not once, but twice, that which the left continues to insist rarely happens.

FIFY. Can we assume that Mr. Rogers, like the last time this happened in 2016 was caught in an audit? Sounds to me like the system worked.
You sorta nonchalantly toss around "the military stepping in." Do you know how friggin' dangerous that would actually be?

If it actually "stepped in," think of what that would mean. First, it would be acting under no legal or constitutional authority at all. In other words, it would be acting arbitrarily and completely untethered from the rule of law. Basically, the Constitution would be completely out the window. Second, it would be acting against what the law says is its commander in chief. That would mean the end of the civilian command of the military. The true commander in chief would be whatever general or admiral that the military was listening to at any given time. That's how the military is run in places like Liberia or Bangladesh, not civilized nations like the United States, but considering that the US military is the most powerful institution in the history of humanity and can literally kill every man, woman, and child in existence, that would be pretty scary - much scarier than if Joe Biden had actually scored a one-off election theft.

Advocating for America to become a Banana Republic. We look down on 3rd world countries for the same behavior we are now advocating for. That's concerning.
FIFY. Can we assume that Mr. Rogers, like the last time this happened in 2016 was caught in an audit? Sounds to me like the system worked.
Actually, was NOT an audit that caught him. It WAS his grandstanding on CNN that led the Houston Chronicle to identify him, which then led to his ineligibility to vote, not once but twice, coming to light. SheJack tried to use his polling location as evidence of some manner of suppression while ignoring that he chose to wait until the last minute instead of any of the two weeks of early voting opportunities...

He does not appear in the online registries that I have been able to review and that were current through the early part of this year. So not only was he not eligible to vote, he may not even have been REGISTERED.

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