Summary: Let me convince the viewer that a "Full Forensic audit" is a thing and it's needed. It started with a statisitic pulled out of their rear end: "Let's make the extremely optimistic assumption that the election accuracy is 85%" based purely on some IRS correlation that tax payer compliance is 85%.
What does that number pulled our of their arse translate to?
24,000,000 suspect votes! Fun with numbers!
"That's a sobering thought" says the narrator who goes on to say "the conclusion cannot be dismissed without a Forensic Audit." Following along closely they took an IRS tax payer compliance rate...applied it blindly to election accuracy and say
[the viewer] cannot dismiss that statistic without a forensic audit. Yes, yes you can because it's
literally a made up statistic that the video maker told the viewer to "imagine".
That's it. That's the 100% full justification for a Forensic Audit which is even less than AZ Senate used.
They go on to try to define a
Full Forensic Audit but the definition they choose to use is clearly self-serving to try and claim that all the other audits don't address which they don't actually show how they don't address them.
In fact, they go on to say we need to ASSUME there are many bad actors because there is "no scientific proof" of the claim that the election was the most secure in US history. See what they did there? They flipped the argument from "prove a crime was done" to "prove there was no crime". Want to know why 70+ cases were thrown out? Our court system doesn't operate on
guilty until proven innocent claims which is exactly what this video is trying to convince the viewer needs to happen. That's my challenge with the entire BS. There is millions of dollars and apparently 29% of Republicans lining up to pay to audit based on a theory...a made up statistic, that the election was wildly inaccurate and many bad actors were involved. It's a conspiracy in search of evidence to justify it. Random internet posters pulling "facts" from the backside and people like
@AC running with it because they
want to believe it.
Keep in mind, this entire fracas is based on made up statistics claiming vote accuracy is abhorrent (85%...which is "optimistic). If that statistic is invalid, which we know this video made up, then the house of cards comes crashing down.