first Ebola case in the USA confirmed in Dallas

I'm guessing he knew he'd been exposed to the virus and thus was at high risk of getting the disease. He also knew that he would have a much better chance of surviving if he was treated in the US. It was a perfectly rational, albeit utterly selfish, decision on his part. It makes me wonder how many others might try this if they have the resources. We probably should deny entry to anyone originating from a high-risk country. The stakes are just too high.
I am not sure where you got that info but the several of the first reports I have read said it was known she had ebola and was turned away from the already crowded clinic since it was likely she would die.

maybe it is time for us to take a look at who we let fly in. surely we knew he came from Liberia via Brussels? maybe it is time to quarantine anyone coming from that part of the world, until we know
If there wasn't already enough panic to go around, the Richardson School District has reported that 3 students at Wallace Elementary in Lake Highlands had some sort of contact with the infected foreigner. If you're keeping score, that's 5 schools in 2 school districts, yet all within a 3-5 mile radius of Presbyterian hospital.

I haven't read much detail of it, but Nigeria seems to have been WAAAY ahead of the US in terms of preparation for potential outbreak. What the hell?
Along with the hospital staff not doing a proper job of containing the source when first confronted with it, now the CDC admits that they have not followed their own protocol by neglecting to decontaminate the apartment where they have put the residents on a quarantine-like status.

For any of you that think some of us are paranoid and don't have any faith in the fed or local officials to contain this, well, this is precisely why
the many earlier reports also stated the man carried her by her legs. If that is true that shows how insidious ebola is.
He did a kind thing that might now kill him.
He knew she had died of ebola when he got on that plane
and I understand him wanting to get here.
I do not understand why he let the hospital send him home. His only chance was early treatment.
There are thousands of Americans of Liberian descent. Reportedly more than 30,000 in Minnesota alone. Some of them are desperately trying to get their families out of the infected zone back in Africa. That's a normal human reaction, but it could help spread the disease over here. Obama and the CDC better bring their "A" game on this one (no PC BS) or we are all in trouble.
Clean, I've heard that Dallas alone has nearly 10,000 Liberian immigrants. And a lot of them live right in the 'hot zone' where the cases have come from.

As for the President and CDC bypassing the PC route in exchange for real leadership right now, forget it. He and the agencies under his watch are absolutely ineffective at doing anything other than spin control. The Fed is full of dumbasses that make one wonder how they tie their shoes and remember to breathe.

it's already been reported that the patient vomitted on the sidewalk. officials did not report to CDC, and instead, had someone power wash the sidewalk to "eliminate traces".

New update today states that a potential case has popped up at Howard University hospital in Washington, D.C.
Patient under observation is rumored to be experiencing typical Ebola symptoms, and had recently visited Nigeria.

Will be interesting if this patient tests positive, and interesting to see what procedures and level of urgency is used if it turns up right under Congress' nose.

Good grief, the levels of stupidity surrounding these stories is getting exhausting to hear.

Coupled with the massive storm that knocked out power to over 250k in DFW, including the hot spot where these cases exist, and I'm growing a bit more agitated by the day.
yes, Bayerithe, watching the aerial video of two poorly safegauarded and protected guys powerwash the vomit from the area of concern is headshaking stupid. Good grief, did it not dawn on anyone to quarter off the area and send in a high-level hazmat unit to disinfect the spot? Nope. Instead, they strap two guys with a power washer probably rented from the Home Depot down the street and two pair of rubber boots and say "here's some bleach, good luck".
F this.
Don't worry guys, Obama has got this. He just extended the stay of Liberians already in the U.S. who either didn't have visas or whose visas are expiring for two more years. That'll really help.
I do not lay immediate blame at the feet of the Holy Annointed Obama.

However, the most recent press conference from White House puppets proves he doesn't give a flying F for coming up with better measures than he's allowed to remain in place. Measures that have so far proven not good enough.
Fiesta, I'm right with you on that.

I'm simply not saying it's Dear Leader's fault that the hospital released the patient initially. But, the hubris in his Administration is showing their asses when it comes to intelligence and willingness to make tough decisions, heck, even easy ones, that might possibly provide better protection for Americans. We're stuck with this dip*** and his clowns he's charged with running this country.
Where, O where are the Obama bootlickers to tell us that everything possible is being done to cut this off at the pass? Rog35? He's still the smartest MF'er in the room on the topic of combating epidemic, right?


Dalhorn, Rog35 never shows up unless he can blame everything on "right-wing idiots."

I think the scarier scenario invoves the ER personnel who came in contact with a person who was already showing symptoms of the disease. If medical personnel start coming down with ebola, that could create a real crisis.

And since you do have access to medical care in the US and would be likely to survive, I can see people who know they have been exposed desperately trying to come here.
As opposed to the bedwetters posting from under their beds hopefully clad in Depends?

Did someone seriously post they are considering not going to the OU game because they are afraid of being infected? Has the venue been changed to the isolation ward at Dallas Presbyterian?
Mich, apparently you haven't been reading much about this case in Dallas. You may want to scan the headlines regarding the possible 50 other people infected, the 5 elementary schools that have children under supervision or the homeless man who was transported in the same ambulance afterwards and has now been found and taken to Parkland. If he's infected, who knows how many more has been. Some people may overreact which is human nature but some people will not react as much as they should. When you use the term "bedwetters", you are talking about a wide swath of people and not just one demographic since there are a lot of people keeping their kids home from those schools under suspicion. Nice attempt at bravado though.
I don't think it's a stretch to call somebody who 10 days before the OU game is SERIOUSLY considering not going to the game given that at the time there was only one confirmed case of Ebola in Dallas. Just as I don't think it's a stretch to call bedwetters those who adamantly opposed flying back the initial American patients to Atlanta. I have faith in the health care system and the professionals who staff it in this country.
Your comment was bedwetters, plural, which implies more than one person. You didn't associate the term to just the person who said they were thinking about not attending the game, you just asked a question about if someone really posted that comment. I also have faith in the medical community for the most part, I just don't much faith in the government.
The Director of the National Institue of Health was making the talk show rounds yesterday. He was asked why no U.S. travel ban to Liberia and ohter W. African nations with Ebola outbreaks. He said something stupid (that you could tell he'd been Susan Rice'd to say) like "it would cause unrest over in Africa". Huh? Better to import Ebola than cause unrest in Aftrica? This administration is crazy stupid!
Yes, I know how inept Dallas County is, everyone knows what a joke any federal agency is, yes, now heavily considering not going to the OU game this weekend!!!!

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