This just keeps getting worse and worse.
I tried exchanged the Totino's Sausage & Pepperonie Pizza for the Jeno's Peperoni Pizza, because like I said, I found the receipt for the Totino's Sausage & Pepperonie pizza, but guess what? Kroger's was out of Jeno's Pepperoni pizza!
Now I don't know if Jeno's Pepperoni pizza is no good or if I just got one made on a Monday or a Friday by a drunk guy. Or a guy who only wanted to get drunk.
I guess it must be that I got a Jeno's Pepperoni pizza that was made on a Monday or Friday, because they sure are selling like hotcakes at Kroger. My guess is that the Jeno's Pepperoni pizza that I bought was made on a Friday because the way the cheese was put on it, it didn't seem like it would have been done by someone who was hungover, but more like it was done by someone in a hurry. As if the worker who made my Jeno's Pepperoni pizza was in a hurry to get drunk and just kinda threw some cheese on it to get it over with.
Wait a minute, actually that sounds more how like a Jeno's worker would put cheese on a Jeno's Pepperoni pizza if he was really hungover more than a guy who was in a hurry to get out and get juiced. I would think that if a Jeno's worker was just watching the clock waiting to go out and get drunk he would most likely throw the right amount of cheese on the pizza but he wouldn't smooth it out good like they're supposed to. You know, kinda like how the meat patty on a McDonalds Hamburger is half off the bun.
I watched them make a pizza at Domino's once and the guy poured a measured amount of cheese on the pizza and then worked it around with the palm of his hand in a circular motion, going round and round in a counter clockwise direction until all the cheese was spread evenly. Or maybe he was going clockwise, I can't remember, but it was very evenly disbursed on that pizza when he was done. The cheese, that is.
The Jeno's Pepperoni pizza that I got was more like someone just grabbed all the cheese they could with two fingers and then threw it in the air and watched it land on the Jeno's Pepperoni pizza. Two fingers and a thumb. I can just see the guy now with his head on his forearm, forearm laid on the table and when my Jeno's Pepperoni pizza comes down on the conveyor belt, he grabs a pinch of cheese and throws it in the general direction of my Jeno's Pepperoni pizza. I'll bet he didn't even look up. That son a of a *****!
I'll go back to Kroger tomorrow to see if they got a new shipment of Jeno's Pepperoni pizzas in. I don't want to try the Jeno's Sausage & Pepperoni pizza, Jeno's Supreme pizza , Jeno's Sausage pizza or Totino's Supreme pizza that I bought to determine which is my favorite until I get this Jeno's Pepperoni pizza thing figured out because until I know if it was a Jeno's Pepperoni pizza made on a Monday or a Friday or if it is that Jeno's Pepperoni pizza is not as good as I remembered, I'm just not going to enjoy the Totino's Sausage & Pepperoni pizza, Jeno's Supreme pizza, Jeno's Sausage pizza or Totino's Supreme pizza.
I mean Jeno's Sausage & Pepperonie, 'cause of course, I don't like Totino's Sausage. I mean, I know I don't like Totino's Sausage pizza 'cause I don't like the sausage, but I also don't like Totino's Sausage & Pepperonie becuase I don't like the sausage. That's on Totino's Sausage and Pepperonie pizza.
You know, actually, I could try the Totino's Supreme pizza becuase that's not even the same brand so it's not very likely the same hungover guy who made my Jeno's Pepperoni pizza, the one that wasn't very good, made the Totino's Supreme Pizza I bought. Unless Totino's has Jeno's make their pizzas under some licensing agreement like foriegn beer makers do. Like with Lowenbrau. That's made here in the good ol' US of A, not in Germany.
Hey maybe I should get some beer to go with my Totino's Pepperoni pizza. I mean Totino's Supreme pizza (I'm still upset about the Jeno's Pepperoni pizza thing). And maybe I'll luck out and Kroger will have gotten another shipment of Jeno's Pepperoni pizzas in!
I wonder what would go better with a Totino's Supreme pizza, Lite Beer from Miller or Bud light? But what if they got a new shipment of Jeno's Pepperoni pizzas in? Then which beer will I get? Becasue I don't think the same beer that would go best with a Totino's Supreme pizza would necessarily go best with a Jeno's Pepperoni pizza. And if they have Jeno's Pepperoni pizzas at Kroger when I go to get my beer, I'm going to go with the Jeno's Pepperoni pizza when I get back so I can find out once and for all what's behind the unsatisfactory Jeno's Peppperoni pizza I had the other night.
Maybe I better call Kroger first so I know what I want to do when the get there.