Exit Polls: Obama Smoking HRC

Perhaps more interesting is that while Clinton still pulls the majority of the 'working class' vote, her campaign is funded by anything but...while Obama, who is stronger with upper-income voters, is funded by far more small donors.

Homeboy squeaks it out in Missouri - which several outlets had stupidly called earlier for Clinton. Mark Penn was already sending out press releases bragging about Missouri and how HRC was outspent there, etc....

Ha ha. Jackass.
Many conservative women will vote for the first female candidate. Even more will vote for her when they realize McCain is staunchly pro-life. And a good many women are surprisingly tolerant of infidelity when it comes to a successful/desirable man.
Which delegates are "important"?

The rest of the map (red and swing states) does not favor her. Obama is getting a lot of mileage in these states because those Dems understand that she is down-ballot poison for them.
No I am not delusional and this is not a sporting event.

The "scoring" is not what it seems.

We will see Hillary get the nomination when this is done.
I think the bottom line is that the playing field has been leveled now. None of the remaining states give Clinton any decided advantage - save possibly Hispanics in Texas, but that could be offset by the concerns about the harm she can do to Texas Democrats down the ballot. Frankly, if Obama's in shooting distance with 4 weeks to go, I'd give him even odds or better here.
It wasn't the huge Obama win I had hoped for, but I'll take it. Clearly Obama's got more momentum and will raise more money. Not many expected him to be in this good of shape right now.

I don't know how the super delegates work exactly, but Obama proved he can at least contend for some states in the South, something Hillary has no chance of doing. Sure, she won NY and CA, but Obama will easily carry those states in the general. Will Hillary win Missouri? Probably not, but Obama could.

In a McCain v. Obama race, you can't simply hand all of the south to McCain, which you can do if Hillary's the nominee.

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