Eagles Requesting Campus Changes

This is a very slippery slope.

Next up ... cotton banned from campus because cotton was the beating heart of the confederate south and the harvesting of cotton was the motivation for much of the slave trade in the US.

Sugar also banned from campus because harvesting sugar cane was the motivation for the slave trade in the Caribbean.
I can see why ending a school song would be controversial and, of course, I think it's a small part of his demand. I definitely think players shouldn't be required to sing it though.

Is that the thing that's the most "sticking" for everyone? What's wrong with the rest of it?

The song is definitely a sticking point. But I also think the contributions to #BLM and the inner cities is too much. I'm sorry but it's my opinion that #BLM has morphed into a Left-wing organization, regardless of how laudable it's core mission may be. It's highly political. And money to the inner cities is just one of those things that's a feel good demand. The government is involved in all of that. What else will someone want. The University does a lot of good already. I don't think that it should be forced to spend money in any way like that. They can help those who are on campus and continue to make a grade A education available for underprivileged kids. I think that's where they should spend that money.
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Evidently it was first performed at a minstrel show that involved blackface.

EDIT: OK, so it seems this was first performed at the Varsity Minstrel Show in 1903. I did not know we had such a thing. Still, I agree with the poster who said the problem is with the shows themselves, not the song. We did a lot of stuff 100 years ago that wouldn't fly today. Times change, but erasing history is a losing move.

Capitulation is never the answer. These agitators will *never* be satisfied. If you give them this, they will move on the next demand.
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Jumping in late. “The Eyes of Texas?”

F-em. If we give in, the program will lose most of the BMDs and most of the fan base. And it should.

Stand strong or lose everything. These are the times, and the decisions, that create leaders and expose the imposters.

If CDC stands strong the school might fire him. If that happens, Herman should resign.

Like I said, this is a time for leadership. We’re getting ready to see if we have any left at our beloved school.
I know they won't care, but if UT caves in in to this BS, I will never set foot on that campus again. 50 years of loving the Burnt Orange will go up in flames.
Ya know, I would be fine with them not singing but not having ‘Horns up’ well not sure I’d like that. Ah heck truth is I don’t like it when I catch it on one of them now. Don’t usually know who it is till I check the number (and often even then) so I sure don’t know their skin color - but honestly they’re all Longhorns to my eyes. I don’t think this will end well but it’s been a good discussion on here.
All of this is beyond disappointing to me on so many levels, but perhaps most of all, I can conceive that any of DKR's players, Fred's players, David's players, Mack's players could have been manipulated by instigators to attack their university. Did any of these kids know anything about Clyde Littlefield or any of the other "accused"?

Beyond that, I don't think any of the previous coaches were so far removed from their teams that there would not have been internal meetings & conversations with the players, coaches, & administration - Mackovic being the exception.

Yes, times and people change, but these demands relate to things over 100 years ago. When I was trying to get out of school, I had to have an upper division elective outside the business school which met TT at 730 AM. The University was implementing a "Block Studies Program", and had a class in the English Department. The organizers were so pissed because of the 50+ signed up, none were black. They had even hired this world renowned professor from Britain.
“Cave” ...... = Lights OUT.....from fan base!

Eagles should be in the Transfer Portal!

Let it me written....Let it be said!
Anyone know how to email CDC and TH?

BTW, let’s see who has any stones and who doesn’t. McConaughey? Clemens? Anyone?
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CDC has not disappointed me so far. I am pretty sure (which means I hope) he knows how fast the money would dry up if he gives in to this.
This thread is heading for the West Mall sooner or later. I am doing my part to move it along.

Seriously? Enough people!

How the HELL would dropping the "Eyes of Texas" as the University alma mater song and from the band play list help with racial injustice in 2020?

It will only appease people that want UT to surrender traditions and be trendy because of the times.
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I just don’t get the response here.

Like these are a good list of things and most of them probably should’ve happened years ago.

You say this is extortion. It’s not. It’s essentially a petition. They want something changed. They’re not asking the Chancellor to wear a funny hat eating Mac and cheese. These are well thought out and topical.

CDC, coaches, and other leadership will meet with these athletes and move forward. I’m sure some things will change. I’m skeptical that everything will. Hell, even ESPN reporting on this had a headline that was “Longhorns push for elimination of ‘The Eyes of Texas’” which is such a minor part of it.

It’s just so odd that so many are up in arms about tradition. I get it. I was a student there and am an Ex. It’s weird to think about. But I’m not going to dismiss these athletes entirely and criticize their character just because it’s uncomfortable. Lean in.
What do Earl, Ricky and Vince think about The Eyes?
Great question. I love Earl but he will cave. Probably already has.

Of the three, Ricky might stand tall. He’ll be crucified but Ricky just might have the courage.

This is a sick moment for our country, the most troubling of my lifetime. These kids are being manipulated but there’s little we can do about it. Did you know that Stern’s role model is Kapernick? Misguided to the extreme.

If we cave, like others have said, screw ‘em. The passion of my life will vaporize in minutes.
Then cave in bro - give in to the mob.

How are they a mob? They’re students at UT who serve as ambassadors based on their participation in athletics. They’re not burning anything down. They’re publicly calling for change.

Equality feels like oppression when you’re accustomed to privilege.
Yes. It’s literally the last point. The ones before it are far more substantial. This is the most emotional though, sure. In the scheme of things, it’s tiny.

So because Hogg had a sordid past, you think his name and likeness should be erased? Is this college or afternoon daycare? Grow a pair.
As per usual, this will take on major implications if a significant number of black football players sign on with Eagles. How many have spoken in support of it?

Do you really think that Herman, CDC and UT are just going to tell these players to stick it and transfer? There's zero percent chance that will happen. They might not get rid of the Eyes of Texas but I'll guarantee you they will make it optional for the players instead of mandatory.

They're at least going to sit and listen to these guys because if they don't, even the black players that aren't 100% with Eagles are going to leave and UT needs them. UT is not about to burn its football program to the ground by alienating 80% of its players.

Again, this comes down to how many of the black players are with Eagles. If 90% of them go public and tell Eagles that he's crazy, then UT probably won't have to make many changes. But I think it's very, very unlikely to play out that way.

My guess is you'll see at least a dozen black players sign on with Eagles on this thing.