Dumb Political Correctness

I can honestly tell you, I don't give two craps about sports right now, I may never care again. I have given my last dime to any sport, sports figure, or institution. They can fleece someone else. Lets see how these kids feel when no one cares about their amazing athletic ability. They can become the strongest/fastest burger flipper in the world.
I think those players are there for the NFL more than they are for political stunts
But we will see
Once this sort of thing starts, it rears its ugly head, and even Saban won't be safe unless he starts praising BLM and others.

So, the less than NFL caliber players at other schools are only getting an education paid for through their athletic efforts. So tragic for them.
I can honestly tell you, I don't give two craps about sports right now, I may never care again. I have given my last dime to any sport, sports figure, or institution. They can fleece someone else. Lets see how these kids feel when no one cares about their amazing athletic ability. They can become the strongest/fastest burger flipper in the world.

I am very close as well. But I hate th idea of letting these people ruin all sports.

My view is that that football, both college and pro, are something of a conservative institution in the US. Not exclusively but predominately. The NFL under Pete Rozelle led the way in the pro game wrapping itself in patriotism and the flag. His goal was to have the NFL replace baseball as the #1 sport and become the new American pastime. The anthem, the flyovers, the flag itself presented by sharp-dressed soldiers pregame was all be design. It worked and the NFL's patriotic angle became part of the story of how football surpassed baseball as #1. And the US Military itself even got on board and became huge sponsors of football telecasts.

Now imagine you were a political operator tasked tasked with the job destroying the conservative voting block in the US. What would you go after? There was faith, of course, which has been under long term assault from the left. But then one of them decided undermining the love of football might also be a good path to achieve their goals. And so football became a target. The side that hates conservatives and hates Republicans having political power set out to fracture that support. It's working, look at you as just one example.

For the record, I dont think this was Kaerpenick's goal. He is not that smart, plus he had he own personal demons he was working through when he first squatted on the flag. Same for our own players now. But you can bet there were others who saw the opportunity and encouraged them along the way. This is the "useful idiot" theory. There are some big time political players behind the scenes here taking advantage. Abandoning sports is letting these turds win.
It all started with prayer in school. Now this.

Lets not forget when parents stopped disciplining their kids.
That lead to Dennis the Menace
Which lead to Dennis the Activist
Which lead to Dennis the Terrorist

Parents stopped praying, and they stopped disciplining their kids, they left it to the schools to raise their kids and this is the results. These kids have no moral compass and no compassion. They are desolate.
Some examples - all this over an OAN t-shirt

What a self-righteous *****. "Insensitive?" He's a football coach. He's supposed to be like sargeant in Full Metal Jacket. He's not supposed to be sensitive. And he didn't even say anything insensitive. He wore a friggin t-shirt for a media outlet that this jackass weenie doesn't like. And he should be fired for that??

I'll make a deal. I'd agree to fire this coach if every faculty member who praises Karl Marx, Chairman Mao, Che Guevara, or Fidel Castro also gets fired for being insensitive to hundreds of millions of lives those guys have cost.
It all started with prayer in school. Now this.
Lets not forget when parents stopped disciplining their kids.
That lead to Dennis the Menace
Which lead to Dennis the Activist
Which lead to Dennis the Terrorist
Parents stopped praying, and they stopped disciplining their kids, they left it to the schools to raise their kids and this is the results. These kids have no moral compass and no compassion. They are desolate.

Meanwhile China and Russia are laughing their asses off as the American Left does their work for them

Honestly, I'm surprised nobody came for them earlier. As much as I don't like this, it's going to keep happening until the people who think it's stupid become as motivated as the woke. They'll boycott over goofy stuff like this. Most of us won't if the company caves.
Does anybody watch ESPN anymore? That Alabama homer is the worst.

I ask people, if it weren't for hotel bars/restaurants and bars, in general, would ESPN be on very many TVs any given day? I absolutely never tune in to ESPN unless Texas is playing or maybe during one of the major golf tournaments that they have covered for some inexplicable reason.

Have not watched Gameday in years.

Interesting. Like when Aggies or Sooners have to buy a Texas shirt or whatever to get the upside down Horns, this woman purportedly must have bought that box of Aunt Jemima mix to do this video.

I can honestly and with 100% assurance say that growing up I never once looked at Aunt Jemima as a denigration of black people. I figured this nice looking black woman, Aunt Jemima, was a good cook. That's it. I was so racist not to know it was a bad thing, I guess.
I can honestly and with 100% assurance say that growing up I never once looked at Aunt Jemima as a denigration of black people. I figured this nice looking black woman, Aunt Jemima, was a good cook. That's it. I was so racist not to know it was a bad thing, I guess.

I never thought it was negative either and think this sort of thing is stupid to no end. However I do understand it. She represents the subservient black woman cooking in the kitchen presumably for a bunch of white people. The woke don't want that portrayed positively. In fact, black women who are friendly to white people are often pejoratively called "Aunt Jemima" - like Uncle Tom.

It's also worth noting that the "nice looking" one that sorta looks like a black June Cleaver was actually created to appease the politically correct. The original (from the '50s and before) was based on a real person and looked less attractive at least by conventional standards. In other words, she looked more like a real cook.
It's also worth noting that the "nice looking" one that sorta looks like a black June Cleaver was actually created to appease the politically correct. The original (from the '50s and before) was based on a real person and looked less attractive at least by conventional standards. In other words, she looked more like a real cook.
Contraire. Look at the painting of her. I agree the 50’s version is more stylized, but not nicer looking:

Contraire. Look at the painting of her. I agree the 50’s version is more stylized, but not nicer looking:

Interesting. I also just looked her up and discovered that racist Aunt Jemima pancakes were introduced at the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893 in....Chicago. Chicago, of course, being the epicenter of racism in the midwest. [sarc]
Contraire. Look at the painting of her. I agree the 50’s version is more stylized, but not nicer looking:

I've never understood how shitting on a deceased black person's legacy promotes racial justice or the interests of black people. Of course, a big reason for it is that she's a testament to her own greatness and greatness of America. I what other country could someone literally born into slavery accomplish so much?
I've never understood how shitting on a deceased black person's legacy promotes racial justice or the interests of black people. Of course, a big reason for it is that she's a testament to her own greatness and greatness of America. I what other country could someone literally born into slavery accomplish so much?
They will just say what you did, that she was the quintessential "Aunt Jemima" tool of the rich white people.

Edit: You didn't say that. I mean, that you said they use the term "Aunt Jemima" like they do Uncle Tom.
I've never understood how shitting on a deceased black person's legacy promotes racial justice or the interests of black people. Of course, a big reason for it is that she's a testament to her own greatness and greatness of America. I what other country could someone literally born into slavery accomplish so much?

The Dow slid lower on news that Aunt Jemima is going to write a book

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