Dumb Political Correctness

I’ll leave this here.

Did you realize there is acupuncture for that now?
Today's cancel culture target says alot of the left without mentioning them
The film is Aladdin, which was released in 2019

"This film has outdated attitudes, language and cultural depictions which may cause offence today."


That was fast. Probably best to put the outdated warning on all films at the time of release to be safe.
If you like history, this is a great story about when de Gaulle refused to kneel

" .... Despite these obstacles, de Gaulle never doubted the unique legitimacy he acquired as the first French leader to insist publicly that there were alternatives—far more honorable alternatives—to an armistice with Nazi Germany. For the rest of his life, de Gaulle would invoke this legitimacy during crises. Whether it involved replacing the tottering Fourth Republic in 1958, or refusing to buckle before radical Marxists trying to plunge France into chaos in May 1968, no-one could forget that de Gaulle had been the first to say “no” to dishonor and “yes” to resistance. When de Gaulle gave his dramatic televised address of April 23, 1961, as he faced down army officers attempting a putsch to preserve France’s sovereignty over Algeria, he wore his general’s uniform for a reason. It was all about conjuring up the unique status which June 18 had conferred upon him: something possessed by no-one else.

In many ways, Charles de Gaulle was a notoriously difficult man. While remarkably prescient about the future, de Gaulle also badly misread some situations throughout his public career. His treatment of others, including close collaborators, sometimes verged on the brutal. But on June 18, 1940, de Gaulle did something spectacular. In the face of prodigious odds and at enormous personal risk, he chose to defend the honor of his country. For that alone, France and the free world will always be in his debt."

When Charles de Gaulle Crossed the Rubicon - Law & Liberty
Amazes me how left-wing terrorists are allowed to do anything they want to do in this country.

Who's going to stop them? The local officials in these big cities obviously don't give a crap, so they tell the police not to do anything. At some point, people on the Right need to start organizing armed crews to protect statues and public property. We used to make fun of the militia freaks and weirdos back in the '90s. We need those guys now.
At least Texans will step up to protect the Alamo.
We know though that there will sooner or later be someone shot. If it is a protestor the media will go wild
At least Texans will step up to protect the Alamo.
We know though that there will sooner or later be someone shot. If it is a protestor the media will go wild

Protecting the Alamo is great, but it's woefully inadequate. Furthermore, I don't think the City of San Antonio would let people mess up the Alamo. We need people showing up in Chicago, New York City, Minneapolis, etc. and doing it. And yes, people will get shot, and the media will go wild. That's why we need to fund a legal defense to people who do this. Furthermore, there needs to be 24/7 video taken.

Yeah, let's not honor Christopher Columbus. He didn't do anything. Let's honor Guy Fieri instead. Doing something that was comparable to going to Mars is nothing to cheer. Being an annoying tool with a crappy food show - now that's something to be proud of.
Unfortunately I already boycotted Papa John’s, Poshmark, Angie’s List and the office furniture brand Vari (whatever that is). Who the hell eats Papa John’s still? You can buy better frozen pizza at the grocery store.
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Can cancel culture reach out and tap Jimmy Kimmel?
If he were a Republican, it would
But if he were a Republican, he would never have a show
Here, he uses the n-word 6 times
Can cancel culture reach out and tap Jimmy Kimmel?
If he were a Republican, it would
But if he were a Republican, he would never have a show
Here, he uses the n-word 6 times

He's a POS.

Hard to believe that is considered music and not offensive and keeping the black community down.

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