Dumb Political Correctness

She did admit Alito and Thomas would not have voted with her.
Wow how sick have we become that even some Supremes are willing to sit by while a soon to be dickless dude gets a state to pay for transgender surgery.
Next will be implants and cosmetic surgery
But in the meantime the sick dude gets his free surgery right?
Given that the website shows a sentence satisfaction date of next year, I bet they stall for a while and then once he has been released, they will take their chances on contempt or potential damages.

But, we ALSO see yet again that it is a dude in prison for a sexual offense who decided AFTER getting to prison that they were the flavor of the day as far as SJW's are concerned...yet people won't take enough time to ask WHY so many male claiming womanhood are rapists and woman beaters.
As Orwell rolls over in his grave ..... three girls are suing to prevent boys from competing in girl's sports, but the judge presiding over the case has demanded that the lawyer for the girls refer to those biological males as "female," because it's more "consistent with science."

US Dept of Education rules for girls with vaginas over girls with pene
Creates a conflict with a Conn state law that says boys can be girls if they want to be
US: Transgender sports inclusion violates others' rights | Boston.com

I love this legal issue and cant wait for them to start taking college schollies away
So is transgender law going to be held at bay a bit then? Biology has been interjected into the legal system over Cultural Marxism. Can momentum be maintained?
Here is the deal regarding new wave feminism, genderology or what have you that the moronic don’t understand: these issues are pushed by the elites to get votes and to silence opponents. No one at the top actually believes this BS (on the contrary, they live their lives like country club republicans). When the woke actually try to implement the BS, it backfires. I can’t believe people are too stupid to not see the game, and that if implemented, it is harmful to practically everyone involved. Then again, the sheep believed the Russian collusion BS. In short, these are beliefs to be put forward for political purposes, not life beliefs to be adopted.
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Remember the Florida lawyer (Daniel Uhlfelder) who dressed up as the Grim Reaper and stalked the Florida beaches as death personified because the threat was so grave?
Check him out now


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And yet you all will still go to the games, still donate money, still watch them on TV, still buy their merchandise, etc. It's just a damn game, folks. If you have the extra money, give it to something or somebody who is more worthy and doesn't crap on your beliefs.

Will the state legislature weigh in?
Will the state legislature weigh in?

I'm sure that individual state legislators have commented on the race and cop issues. Will the the legislature ever weigh in on UT's goofy policies and nutty leftism? Hell no. They are gutless turds when it comes to UT. Sadly, Democrats have probably been better at putting accountability on UT - not on their nutty politics but at least on tuition. Most Republicans (certainly among Republican leaders - speakers, committee chairs, etc.) have always had UT's balls firmly and deeply entrenched in their mouths.
Cancel Culture's next target is a little kids animated cartoon called ‘Paw Patrol’ on Nicklelodeon
Can you guess why?
because it has characters who are “good cops”
The Protests Come for ‘Paw Patrol’

The Cancel Culture people are also trying to get Tucker Carlson kicked off the air
Which was only a matter of time I guess

These people spend alot of time calling anyone who disagrees with them on any topic Nazis and Fascists
But if you look at actual behavior, they are the ones who behave like the Brownshirts
They physically assault
They take and destroy property
They burn books
They constantly attempt to shut down dissent and silence other people
They get speakers banned, get people fired, cancel shows - it is the modern equivalent of making people they do not like wear a star of david.
They will be loading us into railroad cars soon enough
An interesting article exploring the "successor ideology" to liberalism and how we saw it in action with the shitcanning of New York Times Editor James Bennett. It's time to stop calling it liberalism. There's nothing liberal about it.
If they are successful stopping The Eyes, I will be totally done with all things UT.

It's stupid to drop The Eyes, but there are bigger reasons to be done with them. You're basically dumping money into Saul Alinsky radicalism and woke idiocy whether they keep The Eyes or not. They're already getting your tax dollars (through federal money since you live in TN). They don't need your donations or business. F'-em.

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