Dumb Political Correctness

What do you think would happen if this were reversed?
Say, for example, David Spade as Nelson Mandela?

We should use our position at the UN, NATO, and elsewhere in international relations, to browbeat the uncivilized world into accepting that the freedom of speech is a fundamental human right.
We should use our position at the UN, NATO, and elsewhere in international relations, to browbeat the uncivilized world into accepting that the freedom of speech is a fundamental human right.

Unfortunately we can't even agree on that among ourselves.
You know your ideology is weak when you have to forbid contrary opinions from being expressed.

Political correctness oozes out of this very concept.
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Who would have ever thought?
A British male with some cajones
This woman seems shocked that hating men has consequence
Long live Laurence Fox
He didn't really say he wouldn't date a feminist woman. He said he wouldn't date a woke woman. You can be both, but I think it's possible to be feminist but not woke.

For example, mb227 seems somewhat feminist but might be the least woke person alive.
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I lived in SoCal for a few years and that is the first new word they added to my vocabulary. And it had to be done, was not optional. Not for a guy anyway. And I then wore the heck out of it. Was fun -- as you can say it about 100 different ways.
I lived in SoCal for a few years and that is the first new word they added to my vocabulary. And it had to be done, was not optional. Not for a guy anyway. And I then used wore the heck out of it. Was fun. And you can say it about 100 different ways.
Right on Dude!

it’s like Chinese or something where your tone, pitch, context, and non-verbals make the same word mean many different things.
I lived in SoCal for a few years and that is the first new word they added to my vocabulary. And it had to be done, was not optional. Not for a guy anyway. And I then wore the heck out of it. Was fun -- as you can say it about 100 different ways.

I added "Dude", "Dudes" and sometimes "Doooooood", to my conversational vocabulary several years ago. People found it funny an "older guy" like me that doesn't normally use that term, would occassionally say it in a general conversation.
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