Dumb Political Correctness

Of all the amusing things came out of the big Virginia rally in support of the 2nd Amendment, this one is probably best. A "reporter" for NBC/MSNBC tweeted about some weird alien chant coming from the crowd.
But guess what he heard?
it was the Pledge of Allegiance
Apparently dude had never heard it or participated in it

Ok, Ok. Here's the new lineup for the faculty of the Dept of Sociology:

You forgot AOC --

"To be ethical, if you're a Billionaire today, the thing that you need to do is give up up control and power. So I don't want your money as much as we want your power."

You forgot AOC --

"To be ethical, if you're a Billionaire today, the thing that you need to do is give up up control and power. So I don't want your money as much as we want your power."

What does this mean when Bloomberg, Soros, and Steyer are in your pocket? Communism is nothing but envy and resentment.
What does this mean when Bloomberg, Soros, and Steyer are in your pocket? Communism is nothing but envy and resentment.

It means she wants to take all your stuff and then send you to the gulag so she never has to see you or hear from you again. Or, maybe even go the-full-Greta and line you up against a wall
This was one of my dad's 'signals' for when he was 'ill.'

"I've got a bad case of the Leon Trotskys"
Modern/post-modern hard core leftists like to push this idea that Stalin was bad, but Trotsky was good. If only Trotsky has won out instead of Stalin then the Soviet Union would have blossomed into a utopia on Earth. Remind them of the Ukrainian genocide where around 5 million innocents were starved. Trotsky was the architect of that episode. When Trotsky was the Commissar of War, he wasn’t exactly the paragon of virtue and human rights either.

It’s part of a broader insidious concept that communism would work if we could just get the right people running the show.

Oh yeah, Trotsky was very, very politically correct. Although the “Me Too” movement would have put him in a gulag.
Modern/post-modern hard core leftists like to push this idea that Stalin was bad, but Trotsky was good. If only Trotsky has won out instead of Stalin then the Soviet Union would have blossomed into a utopia on Earth. Remind them of the Ukrainian genocide where around 5 million innocents were starved. Trotsky was the architect of that episode. When Trotsky was the Commissar of War, he wasn’t exactly the paragon of virtue and human rights either.
It’s part of a broader insidious concept that communism would work if we could just get the right people running the show.
Oh yeah, Trotsky was very, very politically correct. Although the “Me Too” movement would have put him in a gulag.

Gulags making a comeback
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Ha! Revisionist historians are now saying the gulags weren't so bad! Some people work in Alaska after all. And I bet Castro's forced re-education and labor camps in the sugarcane fields were really just educational summer camps in the country. Likewise, Dear Leader Kim has graciously established special schools to re-educate misguided dissenters free of charge. Free room and board (well, free room anyway...) Heck, that's downright inspirational to the free college for all movement.

Think of such camps as summer school or remedial classes. The ideology is correct. Some folks are just behind the learning curve and need a little extra help to catch up and "get it." It's like the successfully indoctrinated woke up from sleepwalking through life. We could call the indoctrinated "awoken" or just "woke" for short.
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Ha! Revisionist historians are now saying the gulags weren't so bad! Some people work in Alaska after all. And I bet Castro's forced re-education and labor camps in the sugarcane fields were really just educational summer camps in the country. Likewise, Dear Leader Kim has graciously established special schools to re-educate misguided dissenters free of charge. Free room and board (well, free room anyway...) Heck, that's downright inspirational to the free college for all movement.

Heard at Bernie rally:
Also, Pol Pot's rice fields weren't so bad either. I mean someone has to grow the food.

Heard at Cambodian rice field in 1975:
Hey you. Don't look over to the left. Hey! Don't look over there! Okay. You looked, but don't worry. That pit full of dead bodies is that evil capitalists, no big deal, they are most useful as fertilizer.
There have already been people released that have committed more crimes.
• Burglary in the second degree (residential burglary)
• Burglary in the third degree
• Robbery in the second degree (aided by another person)
• Robbery in the third degree
• Manslaughter in the second degree
• Criminally negligent homicide
• Aggravated vehicular homicide
• Vehicular manslaughter in the first and second degrees
• Assault in the third degree
• Aggravated vehicular assault
• Aggravated assault upon a person less than eleven years old
• Vehicular assault in the first and second degrees
• Criminal possession of a weapon on school grounds
• Criminal possession of a firearm
• Criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree
• Criminal sale of a firearm to a minor
• Criminal possession of a controlled substance in the first and second degrees
• Criminal sale of a controlled substance in the first and second degrees
• Criminal sale of a controlled substance in or near school grounds
• Use of a child to commit a controlled substance offense
• Criminal sale of a controlled substance to a child
• Patronizing a person for prostitution in a school zone
• Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child
• Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child
• Promoting a sexual performance by a child
• Failure to register as a sex offender
• Bribery in the first degree
• Bribe giving for public office
• Bribe receiving in the first degree
• Arson in the third and fourth degrees
• Grand larceny in the first, second, third, and fourth degrees
• Aggravated cruelty to animals
• Overdriving, torturing and injuring animals
• Failure to provide proper sustenance to animals
• Animal fighting
• Unlawful imprisonment in the first degree
• Coercion in the first degree
• Criminal solicitation in the first degree
• Criminal facilitation in the first degree
• Money laundering in support of terrorism in the third and fourth degrees
• Making a terroristic threat
• Obstructing governmental administration in the first and second degree
• Obstructing governmental administration by means of a self-defense spray device
• Promoting prison contraband in the first and second degrees
• Resisting arrest
• Hindering prosecution
• Tampering with a juror
• Tampering with physical evidence
• Aggravated harassment in the first degree
• Directing a laser at an aircraft in the first degree
• Enterprise corruption
• Money laundering in the first degree

Some make sense.Others scary
Heard at Bernie rally:
Also, Pol Pot's rice fields weren't so bad either. I mean someone has to grow the food.

Heard at Cambodian rice field in 1975:
Hey you. Don't look over to the left. Hey! Don't look over there! Okay. You looked, but don't worry. That pit full of dead bodies is that evil capitalists, no big deal, they are most useful as fertilizer.
Pol Pot's Communist solution to the degenerating big city -- force city dwellers to move to (collective) farms. How hard could farming be? What could go wrong? Surely city-dwelling clerks and bus drivers could learn to farm. Food production shouldn't go down. Food production might even increase--with proper red supervision and encouragement to ensure they're working hard enough.

The Khmer Reds ("Rogue"): How about the U.S. hippies motto "don't trust anyone over 30?" Well, they got that right, they just didn't go far enough with what to do with the over-30 crowd. If we're going to create a new society, we'll need to wipe out the reactionary traditional culture--just ask Chairman Mao. The over-30 crowd is holding us back. We'd be better off without them. Hey Boomer! It would also be a good way to solve the pension crisis... There's been some pretty cool sci-fi made about just this sort of topic.
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Other than the year 2017, the number of movie tickets sold in the US this year is the lowest since 1995. U.S. Movie Ticket Sales Dip Nearly 5% In 2019, Reflecting Competition – Deadline

How much of this do we think is due to digitization and how much is due to their political sanctimony? It cant all be just shyte movies, right?
Curious how much of it is losing the ability to just walk up and buy tickets so you can go to the seat of your choosing. So many theaters now require you to have purchased a reserved seat online. That isn't how I theater...
Other than the year 2017, the number of movie tickets sold in the US this year is the lowest since 1995. U.S. Movie Ticket Sales Dip Nearly 5% In 2019, Reflecting Competition – Deadline

How much of this do we think is due to digitization and how much is due to their political sanctimony? It cant all be just shyte movies, right?
It's not due to bad movies, not this year anyway. Three outstanding films from the past year: Joker, The Irishman, The Lighthouse (really weird but outstanding nonetheless). Any one of those three would likely win Best Picture in a typical year. Another very good film from the past year: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. There were other good and very good movies from the past year as well. Something else is going on.

I can't remember a better overall year for films than 2019. IMHO, 2019 was easily the best year for film in ages.

Possible factors: as mb227 mentioned - requiring people to pre-buy tickets, high ticket costs, high concession costs, only having to wait several months to see it at home on your own big screen tv, plenty of filthy and even thuggish movie theaters, health food consciousness, a shift to a more atomistic/less social society, lack of time, etc. Oh yeah, the catch all for societal ills: Millennials!
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I... can't remember a better overall year for films than 2019. IMHO, 2019 was easily the best year for film in ages...

I liked 1999, but I guess that qualifies as "ages" ago -- The Sixth Sense, The Matrix, Fight Club, American Beauty, Three Kings, Being John Malkovich, The Green Mile, American Pie, Blair Witch Project, The Thin Red Line, A Bug's Life, Enemy of the State, Office Space, Magnolia, Election, Eyes Wide Shut, Austin Powers II, Toy Story II, Analyze This, The Thomas Crown Affair, Life Is Beautiful, The Waterboy, You've Got Mail, Waking Ned Devine, Rushmore, Run Lola Run, Cider House Rules, For Love of the Game, A Simple Plan

Now its all pretty much stupid shyte aimed at "the international audience"
I liked 1999, but I guess that qualifies as "ages" ago -- The Sixth Sense, The Matrix, Fight Club, American Beauty, Three Kings, Being John Malkovich, The Green Mile, American Pie, Blair Witch Project, The Thin Red Line, A Bug's Life, Enemy of the State, Office Space, Magnolia, Election, Eyes Wide Shut, Austin Powers II, Toy Story II, Analyze This, The Thomas Crown Affair, Life Is Beautiful, The Waterboy, You've Got Mail, Waking Ned Devine, Rushmore, Run Lola Run, Cider House Rules, For Love of the Game, A Simple Plan

Now its all pretty much stupid shyte aimed at "the international audience"

I agree with most of these. However, other than the nudity, what was the upside to seeing Eyes Wide Shut? It was an absurd plot, and of course, Tom Cruise was his usual mediocre self.
I agree with most of these. However, other than the nudity, what was the upside to seeing Eyes Wide Shut? It was an absurd plot, and of course, Tom Cruise was his usual mediocre self.

I will just concede that one and not argue. Other people i know liked it

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