Dumb Political Correctness

Navarro's tweet shows how unhinged the Never-Trumpers are. She is a damn Republican. Here Trump is accomplishing the things they have been *saying* they want for their entire political career, and they crap on it it. Just goes to show the deep state has members from both sides and the GOP side has been lying to us all these years about what they want and what they are for just to get our votes and money.
Navarro's tweet shows how unhinged the Never-Trumpers are. She is a damn Republican. Here Trump is accomplishing the things they have been *saying* they want for their entire political career, and they crap on it it. Just goes to show the deep state has members from both sides and the GOP side has been lying to us all these years about what they want and what they are for just to get our votes and money.

This is what I was trying to explain to SH. I only vote republican because their ideology is what has made America so great. They believe in capitalism and the Dems have been headed toward socialism for as long as I’ve been alive. I told SH that we (the American people) should be on the same team and it’s our government with both establishments that’s the problem. But he’s too far ingrained into that side to see it. Trump has always put America first even if he does at times have bad rhetoric. But someone had to stand up to both establishments and their media. The American people are seeing it and we welcome all races to help vote these good ole boys with the charmed life out of office.

This was one of my dad's 'signals' for when he was 'ill.'

"I've got a bad case of the Leon Trotskys"
Dear Lord why do haters always get so ugly?
I realize this is an elderly woman but she gets in these people's faces and they just look at her like she is deranged< sarc. She screeches about her brother being Hillary's lawyer and her niece babysitting Chelsea. wth? Her family needs to get her help
Reminded me of the fake Vet in that young kid's face
Dear Lord why do haters always get so ugly?
I realize this is an elderly woman but she gets in these people's faces and they just look at her like she is deranged< sarc. She screeches about her brother being Hillary's lawyer and her niece babysitting Chelsea. wth? Her family needs to get her help
Reminded me of the fake Vet in that young kid's face

Looks like the Dems have a lock on people who have been broken. Do we really want these people having a say in designing policy?
Political correctness is when you are more worried about letting men piss in women's restrooms than when a male celebrity murders a woman.

It is sad to see people having to quit in order to bring this nonsense to light, but maybe this sort of thing will finally persuade the mainstream just how insipid the left has become...

And this trend of casting people for roles that clearly don't match them because of politics is a bit idiotic. I thought the same thing about the Hamilton play. I'm not saying that a Puerto Rican guy can't play Hamilton or that a black dude can't play Thomas Jefferson. They can, but they should earn that on merit. The role shouldn't be rigged to force it. Furthermore, if a theater professor wants a real chick to play Juliet, that should be totally uncontroversial.

And what if we did the reverse? Suppose a white guy was cast to play MLK or Malcolm X (especially if he did so at the exclusion of black men). People would crap in their pants.
Dear Lord why do haters always get so ugly?
I realize this is an elderly woman but she gets in these people's faces and they just look at her like she is deranged< sarc. She screeches about her brother being Hillary's lawyer and her niece babysitting Chelsea. wth? Her family needs to get her help
Reminded me of the fake Vet in that young kid's face

I love this 'Gays Love Trump' pride parade group
I cant help but imagine the possibilities for a Broadway Musical by that name
What an individual does with their own money is not my business. Chick-fil-A is privately owned. Period. I don't have to agree with their politics to enjoy their spicy chicken sandwich...
Dear Lord why do haters always get so ugly?
I realize this is an elderly woman but she gets in these people's faces and they just look at her like she is deranged< sarc. She screeches about her brother being Hillary's lawyer and her niece babysitting Chelsea. wth? Her family needs to get her help
Reminded me of the fake Vet in that young kid's face

Am I the only one that had visions of the SouthPark version of Mickey Mouse listening to that screeching?
Ouch - a jury gave a plaintiff $58 Million ($8.25M in compensatories + an additional $50M in punitives) in a #MeToo case in Los Angeles County.


"... in 2014 David thrust his pelvis into her face and simulated oral sex"

It sounds like the billionaire defendant may have represented himself, as he was sanctioned for yelling and cussing at the other side. Maybe the judge will knock that down some and/or maybe an appellate court will too, but still. This was the third judgment against the same guy for the same type of behavior.

All that said, I am guessing most people would be willing to let him do that to them for 1/2 that money, or 1/10th of that money, maybe 1/100th of that money.

Alki David Hit With Over $58M in Damages in Sexual Harassment Case
Here is Milton Friedman debating with a student on "The Value of a Human Life." I was alive during this period and admit I miss this type of civil debate in public. But liberals/progressives/antifa have made this sort of thing impossible. They wont even let a person who disagrees with them speak at all anymore.

Here is Milton Friedman debating with a student on "The Value of a Human Life." I was alive during this period and admit I miss this type of civil debate in public. But liberals/progressives/antifa have made this sort of thing impossible. They wont even let a person who disagrees with them speak at all anymore.

It was a different time on college campuses. They were dominated by liberal progressives rather than authoritarian socialists. They invited free thought and free inquiry, because there was a real pursuit of truth and intellect. That is far less true today. If you invite a conservative scholar to speak on campus, you take a risk that he'll convince people to accept his view and reject yours. Avoiding that is more important than discovering truth.
It was a different time on college campuses. They were dominated by liberal progressives rather than authoritarian socialists. They invited free thought and free inquiry, because there was a real pursuit of truth and intellect. That is far less true today. If you invite a conservative scholar to speak on campus, you take a risk that he'll convince people to accept his view and reject yours. Avoiding that is more important than discovering truth.

I liken the authoritarian socialists (and thank you for coining that phrase) to religious fanatics who are triggered by blasphemy as they define it. It's as if faith cannot resist questions. If God is there, then it doesn't matter if you're the only believer on the planet. You're good. You know?
I liken the authoritarian socialists (and thank you for coining that phrase) to religious fanatics who are triggered by blasphemy as they define it. It's as if faith cannot resist questions. If God is there, then it doesn't matter if you're the only believer on the planet. You're good. You know?

Honestly, I find it much easier to trigger the modern woke than even the most devoutly religious. I guess the Muslims who will go murder people if they see a cartoon they don't like are worse, but I don't know any Christians or Jews who are as easy to offend.

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