Dumb Political Correctness

Every TV show now has to have every racial, gender, and sexual preference represented in its' cast. Except it can leave out white males and going all minority is also acceptable.
I had zero interest in this show until I read this
Didney with something non-woke?
Maybe its worth a look?

She is an idiot. When the Mandalorian received his partial payment for the bounty he accepted, which was Beskar metal from his home planet, he took it to some chick who had a conversation with him. She ended up being a blacksmith and forged armour for his shoulder.
Every TV show now has to have every racial, gender, and sexual preference represented in its' cast. Except it can leave out white males and going all minority is also acceptable.

Moneyball suggests there are market inefficiencies that exist for profitable counterprogramming
There is an opportunity in the TV market to air non-woke shows

I agree. Lots of people aren't buying into this crap. Not too many people will openly talk about it. They don't want to be labeled by the Left, but it's a low rumbling that will hopefully build to a crescendo.
For you Deez:

to be fair, I believe taking the new drugs makes HIV non-transmitttable.

Well, if you can shame straight guys for not wanting to date trans-"women," why not shame gay men for not wanting to date HIV-positive guys?

In all seriousness, these "date-shaming" trends are really stupid. People reject other people for all kinds of reasons. Women and men get rejected for being too nerdy, too dumb, too skinny, too fat, too ugly, having a big nose, having a pig nose, wearing dorky clothes, not making enough money, being too boring, being too loud, too quiet, etc. If those are OK reasons to reject someone, then why wouldn't having HIV or a big swinging cock also be OK?
If this guy's idea were implemented, every film he has ever made would be destroyed and/or banished forever

It's hard to work through his mental process here --
(a) Is it that he's already made his money on the frontend so he simply does not care any longer about his life's work?, or
(b) Now that he is "woke," is he ashamed/embarrassed by that workproduct and even he thinks he should be censored?, or
(c) Does he think, like most elite Dems in the US do, that these rules, if implemented, simply will not apply to him?, or
(d) Maybe he is just crazy, like so many other "tortured artists" before him?

I'm curious about this judge. Is he changing his ruling because of public sentiment? Did the lawyers for Covington forget to say "please" the first time?
Had to do with what is in dispute. I understand the matter going forward has to do whether Sandman has a right to stand his ground. And if so, the media misrepresented Sandman in their coverage. I see it as a move to something less opinion-based criticism to a more fact based situation.
I had zero interest in this show until I read this
Didney with something non-woke?
Maybe its worth a look?
It's by far the best Star Wars related media that Disney has made so far. Probably because Favreau didn't let Disney's PC culture influence the series.
I'm curious about this judge. Is he changing his ruling because of public sentiment? Did the lawyers for Covington forget to say "please" the first time?

He dismissed the case as it was originally pled in Sandmann's complaint, but he permitted Sandmann to amend his complaint. The amended complaint presented a case that, if supported by the evidence, could legally support a jury verdict in Sandmann's favor. Accordingly, he let it proceed.
He dismissed the case as it was originally pled in Sandmann's complaint, but he permitted Sandmann to amend his complaint. The amended complaint presented a case that, if supported by the evidence, could legally support a jury verdict in Sandmann's favor. Accordingly, he let it proceed.

He allowed it to go to discovery. Which may produce some interesting results. Also, the lead plaintiff counsel has had success against the media in the past.
I heard the University’s Dept of Sociology is now taking steps to ensure intellectual diversity. They’re hiring a Maoist and a Trotskyite so the faculty isn’t 100% Stalinist.
Wow is Anna Navarro completely nuts?
"On Monday, CNN host and #NeverTrump “Republican” Ana Navarro ripped into black Americans who support President Donald Trump in a nasty tweet many deemed racist.
“Zero chance this is accurate. Zero,” she wrote. “The poll must have only been conducted in the homes of Ben Carson, Kanye, that sheriff guy with the hat and those two Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex ladies.”( this is a disgusting reference to Diamonds and Silk)

Ms. Navarro was apparently speaking of the duo known as “Diamond and Silk” with her “Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex” jab.
CNN’s Ana Navarro Blasted As Racist Over Black Trump Supporter Tweet

Polls continue to show support increasing for Trump ( results don't lie) even as Dems try to pretend Trump is racist.
The real people know the reality.

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