Dumb Political Correctness

So how will they be able to continue to shock, and get bring attention to themselves?

I think they're already past that point. Lyrics don't shock anymore - at least not for being lewd. I think they just try to act and look outrageous for attention. They wear a dresses made of meat. Maybe instead of just talking about having her *** eaten, Cardi B will have a video actually showing her having her *** eaten. That's how Kim Kardashian got famous.

In addition to the above, Henzel was buds with the Schiff
His laptop should be seized forthwith
Mindy Kaling opened up about her struggle as the only woman and person of color on The Office writing staff

Look at this. BIG NEWS. Stop everything. Mindy Kaling is now trying to make herself a victim. These people are pathological. I mean, cry me a freakin' river. Every artist thinks their work should be accepted. Ask George Harrison (RIP) of The Beatles. Ask members of Genesis when Peter Gabriel was in the band. You were given much glory and still she whines. All this woman of color stuff she is waving around is OCD gone rampant. She is attempting to glorify victimhood where none exists.

Just STFU.

EDIT: I have to think civil rights icons who are no longer with us would vomit at the standard for complaining these days.
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Didney now giving pre-woke period warnings

So then, it must be just a matter of time before Disney releases Song of the South (with this sort of disclaimer of course). Supposedly that was one of Walt Disney's all-time favorites that his company ever made. I'd like to see what all the hooplah is about on that one.
Making the impossible possible

First, "vegan man" is an oxymoron.

Second, this is a thing for vegans. The liberal White House intern I dated in the late '90s and early 2000s was a vegan. She told me that if we got married, she wouldn't even share dishes with me even if they were washed first. They're weird about that.

Interestingly, I asked her how she eats at restaurants where they undoubtedly don't have special "vegan dishes and silverware," and she didn't know what to say. I pretty much laughed at that point.
Interestingly, I asked her how she eats at restaurants where they undoubtedly don't have special "vegan dishes and silverware," and she didn't know what to say. I pretty much laughed at that point.

When dealing with a vegan, I usually check to see if they have leather shoes on.
When dealing with a vegan, I usually check to see if they have leather shoes on.

In all fairness, she at least did think to buy "pleather." I can understand if someone wants to be a vegan. I think it's dumb, but I get it. However, the dish thing was stupid. If I presented a dish to her that had been washed with boiling water and soap and then put a salad on it, she'd refuse to eat it. However, she'd happily put her tongue in my mouth minutes after I ate a bacon-wrapped filet mignon. I didn't mind that, but it made no sense at all.
In all fairness, she at least did think to buy "pleather." I can understand if someone wants to be a vegan. I think it's dumb, but I get it. However, the dish thing was stupid. If I presented a dish to her that had been washed with boiling water and soap and then put a salad on it, she'd refuse to eat it. However, she'd happily put her tongue in my mouth minutes after I ate a bacon-wrapped filet mignon. I didn't mind that, but it made no sense at all.
I don’t understand why vegetarians don’t eat eggs. Less alive than plants.
I don’t understand why vegetarians don’t eat eggs. Less alive than plants.

I asked that question too. It's about animal rights. The egg industry isn't very friendly to the chickens. Specifically, when male chickens (which have no value) hatch, they are killed. It happens by the many millions every year.

And frankly, it sucks. However, I don't know what the alternative is. When you're in the business of making eggs, you're also going to be in the business of breeding chickens who will lay eggs. And when you're doing that, sometimes you're going to get male chickens - far more than you need for breeding. These chickens have no commercial value, and I don't see what else can be done with them. I don't think the industry is intentionally or needlessly making them suffer. In fact, they're quite sympathetic to the ethical concerns of it and have spent significant money coming up with the least painful ways for them to die. It's sad, but I'm not sure what more they could do beyond that.

And I don't want to make my ex-girlfriend sound too bad. She wasn't self-righteous about it and never hassled me about eating meat. It was just a personal decision she made. She respected my difference of opinion, and I respected her view with a little playful teasing mixed in. Frankly, I wonder if she's a conservative now. Certainly back then, she wouldn't have been a fan of the woke outrage culture and pissing on free speech and free thought.
I watched Song of the South in the theatre as a kid. I don't remember anything about it.

I saw it as a child. Surely just about everybody has seen that song number where the black guy sings "'Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" and the animated blue birds are flying around. It was a technical triumph for its' day because it mixed live actors and animated figures, like "Roger Rabbit" did much later. It still has a 72% audience approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes (only 45% approval for the "woke" critic types).

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