Dumb Political Correctness

Quinnipiac polls also said Clinton would be president.

Just looked it up. On November 2 2016 Quinnipiac had Clinton winning in Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Odd that longest horn would buy into quinnipiac for accurate information .

'Trump is a racist.... If you voted for trump, you're a racist....If you are thinking of voting for trump in 2020 given the economic turn around (whether you think he created, or simply sustained it) then you too could possibly be a racist'. .....Hard to take him seriously. Now he's "clinging to" his Quinnipiac polling, as inaccurate as it may be.
First and foremost? The average American. This is what people want and this is who people vote for, and in the end they get the government they deserve.

I'm sympathetic to this argument and generally agree. However, there's more to it. I don't think the people generally want big deficits. However, they are woefully uneducated and mal-educated about the budget. Nobody explains it to them comprehensively. The media and pundits should be doing this, but the information they provide is scattered, inconsistent, and out of context to such a degree that it is deceptive even if it isn't always blatantly false. And of course, this is intentional and agenda-driven.

So I understand the idea of blaming the people, but it's a little like blaming a 3 year old for finding a container of pills, eating them, and getting sick. Yes, he is doing something stupid, but his parents are supposed to be teaching him not to do that and keeping dangerous things away from him. Well, most voters are about as informed about the budget as a 3 year old is about drug toxicity and overdose.
I'm sympathetic to this argument and generally agree. However, there's more to it. I don't think the people generally want big deficits. However, they are woefully uneducated and mal-educated about the budget. Nobody explains it to them comprehensively. The media and pundits should be doing this, but the information they provide is scattered, inconsistent, and out of context to such a degree that it is deceptive even if it isn't always blatantly false. And of course, this is intentional and agenda-driven.

Just imagine. A society where the government teaches your kids to think what they want them to think. Then private news media operate as a wing of 1 political party for decades all the while claiming independence. What would that political system look like? What kind of people would be elected by that society? What would those who are elected do?

Deez, your 3 year old analogy is appropriate. But it doesn't go far enough. I think it is more like telling your 7 year old that the pills are stomach medicine and that if there stomach is ever a little upset to take as much as it takes to help you. Of course the pills make you throw up.

Ignorance is actually better than miseducation.
Go figure

I don't think the people generally want big deficits.

Maybe, but only in the sense that a guy sitting on the couch all day eating a bag potato chips and drinking a 60 oz coke doesn't want to be out of shape.

That's really not evidence of "racist" as plenty of things that are not racist can get one fired.

But that doesn't mean that the label is therefore always wrong no matter what.

Actually, the label could be wrong every time.

That was an odd response. Did you read my post as saying "That means the label must be right sometimes"?
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Google is attempting to bring about corporate socialism. In 4 easy steps. First, build monopoly for popular service. Second, enforce your ideology internally to build monoculture. Third, restrict access to service to enforce your ideology externally. Fourth, Socialist Utopia.

GOP tells us interracial marriage has caused spiritual AIDS. That’s not racism, right Hornfans?

Wouldn’t interracial marriages reduce multiculturalism? Isolationism is the hallmark of multiculturalism. The guy is a dumb ***.

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