Dumb Political Correctness

Something new to distract you

On a lighter note, I see the next 007 has been chosen! It's not Idris Elba like everyone thought. It's much more woke! Lashana Lynch a black woman becomes 007 as Daniel Craig turns in his license to kill.

It'll be interesting to see how many more Bond movies are made. The franchise went stale, in my opinion, a long time ago. Craig breathed some new life into it, but he's done. The most important question is, what about the Bond Babes? A movie tradition going back to the 1960s!
Actors throughout history have played people they are not. Is Tom Hanks as slow-witted as Forrest Gump? Maybe! But can he run as fast as Forest Gump? No way! Is Eddie Murphy a fat woman? (Mrs. Klump) Is Keanu Reeves as cool as John Wick? Er, no.

In any event, bravo to Daniella for standing up to these bullies. This was a year ago, but the recent crisis with Scarlett Johansson has made it relevant again.

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Then she'll step in line for Trump's next legislative priority. No matter how much faux disdain for Trump's behavior is exhbited by R's, they fall in-line which allows him to go lower and lower. Rinse and repeat.
Alternatively, she does support them but don’t have the guts to do so on her own. She’s making those comments to make her life easier.
Will Hurd, RINO from Texas - "I think those tweets are racist, and xenophobic," Hurd said Monday. "They're also inaccurate. The four women he's referring to are actually citizens of the United States. Three of the four were born here. It's also behavior that's unbecoming of the leader of the free world. He should be talking about things that unite, not divide us."

This is fake news. First, he didn’t say go back to Africa. Second, he said go back (presumably to **** hole countries), fix the problems there, then come back and tell us how successful you were before spouting your big mouth(s). Why does the media not report it honestly?
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Here’s a short summary:

AOC: we women of color are coming to Washington to make our voice heard
Trump and many others: shut your big trap you low-rent socialist about your failed policies of banana republics
AOC: racist!!!

Look at the chryon, it is fake news. He didn’t say that. He said go back, fix the problems of other countries to build credibility, then come back and fix the problems of this country. The insinuation is that their policies have already been tried in other failed countries.
Look at the chryon, it is fake news. He didn’t say that. He said go back, fix the problems of other countries to build credibility, then come back and fix the problems of this country. The insinuation is that their policies have already been tried in other failed countries.

Trump-splaining. Gotta love it.

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