Dumb Political Correctness

Again fake news. Trump interpreted the phrase correctly. “Aim higher” generally refers to people higher up on the chain of command. Was the original quote about aiming for higher things, such as principles and ideas?

Trump-splaining personified. Take a confused Trump answer and attempt to explain it as a rational response. Anyone who saw the Graham interview or read the quotes knew exactly that Lindsey was referencing the low brow rhetoric Trump uses. When Michelle Obama stated "when they go low, we go high" did you also assume some ambiguous reference to a non-existent hierarchy? There are times (too often unfortunately) when Trump is massively confused yet his mouth is unable to connect with his brain and keeps moving forward.
I cannot decide what’s funnier? Trump again demonstrating on camera how completely dumb he really is, or the hammer time gymnastics.

What's funny is that the Chyron (sp?) is a lot closer to Trump's message over the last 3 days than mchammer's Trump-splaining.

Here are the initial tweet that kicked off this shitstorm. In these debates the right only focuses on the firemen, not the arsonist.

He wasn't talking about "go back to your districts" or any other such nonsense. He clearly stated countries and urged them to "go back" or its synonym LEAVE.

Sadly, if you recognize that all 4 are US citizens and 3 of the 4 are citizens by birth, it puts the line "came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe" in a completely different context. This catastrophe is the result of one man and a bunch of extremely naive supporters.
What's funny is that the Chyron (sp?) is a lot closer to Trump's message over the last 3 days than mchammer's Trump-splaining.

Here are the initial tweet that kicked off this shitstorm. In these debates the right only focuses on the firemen, not the arsonist.

He wasn't talking about "go back to your districts" or any other such nonsense. He clearly stated countries and urged them to "go back" or its synonym LEAVE.

Sadly, if you recognize that all 4 are US citizens and 3 of the 4 are citizens by birth, it puts the line "came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe" in a completely different context. This catastrophe is the result of one man and a bunch of extremely naive supporters.

I read it as go back to the countries that you or your parents came from and fix those problems with your radical ideas before trying to boss others with your failed ideas. Still missing the connection to racism if you don’t ignore the second part of his tweet.
Trump-splaining personified. Take a confused Trump answer and attempt to explain it as a rational response. Anyone who saw the Graham interview or read the quotes knew exactly that Lindsey was referencing the low brow rhetoric Trump uses. When Michelle Obama stated "when they go low, we go high" did you also assume some ambiguous reference to a non-existent hierarchy? There are times (too often unfortunately) when Trump is massively confused yet his mouth is unable to connect with his brain and keeps moving forward.
Any worse than Obama when the TelePrompter broke?
Spineless as they are, even a handful of Republican leaders called it what it was. Racism. Bigotry. Shameful.

But you bend over backwards and lick his boots. What does that make you?
Spineless as they are, even a handful of Republican leaders called it what it was. Racism. Bigotry. Shameful.

But you bend over backwards and lick his boots. What does that make you?

It makes me correct in regards to what was said. I can't be held responsible for people with poor reading comprehension skills.

Full disclosure: This is satire. That means it’s supposed to be funny. Unless you’re racist, and in that case, well, be angry, I suppose.
Try reading them without confirmation bias

Or WITH a pro-Trump bias? Where did he mention parents? That's the leap one has to make to ignore the clear racism and misogyny. Trump's parents immigrated to the US. Do you think he would ever put himself in the category of being from another country?

Trump-splaining is the new term I'm going to use for INSERTING language (like parents) to absolve the POTUS of obvious sentiments. In other words, it's not a translation but a transformation of the original message to fit the transformers world view.
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The MSM is conspiring to make our POTUS racist by twisting his words?

Racist Trump is not a revelation to any serious person. You know that, right?

But I suppose their are many more folksy Archie Bunker type posters here that still disagree.
This is the quote from Trump. "Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it is done,"
Twitter says Trump's 'go back' tweet doesn't violate its rules

If that's racism then I'm the king of France.

King Garmel, is there a reason you ignore his tweets? You had to grab a different follow-on quote because the tweets are obviously racist. That strategy isn't even subtle.
King Garmel, is there a reason you ignore his tweets? You had to grab a different follow-on quote because the tweets are obviously racist. That strategy isn't even subtle.

What? I did not grab a different follow on quote. The Hill article I quoted is word for word most of the 2nd tweet. It's basically the gist of what he said. The first tweet he blathers on about the countries they came from and the third tweet he says they could just leave and Nancy would be happy to see them go. Please show me the racist part I missed out on. I'm beginning to think you fell for fake news once again.
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Try reading them without confirmation bias

You are the one demonstrating this far more than he is.

He didn’t say that. He said go back, fix the problems of other countries to build credibility, then come back and fix the problems of this country.

How can they go "back" to these places if they weren't there before? And why do you also completely ignore that he also directly said that they came to the USA from other countries?

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