Dumb Political Correctness

The girly girls will still join Girl Scouts while the tomboys (most future lesbians) will prefer the Scouts.

MANY tomboys are rather straight. This was true even in my youth. They just don't do frilly crap. Sadly, though, too many parents and members of the Tumblr generation in THIS day and age take a tomboy to the doctor to start shooting them up with testosterone rather than accept that the child just doesn't buy into stereotypes about what a girl is 'supposed' to do and like...and as such, nowadays, that means they MUST be twanz...
I love this picture - look at the hooves

But makes me wonder how long before liberals ruin horse racing too?
You know its coming

I haven't given to UT in years and probably never will again. I've even started hanging up on the sleazy student marketers who call and ask me to donate so some poor student can get a scholarship. The world needs plumbers, electricians, and pipefitters more than women's studies grads.

I remember I got a call from them once when the govt was shutting down (under Bush I) and I was a federal employee. So I was like, "Dude, there is a govt shutdown, I am not getting paid." I thought this was the perfect shield, that maybe money-beggar might even show a little empathy with fellow Horn who just lost his job. But his reaction was to not believe me. He said it was the worse excuse he had ever heard. LOL. Literally within 10 minutes of hanging up, everyone was ordered out of the bldg. We had to drop whatever and leave at that moment. They had to yell at me to make me leave my desk. I walked from there straight to the Safeway (to save the Metro fare) and bought a bunch Ramen noodle packs.
To this day, they are still after my dad (also UT) despite his death over 10 years ago.
Liberals are licking their chops to ruin Cinco de Mayo next
And all taco consumption generally


What's absurd about this is that the celebration of Cinco de Mayo doesn't even fit this nut's definition of cultural appropriation. In fact, none of the major cultural appropriation controversies fit her definition, including the one she incorporates into her definition.

"Cultural appropriation occurs when a person or other entity—a sports franchise, for example—claims as their own an aspect of a culture that does not belong to them."

When, for example, a non-Hispanic, white person wears the sombrero, drinks tequila, and eats tacos on Cinco de Mayo, he doesn't claim any of those pieces from Mexican culture as part of his own culture or in any way claiming ownership of them on a cultural level. What dumbass would think that's what they were doing? What they are doing is celebrating some components of Mexican culture that they find particularly appealing. It is an honoring of and appreciation for Mexican culture.
What they are doing is celebrating some components of Mexican culture that they find particularly appealing. It is an honoring of and appreciation for Mexican culture.

I can assure you that if the white tourists stopped buying sombreros, tequila and other Mexican souvenirs, the Mexican tourism board would be EXTREMELY unhappy. So I guess the solution is to buy those things and throw them away when you get home. Or just hand the merchant the cash without accepting the items.
I can assure you that if the white tourists stopped buying sombreros, tequila and other Mexican souvenirs, the Mexican tourism board would be EXTREMELY unhappy. So I guess the solution is to buy those things and throw them away when you get home. Or just hand the merchant the cash without accepting the items.

What's ironic is that Cinco de Mayo is a pretty minor holiday in Mexico. It's not even a federal holiday there. Though Mexican-American activist first pushed the idea as a celebration of Mexican heritage in the 1960's here in the US, you can thank Corona for making it a major "Mexican" holiday in the US.
MANY tomboys are rather straight. This was true even in my youth. They just don't do frilly crap. Sadly, though, too many parents and members of the Tumblr generation in THIS day and age take a tomboy to the doctor to start shooting them up with testosterone rather than accept that the child just doesn't buy into stereotypes about what a girl is 'supposed' to do and like...and as such, nowadays, that means they MUST be twanz...

I didn't say all tomboys. The ones that I've come into contact that were brave enough to cross traditional gender lines had a strong tendency toward being lesbian. Not all but most of them. Kids proclaim their gender orientation at a much earlier age thus the 2 girls that played baseball with my sons (rather than softball, though they later switched to fast-pitch softball in HS) both came out of the closet later. Admittedly, that's a very small sample size.

I would argue that my scenario us much more common than "parents...shooting them up with testosterone". Not sure it's provable either way.
What's ironic is that Cinco de Mayo is a pretty minor holiday in Mexico.

Americans are pretty good about making everything an excuse to party. But they also do it for St. Patrick's Day and pretty much any other ethnic holiday you can think of. Although you could probably make the case that Irish-Americans started a lot of the St. Patty parties. I have no idea who started making Cinco de Mayo a big deal, but I recall in school that it seemed to be driven by the teachers wanting us to understand Mexican culture. So while it's no doubt not a big deal in Mexico, I think we're a generation that grew up being taught to remember it and value it. So Americans do with it what they do with everything they "remember and value" - they use it as an excuse to drink and act like idiots. And yes, I'm embarrassed by that.
Sorry work got in the way of my snappy reply.
For sure I was honoring glorious Mexican culture Sat especially after many Margaritas and guacamole.
General distrust of restaurants where workers actually give a crap about their job? Check.

Ironically, progressives generally speak as if they wish more businesses would be this way. Guess they only want progressive businesses to be this way. It's not about tolerance or compassion, it's about tribalism - to the point where you actively wish for the the other side to NOT do all the things you advocate doing, because then they'd be the good guys.
The double-standard comes back to bite Dems again
This time it is the state AG for NY
How long will this conspiracy of silence around “progressive” men who abuse women be allowed to continue?

One man tried to send up a flare but he was ignored
Now it looks like he was way out in front on this guy, with uncanny insight

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The reason libs did not want any of the women to tell on Eric Schneiderman is because they considered him a national leader of the so-called "resistance" against Trump.

They’ve been squaring off for years. Now New York’s attorney general is emerging as the leader of the Trump resistance.

Schneiderman is also a well-known major gun control advocate. But we've learned from his accusers he mocked Sandy Hook anti-gun demonstrators, calling them "losers." This is such a typical story for Dems. This time it is the gun control activists who got promoted by the media/Dems without having any idea they just being used. Happens every day.

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The left absolutely idolized this creep
I wonder how many of them knew?

Samantha Bee even made Eric Schneiderman comics


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Maybe he thought they wanted the "right to choose" to be slapped around.

Gotta love this statement. "In the privacy of intimate relationships, I have engaged in role-playing and other consensual sexual activity."

Role-playing? How many women are turned on by a dude threatening to tap their phones and have them killed? That's a new one.

(Side note - is role-playing actually a thing, or is it mostly a something we see in the movies? Personally, I've always been well-served by basically playing the role of myself. I've never had to pretend to be a cop, Tarzan, or anybody else.)

It is true that Democrats will be quick to throw people under the bus who do this sort of thing when caught. However, I do find it remarkable that many who self-righteously hold themselves out as the champions of women have ended up being the biggest dumpster fires in real life.

Maybe he thought they wanted the "right to choose" to be slapped around.

Gotta love this statement. "In the privacy of intimate relationships, I have engaged in role-playing and other consensual sexual activity."

Role-playing? How many women are turned on by a dude threatening to tap their phones and have them killed? That's a new one.

(Side note - is role-playing actually a thing, or is it mostly something we see in the movies? Personally, I've always been well-served by basically playing the role of myself.)

It is true that Democrats will be quick to throw people under the bus who do this sort of thing when caught. However, I do find it remarkable that many who self-righteously hold themselves out as the champions of women have ended up being the biggest dumpster fires in real life.
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However, I do find it remarkable that many who self-righteously hold themselves out as the champions of women have ended up being the biggest dumpster fires in real life.

Projection. Evidence pops up over and over. The people trying hardest to be "woke" are the ones who have the most selfishness or bigotry that they're trying to suppress, and so they overcompensate and then assume that others are just like them, because it makes them feel better about their own failings. There are plenty on the right that do it for different reasons, but it's pretty striking how the left projects its own ideas onto the right, leading to conversations that seem like we're not even speaking the same language. I've learned some pretty startling things about my own motivation from progressives since they started lib-splaining to me why I do what I do and believe what I believe.
....It is true that Democrats will be quick to throw people under the bus who do this sort of thing when caught. However, I do find it remarkable that many who self-righteously hold themselves out as the champions of women have ended up being the biggest dumpster fires in real life.

Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his "brown slave." And made her call him 'master.' She said --

“Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did.”

Can you imagine the public reaction of an R was caught saying this? Yet, as of last night at least, CNN was ignoring the story -- "covering" Trump emails instead.

If you really do like remarkable, then the statistical significance of how many of these guys are Democrats fits. These people knew how the game was played -- as long as they publicly "role played" the right positions on key political issues, then they knew the double standard would protect them. Being a Dem was a shield. Their secret power was never having to suffer the consequences of their actions.

Doesnt it seem like everytime you think this cynical game is over, another creepy, white abusive hetero male Dem drops out of the woodwork?


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