Dumb Political Correctness

UT usually has the largest or 2nd largest alumni base in the country. Yet our former student funding, in terms of % of the base, is nowhere near the top. I suggest that one of the primary reasons for this is that the bulk of the base does not feel well-represented by the school administration. Programs like this one highlight that gulf.
I suggest that one of the primary reasons for this is that the bulk of the base does not feel well-represented by the school administration.

Yes, exactly.

I am appalled by how much UT's culture has changed since I went there. Yet even then, the writing was on the wall. The faculty was loaded with anti-war, Ivy League, leftists 50 years ago.

I still support the athletic teams out of a 50+ year habit. That's it for me. Wouldn't give 'em a dime. People like Red McCombs need to start withholding donations and maybe they'd moderate a little.
UT usually has the largest or 2nd largest alumni base in the country. Yet our former student funding, in terms of % of the base, is nowhere near the top. I suggest that one of the primary reasons for this is that the bulk of the base does not feel well-represented by the school administration. Programs like this one highlight that gulf.
Count me as one who cut off UT donations years ago. They don't need my money.
Count me as one who cut off UT donations years ago. They don't need my money.

This is a common story, I think.

An interesting contrast is presented by what Ole Miss (and a couple other SEC schools) have been doing for the last decade or more. They began an admissions program specifically targeted at children of the upper middle to high income brackets in Texas. Maybe some of you noticed this with your friends kids? (Someone once told me they have a database list of all mineral royalties in Texas)

I first noticed it about 10 years ago when asked to write a letter on behalf of a girl who had great grades and good test scores but was put on the UT wait list. The dad is an engineer in Beaumont and both parents are UT grads. Yet she was accepted into Ole Miss and two other SEC schools. All her friends at the private school were accepted into the same trio of SEC schools.

The idea of those schools is to get multiple successive classes of Texas kids from upper income parents to graduate and later become donors. It is the application of Moneyball analytics to college admissions.

I dont blame them for doing that and even admit its both mildly amusing and clever. What does bother me, however, is how the supposedly smart school, UT-Austin, does the complete opposite. UT does whatever it can to drive its donor base away. For some reason, we prefer reverse-Moneyball, or Opposite George.

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Boy Scouts are no longer relevant to society since the lefties ****** them up, so who cares what they call themselves? I kind of like "Young Toxically Masculine Scouts" myself, but I admit it doesn't roll off the tongue all that well.
There's no charitable reason to donate money to a public university.

I think what gets me about donations in the current environment is that it is not even going to education. It is going to government waste. Right now, a donation to UT is a donation to government waste to perpetuate more government waste. UT has the gall to call and say “please help us waste money or leave your estate to increase our government waste.” In a properly run college, it is at least a donation to education. Now it is a direct donation to waste. Higher education may be the second biggest example of government waste behind the Pentagon at the moment in the U.S. and no one cares.
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Higher education may be the second biggest example of government waste behind the Pentagon at the moment in the U.S. and no one cares.

I'm no defender of Pentagon waste, and there is plenty of it. However, it's the only agency of government whose waste is commonly reported on by mainstream media sources. Virtually nobody reports on higher education waste.

In fact, the opposite occurs. The media helps enable their ******** narratives to help justify then getting more money from whatever source. For example, the universities always explain their tuition hikes the same way - that the Legislature has cut their funding so much that it only covers 12 percent of UT's budget instead of the 47 percent it covered in the mid '80s. The media largely just regurgitates that justification as if it's a serious analysis and leaves readers with the assumption that the state has unjustifiably cut UT's finding by 75 percent. Obviously that's a fairy tale. And of course, implicit in that "analysis" is that everything in UT's budget is appropriate and a wise use of money.

What's happened is that UT's budget has exploded in the last 30 years to such an extent that the Legislature can't keep up with it. And keep in mind that the Legislature is the one entity that actually applies some scrutiny to UT's budget. It's no where near enough, but they do apply some, unlike the media. They aren't going to reflexively increase UT's funding just because its budget has increased, and they shouldn't.

And does anyone think for a second that if the Legislature suddenly increased UT's funding enough to cover 47 percent of its budget that UT could cut its tuition to 1980s levels (even accounting for inflation)? Hell no.
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I think Matt Walsh is a bit self-righteous at times, but he does a good job explaining the problem with bringing girls into the Boys Scouts. Link.

I honestly think this will most likely destroy the organization unless the move fails in the sense that parents of girls see the merits of not having boys around them all the time and voluntarily keep them out. It's sad, because I think this is mostly a made-up controversy much like the Redskins "controversy." I don't think I've ever heard a real person complain about the Boys Scouts only permitting boys, much like virtually no real Native Americans are actually offended by sports names.
I think Matt Walsh is a bit self-righteous at times, but he does a good job explaining the problem with bringing girls into the Boys Scouts. Link.

I honestly think this will most likely destroy the organization unless the move fails in the sense that parents of girls see the merits of not having boys around them all the time and voluntarily keep them out. It's sad, because I think this is mostly a made-up controversy much like the Redskins "controversy." I don't think I've ever heard a real person complain about the Boys Scouts only permitting boys, much like virtually no real Native Americans are actually offended by sports names.
My son is in Boy Scouts. My understanding is that each troop can determine if they want a mixed troop or a separate troop. I assume most will choose separate. The leadership council will be the same and it is already a mix of moms and dads. Seems overblown to me.
My understanding is that each troop can determine if they want a mixed troop or a separate troop.

That may be how it is now, but it won't stay that way. Someone who wants their daughter in a currently all-boy troop will threaten to sue, and BSA will cave and direct you to let the girl in. Liberals ruin everything.

My understanding is that each troop can determine if they want a mixed troop or a separate troop. I assume most will choose separate.

And you think that if after a year, it's 90 percent separate groups, or there aren't enough girls enrolling, that this will be simply accepted? If the goal is to integrate the Boy Scouts, and this doesn't integrate the Boy Scouts, then why wouldn't they move to the next logical step, which is "since you don't seem to want to integrate, we're going to require you to integrate and remove separate groups as an option?"
My son is in Boy Scouts. My understanding is that each troop can determine if they want a mixed troop or a separate troop. I assume most will choose separate. The leadership council will be the same and it is already a mix of moms and dads. Seems overblown to me.


First, if this is true, they need to do a MUCH better job of publicizing this fact.

Second, I agree with the others that if this is true, then it won't be the policy forever. Momentum is clearly on the anti-masculinity side when it comes to the Boys Scouts

First, if this is true, they need to do a MUCH better job of publicizing this fact.

Second, I agree with the others that if this is true, then it won't be the policy forever. Momentum is clearly on the anti-masculinity side when it comes to the Boys Scouts
I don’t see how they enforce local policy or even want to.
I don’t see how they enforce local policy or even want to.

You're assuming it stays local. I don't think they necessarily want to control it, but in recent years, they've been largely spineless when it comes to questions of gender and sexuality. Keep in mind that BSA fought the gay issue all the way to the Supreme Court and won and then folded like a cheap lawn chair anyway. That's about as candy-*** and spineless as it gets.
This is a common story, I think.
I haven't given to UT in years and probably never will again. I've even started hanging up on the sleazy student marketers who call and ask me to donate so some poor student can get a scholarship. The world needs plumbers, electricians, and pipefitters more than women's studies grads.
China is really a horrible horrible place. But no one wants to admit it because large corporations see them as the world's largest market. In China, the people still preferentially kill female babies and the government still punishes people for having more than one child. Punishment includes theft and even death. They are super racist against Uighurs too. But hey. They own a lot our government's debt, so they won't be held accountable.
China is really a horrible horrible place. But no one wants to admit it because large corporations see them as the world's largest market. In China, the people still preferentially kill female babies and the government still punishes people for having more than one child. Punishment includes theft and even death. They are super racist against Uighurs too. But hey. They own a lot our government's debt, so they won't be held accountable.
They can have 2 children now and there is movement to even remove any limitations. However, when one exceeds the child limit, the woman is pressured by coworkers and her boss to terminate the baby because it would be a burden on the rest of the workers. This occurs in state owned companies. For private companies, the pressure is mostly a fine, though steep like a year’s worth of salary.

First, if this is true, they need to do a MUCH better job of publicizing this fact.

Second, I agree with the others that if this is true, then it won't be the policy forever. Momentum is clearly on the anti-masculinity side when it comes to the Boys Scouts

Girls are playing baseball and football now. I haven't seen having the rare girl play those sports have a negative effect on those sports. My son's had a girl on their team in little league and a girl on their HS football team. The latter was a state powerlifting champion for her weight class. From my experience, these girls have accepted jumping intoba boys world and embraced it rather than emasculating the organization. Not sure why Scouts would be any different.

The girly girls will still join Girl Scouts while the tomboys (most future lesbians) will prefer the Scouts.

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