Dumb Political Correctness

They seemed to have cornered the crazy market

Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his "brown slave." And made her call him 'master.' She said --

“Sometimes, he’d tell me to call him Master, and he’d slap me until I did.”
Can you imagine the public reaction of an R was caught saying this? Yet, as of last night at least, CNN was ignoring the story -- "covering" Trump emails instead.

If a Republican was caught saying this, it would be a massive, national story. Obviously the guy saying it would be shared to no end. However, in addition, Republicans of every stripe would be called upon to condemn the guy, and the condemnations would be scrutinized heavily to make sure that they were quick enough and unequivocal enough.

Finally, there would be a call for a "dialogue" about how the GOP and white men in general became entitled enough to talk to a woman of color in that way. It would be a major point of discussion for months.
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If a Republican was caught saying this, it would be a massive, national story. Obviously the guy saying it would be shared to no end.

Only if he was a FoxNews host who specialized in pointing out the flaws of the opposition. The left loves to point out hypocrisy.

I haven't heard any "liberal" journalist come out in defense of Schneiderman. Here is an op-ed from CNN's preeminent Trump-basher Cilizza. To a person they are ready to tar and feather Schneiderman.

Compare the lefts reaction to Schneiderman and Franken to the right's support of Roy Moore and DJT. In all 4 cases allegations were made and no charges were filed.
If a Republican was caught saying this, it would be a massive, national story. Obviously the guy saying it would be shared to no end. However, in addition, Republicans of every stripe would be called upon to condemn the guy, and the condemnations would be scrutinized heavily to make sure that they were quick enough and unequivocal enough.

Finally, there would be a call for a "dialogue" about how the GOP and white men in general became entitled enough to talk to a woman of color in that way. It would be a major point of discussion for months.

The fact that Schneiderman had resigned within a few hours of the news breaking will dampen the news impact a bit. At a minimum, he'll show up in fewer news cycles. Pulling out of the Iran deal further pushed the former AG's exploits down the page.
Only if he was a FoxNews host who specialized in pointing out the flaws of the opposition. The left loves to point out hypocrisy.

I haven't heard any "liberal" journalist come out in defense of Schneiderman. Here is an op-ed from CNN's preeminent Trump-basher Cilizza. To a person they are ready to tar and feather Schneiderman.

Compare the lefts reaction to Schneiderman and Franken to the right's support of Roy Moore and DJT. In all 4 cases allegations were made and no charges were filed.

First, the Left likes to point out anything that is helpful to them, as does the Right. That's politics.

Second, defending any one of these guys isn't per se wrong. Each case should be evaluated on its own merits. However, the Left has jumped onto this idea that a woman accuser has a "right to be believed." That is politically-driven nonsense, not a genuine pursuit of truth and justice. Nobody has a right to be believed about anything.

Third, I would have an easier time accepting the Left's righteousness on this issue if they had something real to lose. Schneiderman, Al Franken, John Conyers, and the liberal media personalities who have gotten into hot water aren't going to be replaced with conservatives. They're going to be replaced by people who are basically like them. It's only a loss for those involved, not for the Democratic power structure. Throwing Moore or Trump under the bus has real political consequences for Republicans. That shouldn't matter, but we both know that it does.

The fact that Schneiderman had resigned within a few hours of the news breaking will dampen the news impact a bit. At a minimum, he'll show up in fewer news cycles. Pulling out of the Iran deal further pushed the former AG's exploits down the page.

The Iran deal wouldn't dampen the story. It wouldn't be ignored, but it wouldn't drown out the story. Withdrawing from the Iran deal would be discussed. However, we'd hear plenty of "analysis" about the racist Republican who made his dark-looking mistress call him "Master" while he slapped her around like a runaway slave. Keep in mind that Stormy Daniels (which is far less sensational because it doesn't have the racial and violence elements) has gotten more media analysis and coverage than North Korea, which is far more consequential than the Iran Deal.
Compare the lefts reaction to Schneiderman and Franken to the right's support of Roy Moore and DJT.

Sheesh... again with this.

Roy Moore lost a layup election for any other republican in the world. Don't give me crap about how the right supported him. Some did, just like some liberals support guys like Anthony Weiner, John Conyers, Al Franken, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, Barney Frank, Marion Berry..... Trump supported him. The only reason I ever heard a Republican outside of Alabama support him was because they knew that liberals would have kept every single scumbag I just listed if they thought they still needed that person.

John Conyers retired after decades of that behavior. Al Franken got a wall of support from Dems right up until they all got the memo that this was a chance to posture and get Trump, and all of a sudden everyone shifted all at once. Schniederman's behavior has been ignored for years by leftists who knew exactly who he was and what he was doing, and didn't care. When their hands were forced, they jumped ship. Don't tell me they were "ready to tar and feather him." Some of the women's friends were telling them to keep quiet because he was "too important" to the cause.
Daily reminder, if Hillary had been allowed to win, Eric Schneiderman and Bill Clinton and Anthony Weiner and Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey and many more of this ilk would right now, today, be running free and wild in the White House
Hmm. I thought that the reason Bill Clinton was defended in the '90s was that the Democratic Party and the east coast media establishment was less "woke" back then but that it's more righteous in the #MeToo era. But then Bill Clinton (a white man according to most, except Toni Morrison) gets invited to an event to which Monica Lewinsky had already been invited. Do they tell Bill Clinton to suck it up, which would be the appropriate action in the #MeToo era? Nope. They tell the woman to screw off by uninviting her to make the white man more comfortable. Link.
That's showing them.

I'd like this trend if I were back in college.

A Cornell University senior delivered her honors thesis after stripping down to her bra and underwear in front of her teacher and classmates -- at least two dozen of whom also undressed -- in a bid to "stand against oppressive beliefs and discrimination," Campus Reform reported Tuesday.

Letitia Chai removed all her clothes except for her undergarments during her “Acting in Public” presentation Saturday as a demonstration against her professor, Rebekah Maggor, who questioned Chai's attire during her talk about refugee relocation, according to The Cornell Daily Sun.

“When I got up to start, my professor said: ‘Is that really what you would wear?’” Chai, who said she was “shook” and filled with “rage and disbelief” after the incident, wrote in a Facebook post that soon went viral. “She, a white woman, continued: ‘Your shorts are too short.’”

Chai recalled wearing a “long-sleeve blue button-down shirt and denim cut-offs,” which she alleges her professor told her was “inviting the male gaze away from the content of my presentation and onto my body.” She says an international male student agreed with the professor.

Tucker Carlson on Schneiderman and liberal hypocrisy generally

"How can a man so publicly committed to feminism beat women?"
"The people yelling the loudest are usually hiding the most."

Ronan Farrow on CNN -- Schneiderman's accusers were told to keep quiet about the abuse they suffered because going public would hurt the Democratic Party. The entire interview is worth a listen. It's somewhat surprising CNN let this guy on the air

Why was the rest of the liberal media so willing to let this story go? Apparently they all knew about it. Just like they knew about Harvey Weinstein. It was this same guy - Ronan Farrow -- who shed light on Weinstein. And the media malfeasance here is the same as it was for Bill Clinton's mistreatment of women.

Newsweek sat on the Lewisnky story (Ronan Farrow is clearly a better man than Michael Isikoff). Just like 60 Minutes before them sat on the accounts of all the earlier victims of Bill Clinton. 60 Min once had a look-back segment where they basically took credit for getting Bill Clinton elected by suppressing these accounts (they had big smiles and smirks about that). Dems today see Russian influence everywhere they look, but how is the behavior of CNN, Newsweek and CBS any different than Pravda, RT, Sputnik or any of Musbergers other sources?

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Did anyone mention Cynthia Nixon (Sex in the City) governor candidate for NY suggesting legalization of pot and giving preference to blacks for licenses as “reparations”?

Sure, let’s dole out marijuana licenses based on race and we can give ‘em California so they’ll have plenty of land to grow pot on.

Sounds like Cynthia spent too much time watching Weeds.
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A GOP candidate for Congress in CA filmed herself harassing a Transgendered person for using the women's bathroom.

I'm not a fan of making rules on this one way or the other (should be up to the property owner), but this lady is an idiot to actually confront somebody and a bigger idiot for filming it.

My guess is that she did it and is running mostly to promote herself and get publicity. This is a D+35 district, so presumably she doesn't have a serious expectation of actually getting elected to Congress.
That candidate is a big grandstanding *******.
So are trannies who make a big deal about the bathroom issue.

Honestly, it's usually not actual trannies. It's usually virtue signaling liberal cisgender people who want to show that they're better than everybody else. It's a little like the Native American sports team name controversies.
I don't even know what cisgender means.

I do know what trans and cis mean in terms of ring molecules in organic chemistry. I cannot possibly imagine how reasonable people allowed those terms to be hijacked by leftist SJWs and applied to notions of human sexuality.

That said, you're probably right in that most trannies probably just want to take a leak in peace, like the rest of us. The grandstanding ******** are more likely the loonie bird fringe of the left engaging in their virtue signalling charade.
The grandstanding ******** are more likely the loonie bird fringe of the left engaging in their virtue signalling charade.

It's interesting because that's the opposite of how the issue gets spun. It's usually spun as conservatives being obsessed with what bathroom people are using when the opposite is true. When conservative legislatures are passing so-called "bathroom bills," it's almost always to invalidate idiotic city ordinances that try to dictate bathroom rules. Furthermore, the bills are far less onerous, because they only impose rules on government facilities and let private entities do what they want. I'm not aware of any states passing bathroom bills in the absence of some crackpot city passing a goofy ordinance rather than letting common sense dictate.

I don't even know what cisgender means.

It's people like us.

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