Dumb Political Correctness

They sure are going thru Colonel's fast, maybe they ran out of guys who would do it? I just saw one the other night with Newman as Colonel Sanders.

This is kind of interesting. A few years ago Hillary made a judgement call and made a pragmatic decision to keep a talented employee who went over the line, but not over the top with a younger female staffer. I don't think politiicians... at least not Democrats... can do that any more.

It's kind of interesting. In some work/social/religious organizations/extended family there are groups where hugs, kisses and shoulder rubs are no big deal. In others it would stop down a gathering. When in doubt, I guess we should keep our hands and lips to ourselves.
You're being awfully generous with this description, IMO...

The complaint against Mr. Strider was made by a 30-year-old woman who shared an office with him. She told a campaign official that Mr. Strider had rubbed her shoulders inappropriately, kissed her on the forehead and sent her a string of suggestive emails, including at least one during the night, according to three former campaign officials familiar with what took place.

The complaint was taken to Ms. Doyle, the campaign manager, who approached Mrs. Clinton and urged that Mr. Strider, who was married at the time, be fired, according to the officials familiar with what took place. Mrs. Clinton said she did not want to, and instead he remained on her staff.

Repeated instances of that stuff should definitely have been grounds. It's not like all he did was kiss her on the cheek or something when he greeted her. If she complained about it and he kept doing it, that isn't about cultural differences or gray areas - particularly when you start getting late-night suggestive emails.
You're being awfully generous with this description, IMO...

Repeated instances of that stuff should definitely have been grounds. It's not like all he did was kiss her on the cheek or something when he greeted her. If she complained about it and he kept doing it, that isn't about cultural differences or gray areas - particularly when you start getting late-night suggestive emails.
Every virtue signaling Hillary supporter should gag on this, not like it is going to happen.
Blaming Islamic terrorism on video games has to one of the dumbest rationales of the year. Idiocracy was supposed to be just a movie, not a prophesy

You're being awfully generous with this description, IMO...

And of course the Times was awfully generous with Hillary Clinton. She did the complete opposite of what people like her claim should happen in this kind of scenario. Of course, she has said that sexual assault and harassment victims deserve to be "heard, believed, and supported."

Did Hillary "hear" the victim. In the literal sense, yes. I don't think anyone wore ear plugs when she told her story. Did she "believe" her? Hard to say. Maybe. Did she "support" her? No. Not only did she not fire the guy, she protected him from punishment and let him get hired in 2016 by a pro-Hillary group run by one of George Soros's hacks, who's also very close to Hillary. Furthermore, the woman was moved to another position as if she was the troublemaker. The guy was allowed to stay where he was.

Did the Times call out her flagrant hypocrisy? No. The tone of the article is very matter of fact and leaves it entirely up to the reader to connect the dots. Would they have been so reserved with a Republican who had arguably been hypocritical? No, they would have called him out for it and made it a lead point in the story.
The New York Times no doubt is mostly staffed by people with left leaning political views They are also smart, competent and prideful...and try to live up to the motto of reporting the news "without fear or favor." The Wall Street Journal has similar competence with a center-right predominant viewpoint. They are good sources of information... trying to inform and illuminate. I prefer media that aim for my cerebral cortex rather than my adrenal gland. Obviously, many don't, thus the rise of hyperpartisan media.
The New York Times no doubt is mostly staffed by people with left leaning political views They are also smart, competent and prideful...and try to live up to the motto of reporting the news "without fear or favor." The Wall Street Journal has similar competence with a center-right predominant viewpoint. They are good sources of information... trying to inform and illuminate. I prefer media that aim for my cerebral cortex rather than my adrenal gland. Obviously, many don't, thus the rise of hyperpartisan media.

I agree with all of this except the part about reporting the news without favor. The reason we know they're staffed with left leaving people is that they don't report the news without favor. They very clearly favor one side.
I'm sure it was a political **** show, but it also doesn't help that pretty much everything the modern music industry puts out is regurgitated garbage.

Is it possible the culture war has finally begun to turn?

Given declining ratings/sales for --
Hollywood film
Cable TV
Video gaming (the attempted move into this by liberal/marxist forces seems to have already failed)

Leaving -- academia
I saw 5 minutes of it. Mylie Cyrus was doing a karaoke version of Tiny Dancer. I hope i didn’t get counted as a watcher just for that.
I love how the libs talk about Trump being classless but that Clinton crap last night at the grammys was the most tasteless garbage I've ever seen. She can't get over losing the election.
Hollywood and Pop Music are determined to get Trump re-elected. And no, I did not watch.

To be fair, pop music was trash even before Trump. Honestly I can't think of a single song I like coming out in almost ten years, and they haven't put out a significant amount of music I like in 20 years.
I love how the libs talk about Trump being classless but that Clinton crap last night at the grammys was the most tasteless garbage I've ever seen. She can't get over losing the election.

"She had blood coming out of her...you know"..."Look at that face! Would anyone vote for THAT? Can you imagine that, the face of our next President?"...One could go on forever with actual quotes. This one was particularly bad, IMHO.

HRC was playing to her audience. It was tasteless but the bar has been lowered to previously unimaginable depths. She just needs to disappear into the history books at this point.
Can she just go away.
I hope not. On a long drive last week, I listened to Progress on XM. There were multiple people calling in about how she stole the primary from Bernie and was a huge problem for democrats. I hope the elitist libs in Hollywood keep her front and center. The RNC should donate to her campaign.

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