Dumb Political Correctness

Yes, but people do that

I know. It's gross. The surest way to get me to stop eating the chips and salsa is for some dirty pig at the table to grab a chip, lick his fingers, and then put his nasty-*** hands back into the chip bowl. In some ways, it's worse than double dipping.
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But thank goodness feminists are here to stand up and say "I have the right to be just as gross and disgusting as any man, and don't tell me I'm not!"

But thank goodness feminists are here to stand up and say "I have the right to be just as gross and disgusting as any man, and don't tell me I'm not!"

They have a "right" to do it in the sense that there shouldn't be a law against it. However, they should be judged as gross when doing it just like a man should be. Having said that, if you're a feminist and you have time to complain about stuff like this, things must be pretty good in your society. I'll bet women in the Islamic world wish they had time to complain about this sort of thing.
So if a white girl is allowed to play a Romani gypsy in the Hunchback of Notre Dame, people ***** until they cancel the play. Link. But a black dude playing Alexander Hamilton? That's all good, and if anyone complained that it was inaccurate, he'd be called a horrific racist.

If you wonder how we got Trump, look no further than stories like this. If you wonder what kind of social phenomenon fosters white nationalism and gives credibility to bad people like David Duke or Richard Spencer, it's stories like this.
Never liked the idea of Mary what's her name playing Peter Pan,,,,,,until I saw the play. Then I thought she was good in it, but of course I was pretty young then too.
Dear Lord the world has truly gone crazy.
What happens when a white is cast to play MLK Jr in a play or film?

Meanwhile, our Olympic team is showing the kind of grit, determination, and strong will that should help it reach new heights this year.


"The flag bearer is typically chosen in a vote of the eight US winter sport federations, which represent biathlon, bobsled and skeleton, curling, figure skating, hockey, luge, ski and snowboarding, and speed skating.
But this year, Hamlin and Davis tied 4-4.
Enter the coin toss, Davis said.
Hamlin was chosen, according to the US Olympic Committee.
And Davis was definitely not happy about it, venting in a tweet that the coin toss was "dishonorably" done."

"I am an American and when I won the 1000m in 2010 I became the first American to 2-peat in that event," Davis tweeted. "@TeamUSA dishonorably tossed a coin to decide its 2018 flag bearer. No problem. I can wait until 2022. #BlackHistoryMonth2018 #PyeongChang2018."
Wouldn't MLK Jr be proud that we're colorblind in that situation?

Lol. By the way, don't take that picture as an endorsement of that movie. It was one of the wiser movies I've ever seen. However, I'll admit that the idea of an American white guy portraying an Australian actor who's playing an American black dude was pretty amusing.
Loved that movie. "Never go full retard."

It had some memorable parts, and obviously Downey and Tom Cruise were hilarious, but the story was just absurd. In addition, a little context is in order, because I may be judging it unfairly. I was a newlywed when it came out, and a buddy of mine invited me and Mrs. Deez to see it with him, and I encouraged her to go. She did and HATED it - just thought it was over-the-top vulgar and not funny at all, and since I encouraged her to go, I sorta got blamed for ruining her evening. lol
It had some memorable parts, and obviously Downey and Tom Cruise were hilarious, but the story was just absurd. In addition, a little context is in order, because I may be judging it unfairly. I was a newlywed when it came out, and a buddy of mine invited me and Mrs. Deez to see it with him, and I encouraged her to go. She did and HATED it - just thought it was over-the-top vulgar and not funny at all, and since I encouraged her to go, I sorta got blamed for ruining her evening. lol
It was an inside Hollywood movie.
Ok, I give...What movie is it?

Tropic Thunder. Ben Stiller, Jack Black, and Robert Downey, Jr. (all of whom I generally like) were in it. It also had a cameo of Tom Cruise (who's generally a massive tool) playing a fat, bald guy, which was pretty funny.
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This is just sick, even for democrats. Pelosi beamed proudly and related a story during her 8 hour marathon in which her grandson wished he had brown eyes and skin. She's so proud that her own grandson already suffers from white guilt.

The marathon address included many stories from Pelosi (D-Calif.), including one in which she said her 6-year-old grandson once wished that he was Hispanic on his birthday. Pelosi explained that the child had "a very close friend named Antonio," who was from Guatemala. "This was such a proud day for me because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake, they said, ‘Did you make a wish?'... He said, ‘I wish I had brown skin and brown eyes like Antonio.' So beautiful, so beautiful. The beauty is in the mix," she told her House colleagues.


This pretty well shows what happens to you when you're in Hollywood. Movies slowly start to merge in with reality. Made up country, made up freakishly strong element, made-up industry.

It's funny... there's an aspect of this story that I've thought about and apparently will be somewhat addressed in the movie. You have this ultra advanced closed-off society that's rich and advanced in the middle of a third-world continent, so why aren't THEY out helping with all the poverty and disease? Wouldn't they be doing something other than sending a few teenagers out on Peace Corps type missions? (Which is what got them involved in Civil War.) It didn't make any sense. And then I remembered: it's completely made up, so why does it have to make sense.
Since they were doing so well before the colonists? I think a much more plausible position is that if the colonists hadn't left, Africa would be much more advanced.
Just compare the economies of the post-colonial areas of Africa with those that were not colonized and the facts are clear.
A movie based on a comic book will prove to us that had Africa not been colonized, Africans would be "so advanced". Yeah, right! That makes sense.

Think any movie critics will have the cojones to give this SJW movie a bad review if they don't like it?

Not completely clear whether we're supposed to think the office of sheriff is racist because it originated in England, Sessions is racist because he acknowledges that history, or the fact that we have sheriffs is proof that the office is specifically designed to maintain white nationalism.

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