Dumb Political Correctness

Her hair does look amazing

Just in time for the upcoming election seasons...

Who had Bradley Manning running for U. S. Senate from Maryland?

Whoever had him is a winner...and I can only hope the voters in Maryland are not THAT stupid that they elect him.


“[Democrats] are terrified that this president gets somewhere north of 10 to 15 percent of the black vote,” said Niger Innis, spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) (pictured above right, in red tie, in the image on this page). “And they’re terrified because, if that happens, then it is first of all, mathematically, electorally impossible for a Democrat to win.”
Just in time for the upcoming election seasons...

Who had Bradley Manning running for U. S. Senate from Maryland?

Whoever had him is a winner...and I can only hope the voters in Maryland are not THAT stupid that they elect him.

Agreed. My confidence in voters is shaken after 2016 though.


“[Democrats] are terrified that this president gets somewhere north of 10 to 15 percent of the black vote,” said Niger Innis, spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) (pictured above right, in red tie, in the image on this page). “And they’re terrified because, if that happens, then it is first of all, mathematically, electorally impossible for a Democrat to win.”

Of course, Innis has been predicting the fracture of the black vote for a long time. Realistically, I think the Democrats' real worry is about low black turnout more than substantial numbers of black voters actually Republican. The Democratic Party wins when blacks turnout in large numbers (2008 and 2012), and it loses when they don't (2016).

And of course Democrats aren't doing a lot to motivate black voters. Basically, they're being taken for granted. For example, I don't think going to war over the Dreamers is very smart strategy and, if anything, alienates blacks.
The fact that Hillary was able to win the popular vote still haunts me.

another example of the monolithic democrats vs the "big tent" republicans.

3rd party was selected by more in 2016 than any other bar 1992 (thanks again Ross)

Of those ... the VAAAST majority would have voted for the republican if there were no other alternative ... say ... a run off to the last two standing for the ECC process. Jill Stein was the most significant liberal 3rd party ... at what 1%? Libertarian, Constitution were combined double digit IIRC. Ross got 15 or 17% in 1992?

In any case ... she'd have lost the popular vote quite handily as well. It's just that the RNC and DNC candidates were not good choices (of course, there'd never be a good DNC candidate on account of the platform)
Can't even enjoy a superhero movie anymore...

So if the movie does well, it will be "White people had to suck it up and go see it, not because they didn't care the hero was black, but in spite of it." And if it doesn't do as well, "all the racist white geeks refused to watch it."

I wonder if they get that this kind of messaging actually makes people not want to go to see stuff? When you presuppose your audience is stupid/illiterate/racist/whatever, and you basically taunt them before you release the movie (we DARE you to go see this movie, you jerks!), is that really going to motivate people to go?
"When I was growing up, my family was so poor that only on special occasions would my brother and I get to split eating a generic brand detergent pod."
When I was younger, having an ability like that
A) would have been more important to me than any other super-power I can imagine
B) would not have been wasted on the likes of Tess Holliday
I will never understand how men talked women into believing that if they just took off their clothes for the camera, they would earn "respect."

Men will come up with whatever horse crap rationale they need to induce chicks to take their clothes off for them whether it's for sex, photographs, or whatever. It's the same rap. Some dude will promise respect from himself or others, and if that doesn't work, he'll pull a David Koresh and make up a religion. Dudes have been doing that kind of thing for millennia. What's sad is that the same old rap keeps working. You'd think women would have is figured us out by now, and you'd think that feminism would make them wiser to our tactics. If anything, the opposite has occurred. They're getting dumber and more gullible.
Speaking of large women. I was walking through a brick and mortar mall the other day and was startled by the number of mannequins, billboards, posters, etc. featuring enormous women on them. If Victoria's Secret caves in to fatness, game over man.
Can't believe you just said that, true or not true.

Do you need a safe space now? Lol

In all seriousness, I think it's absolutely true. From what I hear from single guys, young women nowadays very freely put out and do so quickly and with virtually no effort at all.

It's the dumbest thing they could do. The minute a woman starts putting out for a guy, she loses by far the biggest piece of leverage she has on him.
They want to have the wide-open sex lives that they THINK men have. They have been sold a bill of goods by the feminist left that if you have lots of sex and get naked a lot, that is somehow empowering. Women always had the final say on if we were getting laid or not anyway. I don't know why they cannot see that giving that up so easily is not going to make them *more* powerful.

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