Dumb Political Correctness

....All of these guys who are getting called out now were following the Bill Clinton Model. Which was "You can do whatever you want in your private life just so long as you agree with Democrats on policy."....

If I were going to sexually harass someone, this would be one of my last choices
Next up - hero to legions of granola-eaters Garrion Keillor

Just about every hippy I have ever met speaks of Garrion Keillor with great reverence. They all love him

And another funny irony for the WAPO


Which liberal will it be today?

How about this guy

Democratic "icon" and noted vegan Russell Simmons (Def Jam, Phat Farm, Rush Communications) - stepping down from all companies
He is alleged to have sexually assaulted the 17 year old daughter of director Sidney Lume. A model (Keri Claussen Khaligh). Forced another woman (Tanya Reid) to give Brett Ratner oral. And assaulted a male as well (Terry Crews).

He is married with two daughters

Quickly, Simmons began making aggressive sexual advances, yanking off her clothes, Khalighi said.

“I looked over at Brett (Ratner) and said ‘help me’ and I'll never forget the look on his face,” she recalled. “In that moment, the realization fell on me that they were in it together.”

Which Democratic Icon is next of the Liberal Wheel of Perverts?

How about Broadway? Israel Horovitz, father of the Beastie Boys' Adam “Ad-Rock” Horovitz. These are the people who love more than anything else to condescend to middle America.

Horovitz would summon her to his house to drop off scripts — then answer the door naked. He kissed her, fondled her and groped her from behind as she worked, she said, often telling her she “wouldn’t get anywhere with such ‘twisted Southern morals.’”

“pulled me onto his lap and licked my lips and tried sticking his tongue in my mouth several times.”

He told her: “No great woman has ever become great by being a good girl.”

‘I was 16 and he was 52, and that the whole thing was completely wrong,’”

... advised her to go home, get naked, powder her face white, put red lipstick on and masturbate while she practiced her monologue in the mirror.

when she was 21 ... Horovitz would corner her when she was in the office alone, kiss and fondle her, and once forced her hand down the front of his pants.

In 1991, when Frédérique Giffard was 16 and an au pair for Mr. Horovitz, she said he groped her breasts and placed her hand on his erect penis.

Maia Ermansons, then 21, said that when she met to discuss a theater project with Mr. Horovitz — whom she had known since she was a girl — he kissed her hard and cupped her breasts, remarking how “large and beautiful” they had become. Stunned, she replied, “Thank you.”

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Holy Cow! For every one Bill O'Reilly, there are a 100 Liberal Sexual Predators. Of course the Liberal Hacks will point out it's on both sides like there's no pattern.
If I were going to sexually harass someone, this would be one of my last choices

Really? I've never been a fan of hers, but come on, it's not hard to find worse. And considering that she's 60 years old, she looks pretty good.

I'll bet Matt Lauer has gotten with worse.
Reading these stories still baffles me to no end, because I really don't see how the idea of touching somebody against their will even gets on the menu in a professional setting.

My old legal assistant was smokin' hot. She was very young (20) for the job she did, and for whatever reason, she thought I hung the moon. She didn't flirt with me in a sexual manner (or if she did, I certainly couldn't tell), but she very clearly admired and respected me more than just the normal respect one has to show his or her boss. (In fact, she ended up marrying a guy who looks a lot like me, which I thought was weird, but to each his or her own.) I was older than she was (30) but not excessively so, in a position of authority over her, and single, but the idea that I would be presumptuous enough to grab her butt, proposition her for sex, or even talk dirty to her in a professional setting was completely unthinkable. In fact, I'm not even sure how I would have seriously broached the subject.

So if you're a dude like Lauer and you're supposed to be a professional, how do you bring up sex to these women that you're only supposed to know on a professional level? I honestly don't even understand how it comes up. Are the women bringing it up to him first? It just doesn't make much sense in a realistic, normal setting.
Really? I've never been a fan of hers, but come on, it's not hard to find worse. And considering that she's 60 years old, she looks pretty good.

She always bugged the heck out of me. This is all purely hypothetical -- but I think I would enjoy pinching Rosie O'Donnell more -- this is all purely hypothetical.
Reading these stories still baffles me to no end, because I really don't see how the idea of touching somebody against their will even gets on the menu in a professional setting.

When you are kind, genuinely Christian and other oriented, a lot of stuff other people do doesn't make sense. Heck, I can't even understand why people don't move over to let people from the entrance lane merge onto the highway. Some people are selfish and lack empathy. They see the world in a much different paradigm.

On the Katie Couric question... If I were single and knew she wanted me to pinch, grab or touch her butt, I'd oblige. I won't get in the way of Joe Fan pinching Rosie, assuming it's consensual.
...On the Katie Couric question... If I were single and knew she wanted me to pinch, grab or touch her butt, I'd oblige. I won't get in the way of Joe Fan pinching Rosie, assuming it's consensual.

I have a sort of related real life story along these lines. I once had an assistant boss who looked sort of like Rosie, and sometimes acted like Rosie. She was part of a wave of "social promotions" at the time, which elevated attys with little to no trial experience to a position where they were to advise and monitor attys with tons of trial experience. It was a retarded way to run things. Such is the Govt.

So, anyway, I got along with this woman well, maybe because we were both dog people. She was socially awkward and dressed in away that did not fit her personality, at all. One afternoon, as we were leaving to go play co-ed softball on the Mall, she said "Go get them!" and slapped my *** as I walked out. I dont think she knew what she was doing. She saw football players do it on TV and thought it was the thing to do in a faux sports setting. The problem was that she did this in front of about a half dozen people. For the rest of my time there, I got egged on to file a harassment complaint against her. In truth, she was not a very good assistant section chief. She knew this (I think she had only one jury trial under her belt) and tried to overcompensate. It did not work very well. So some of my co-workers wanted her gone. Others were just in it for the amusement it would cause. I never filed anything, of course. One reason was that I just did not care. Another reason was that I had a close relationship with the Division Chief (the real boss) and I knew she did not want any type of blowback like this (she had personally put this specific woman in our office for a reason). But another part is that I handle my own **** and am not some whiny-assed liberal.
Reading these stories still baffles me to no end, because I really don't see how the idea of touching somebody against their will even gets on the menu in a professional setting.

My old legal assistant was smokin' hot. She was very young (20) for the job she did, and for whatever reason, she thought I hung the moon. She didn't flirt with me in a sexual manner (or if she did, I certainly couldn't tell), but she very clearly admired and respected me more than just the normal respect one has to show his or her boss. (In fact, she ended up marrying a guy who looks a lot like me, which I thought was weird, but to each his or her own.) I was older than she was (30) but not excessively so, in a position of authority over her, and single, but the idea that I would be presumptuous enough to grab her butt, proposition her for sex, or even talk dirty to her in a professional setting was completely unthinkable. In fact, I'm not even sure how I would have seriously broached the subject.

So if you're a dude like Lauer and you're supposed to be a professional, how do you bring up sex to these women that you're only supposed to know on a professional level? I honestly don't even understand how it comes up. Are the women bringing it up to him first? It just doesn't make much sense in a realistic, normal setting.

I believe it happens in work environments that are young and flirtatious.

I worked in the corporate office for a large coffee retailer at one point in my career. We had a lot of young people that moved from being baristas in the store to working in the corporate office. As you can imagine, there was A LOT of eye candy. We were a in a "hip" building that included wellness rooms. These were rooms with futons and baskets of fresh sheets to put down.

I was married with 3 young children so I didn't run with the flirting crowd. One night I joined them for happy hour and heard all the gossip. The stories I heard about the usage of the wellness rooms by the employees were shocking. One woman in particular had been with 2 guys I was drinking with and a VP that would later become our CHRO.

The corporate culture changed as the workforce aged the company grew. It was much different when I left after 8.5yrs than when I started there. Most of the people in the earlier story were married with children when I left. Of course, at least 1-2 were married when they were fooling around too.
When you are kind, genuinely Christian and other oriented, a lot of stuff other people do doesn't make sense. Heck, I can't even understand why people don't move over to let people from the entrance lane merge onto the highway. Some people are selfish and lack empathy. They see the world in a much different paradigm.

On the Katie Couric question... If I were single and knew she wanted me to pinch, grab or touch her butt, I'd oblige. I won't get in the way of Joe Fan pinching Rosie, assuming it's consensual.

In her hay day...Katie Couric was the bees knees from my perspective.

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