Dumb Political Correctness

She always bugged the heck out of me. This is all purely hypothetical -- but I think I would enjoy pinching Rosie O'Donnell more -- this is all purely hypothetical.

O'Donnell over Couric? How do you expect to be taken seriously after saying something like that??? lol
O'Donnell over Couric? How do you expect to be taken seriously after saying something like that??? lol

I dont get it why anyone likes Couric
She makes me want to hurl

(but bravo to you on the reflexive auto like -- can we ever be certain that is not just some Russian bot?)

I believe it happens in work environments that are young and flirtatious.

I worked in the corporate office for a large coffee retailer at one point in my career. We had a lot of young people that moved from being baristas in the store to working in the corporate office. As you can imagine, there was A LOT of eye candy. We were a in a "hip" building that included wellness rooms. These were rooms with futons and baskets of fresh sheets to put down.

I was married with 3 young children so I didn't run with the flirting crowd. One night I joined them for happy hour and heard all the gossip. The stories I heard about the usage of the wellness rooms by the employees were shocking. One woman in particular had been with 2 guys I was drinking with and a VP that would later become our CHRO.

The corporate culture changed as the workforce aged the company grew. It was much different when I left after 8.5yrs than when I started there. Most of the people in the earlier story were married with children when I left. Of course, at least 1-2 were married when they were fooling around too.

I can understand that more when we're talking about young people who have moved up from the lower echelons of employment. However, when I hear of people who are well-educated and supposedly professional doing this sort of thing, I can't help but wonder what the hell they were thinking. Think what you will about their politics, but Bill O'Reilly, Al Franken, Joe Barton, Anthony Weiner, John Conyers, etc. are well-educated, accomplished men of great achievement. They overcame a ton of competitors to get their they were. Furthermore, they weren't horny 25 year old guys. They were supposedly mature adults of great personal and professional experience. And yet they showed laughably poor judgment and ruined or at least risked losing ruining everything.

In her hay day...Katie Couric was the bees knees from my perspective.

One can argue that she wasn't the bees knees, but to put her beneath Rosie O'Donnell is utterly indefensible.
Reading these stories still baffles me to no end, because I really don't see how the idea of touching somebody against their will even gets on the menu in a professional setting.

My old legal assistant was smokin' hot. She was very young (20) for the job she did, and for whatever reason, she thought I hung the moon. She didn't flirt with me in a sexual manner (or if she did, I certainly couldn't tell), but she very clearly admired and respected me more than just the normal respect one has to show his or her boss. (In fact, she ended up marrying a guy who looks a lot like me, which I thought was weird, but to each his or her own.) I was older than she was (30) but not excessively so, in a position of authority over her, and single, but the idea that I would be presumptuous enough to grab her butt, proposition her for sex, or even talk dirty to her in a professional setting was completely unthinkable. In fact, I'm not even sure how I would have seriously broached the subject.

So if you're a dude like Lauer and you're supposed to be a professional, how do you bring up sex to these women that you're only supposed to know on a professional level? I honestly don't even understand how it comes up. Are the women bringing it up to him first? It just doesn't make much sense in a realistic, normal setting.
My guess is that your assistant felt a little insecure at her job and sucked up to you as compensation. It can be perceived as admiration, or even flirting. I wonder if that played a part when the big shots like Charlie Rose thought some of the interactions were mutual.
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My guess is that your assistant felt a little insecure at her job and sucked up to you as compensation.

Very cynical. She was actually very good at her job and very mature for a 20 year old chick. She was consistently on time, worked hard, acted professionally at all times, and once trained in how to do the work, performed her duties very well.

And she didn't suck up. I can tell when my *** is being kissed. She was genuinely kind from the very beginning, but I can tell you when I truly became her hero. One day she took a call from a defense counsel who was a partner in a very respected Austin insurance defense firm. (In other words, he thought he was hot ****.) He asked for me to discuss a case I was working on, and she told him she wasn't sure if I was in and had to check. He bitched her out for not immediately putting me on the phone and told her she should be showing him more respect than to give him that kind of answer. (To this day, I still don't know what he thought was so bad about her answer.) She came back and told me what he said and was obviously hurt - trembling lips, close to tearing up, etc., and it just enraged me to no end.

I picked up the phone, and he immediate says, "Hey Deez (obviously used my real name)! What's happening my bro?" I responded, "Don't you call me your bro after the way you talked to my assistant. Shame on you for being such an obnoxious prick to her after she was nothing but professional with you. I don't care who the hell you think you are or what you want to discuss, but she's a human being and doesn't deserve to take your ********. Now, I'm going to put her back on the phone. You are going to apologize to her for acting like such a jerk and promise to her that you'll never speak to her that way again, and then I'll be happy to discuss the case with you." Throughout that tirade, he kept trying to interject, and I just talked over him. He knew he was wrong.

He did what I told him to do, and she was literally jumping up and down.
What I think you're missing here Deez is the pure addiction to power. These men succumbed to the corruptness of absolute (in their mind) power. It was the same 'above it all' feeling as Clinton exposed. I propose that many of the women now coming forth did not refuse nor complain out of pure fear. Not fear as in fear for their physical life but fear for their living life.
I agree with SH about age and corporate permissiveness. When I was first entering the corporate world the entire atmosphere was sexually charged, and I can imagine MANY stories if told today, would be from a much different perspective because many of the women, although consensual (that is no-fight) at the time, are regretted today. But what is unique here? We like to think we are so much more culturally educated in this 21st century but really nothing has changed regarded men chasing and changing for women since Sodom and Gomorrah. Well except perhaps sharing bathrooms
But another part is that I handle my own **** and am not some whiny-assed liberal.
I can say when I was younger and less culturally aware, a woman grabbing my tush was not a cause for irritation or concern. In fact, I remember at a social event (church sponsored) one woman was dusting off my tush after I sat in some powder ... with her husband looking on ... and I thought it innocent and nonsexual. He said "Hey" and I was surprised there was any concern at all. But this was 1983 and personal space was perhaps not so sacrosanct.
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What if it were done by a somewhat out Rosie-ODonnell-looking LGGBDTTTIQQAAP?
Unless I, in my relative innocence, had perceived it as intended to humiliate me, I'd have been unconcerned. I guess if it happened today I'd object ... just because it so violates learned social norms. It is perhaps of relevance that Crockett's tush in 1983 was markedly more attractive than it is today.
What I think you're missing here Deez is the pure addiction to power. These men succumbed to the corruptness of absolute (in their mind) power.
Good point Nashorn. I do recall back in my newspaper days back in the 1980s covering a central Texas school district. The superintendent was a blowhard, but he could be charming. One day he tried to coerce sexual favors from an elementary school principal. Happened about 9 a.m. By 10 a.m., husband of said principal came in and blackened both his eyes. School board met in emergency session later that day and he was a former superintendent. What I found out later was he had other victims who had been more fearful of him than the principal who stood up to him.
Today's liberal perv in media is Public Radio "icon" John Hockenberry, who is not only paralyzed from the waist down but has wife and 5 kids (which will probably get him some type of progressive award in the future).

One woman “He rolled right up to me at my desk, grabbed my face and started kissing me,” ... When Hockenberry saw smiling photos of Meinzer and her new husband on Facebook, he joked, “Doesn’t one of you have herpes at least?”

Another -- on the way back, John said, ‘Can we talk about something on the show?’ So I went to his room, which might seem stupid now but didn’t seem crazy then: We worked around the clock.” She took a seat at the desk in his room, she said, when he approached her: “He came up and put his arms on mine, and kissed me. Then he said, ‘I love you. We’ve always had this special thing.’ I pushed him away, and said ‘This cannot happen.’ I ran out of the room.”

Another -- “There were lots of [sex] jokes,” .... “He’s touching your waist, hips—he totally touched my ***.”


Also -- liberal icon "fashion photag" Bruce Weber (mostly known for work with the sanctimonious defamation factory known as Rolling Stone)

But the Oklahoma native froze when Weber asked him to expose his genitals, the papers say. After admonishing the model once again for being “so tense,” Weber reached over and removed Boyce’s underwear, the suit says.

After taking more photographs, Weber “instructed Mr. Boyce to put his hands on himself, ‘wherever you feel your energy go,'” according to court papers.

When Boyce put his hand on his chest, Weber moved it down to his groin, the suit says.

“Mr. Weber grabbed Mr. Boyce’s arm, and moved it back and forth, so that Mr. Boyce was forced to rub his own genitals,” the suit says.

Weber then moved Mr. Boyce’s hand to his own groin and put the model’s fingers in his mouth, the suit says.

Boyce recalls being “terrified and repulsed.”

Weber allegedly whispered, “If you just had confidence, you’d go really far” and “How far do you want to make it? How ambitious are you?”

When Boyce didn’t respond, Weber removed the model’s fingers from his mouth, dropped his hand from his genitals and said, “You know what? Put your underwear on. I think we’re done here,” the suit says.

Before Boyce could leave, Weber allegedly grabbed him and kissed him on the lips, according to the filing.

Where will today's Wheel of Leftist Pervs stop?
How about another Dem politician?

Rep. Ruben Kihuen (D-Nev) is facing sexual harassment allegations that he propositioned a former staffer for dates and sexual encounters despite her repeated rejections.

Pelosi and the DCCC have already called for him to resign

It is interesting to watch how they pick which ones to let go of and which ones to try and hang onto.

Memorable quote from a Texas Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold on $84,000 settlement of sexual harassment claims against him paid for by taxpayers: “While I 100% support more transparency with respect to claims against members of Congress, I can neither confirm nor deny that settlement involved my office as the Congressional Accountability Act prohibits me from answering that question,” Farenthold said in a statement.

Were legislation required to meet truth in advertising claims, I guess this would have to be the Congressional Freedom from Accountability Act.
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I can understand that more when we're talking about young people who have moved up from the lower echelons of employment. However, when I hear of people who are well-educated and supposedly professional doing this sort of thing, I can't help but wonder what the hell they were thinking. Think what you will about their politics, but Bill O'Reilly, Al Franken, Joe Barton, Anthony Weiner, John Conyers, etc. are well-educated, accomplished men of great achievement. They overcame a ton of competitors to get their they were. Furthermore, they weren't horny 25 year old guys. They were supposedly mature adults of great personal and professional experience. And yet they showed laughably poor judgment and ruined or at least risked losing ruining everything.

I'd agree with you but in my anecdotal story, it was a VP getting a hummer in his office from another woman in the company. This VP was not a white dude either.

I think it's a culture issue. Clearly in Hollywood that culture is rampant. Do comedians count as "hollywood"? The question is whether than culture is also rampant in D.C. The jury is still out from my perspective.
You can't make this up...


According to research from a U.K.-based insurance firm, Aviva, 72% of 16-24 year-olds (note: this includes overlap with Generation Z) think the term "snowflake" is unfair and could negatively affect their mental health, reports The Telegraph.

It was also uncovered that young people are more prone to experiencing stress, depression, and anxiety in the last year than their elders. "Almost half of adults between 16 and 24 said they had experienced stress or anxiety, compared to just over a third of all UK adults," notes The Telegraph.
Looks like Matt Lauer was not a lone wolf at NBC
Word is two more NBC-types will follow suit soon
One supposed to be a household name.
How are we supposed to teach Democrats its not OK to rape and sexually harass women?

There seems to be a pattern forming among Dem serving as "Morning Joe" pundits
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WOW! The sexual misconducts and assaults by the Dems are like the fires in California. It's coming from every direction now.

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