Dumb Political Correctness

WOW! The sexual misconducts and assaults by the Dems are like the fires in California. It's coming from every direction now.

An alternate interpretation is that organizations, particularly liberal ones, are re-evaluating their stances on how to handle these complaints. I fully expect right-leaning organizations (i.e. Foxnews) will still need to be badgered and berated into doing what's right. Afterall, look at Roy Moore. Put an 'R' next to your name and you get immunity. Simply deny any accusations, no matter volume and seriousness and most conservatives will defend you and blame the accuser.
are re-evaluating their stances on how to handle these complaints

LOL ... that's some serious spin, meister! mercy.

So the activity is OK, just how we report it is what needs to be changed!

Put an 'R' next to your name and you get immunity. Simply deny any accusations, no matter volume and seriousness

... and the allegations are ... allegations, right? Given the seriousness of the allegation, shouldn't it behoove us to ensure the charge is actually fact?

But no ... the left's version is ... the charge is made and the charged is guilty until proven innocent ... and even then the charge grants a certain number of demerits which will NEVER be scrubbed away.
An alternate interpretation is that organizations, particularly liberal ones, are re-evaluating their stances on how to handle these complaints. I fully expect right-leaning organizations (i.e. Foxnews) will still need to be badgered and berated into doing what's right. Afterall, look at Roy Moore. Put an 'R' next to your name and you get immunity. Simply deny any accusations, no matter volume and seriousness and most conservatives will defend you and blame the accuser.

Once again, just because you believe it to be true doesn't make it true for the rest of us. Give me damning evidence and I'll change my mind.
An alternate interpretation is that organizations, particularly liberal ones, are re-evaluating their stances on how to handle these complaints. I fully expect right-leaning organizations (i.e. Foxnews) will still need to be badgered and berated into doing what's right. Afterall, look at Roy Moore. Put an 'R' next to your name and you get immunity. Simply deny any accusations, no matter volume and seriousness and most conservatives will defend you and blame the accuser.

But no ... the left's version is ... the charge is made (right before an election) and the charged is guilty until proven innocent ... and even then the charge grants a certain number of demerits which will NEVER be scrubbed away

I hope you don't mind, I had to add four words in your last post.
LOL ... that's some serious spin, meister! mercy.

So the activity is OK, just how we report it is what needs to be changed!

Did I say the activity was OK? No, how these organizations DEAL with the activity has changed. That's a positive development.

... and the allegations are ... allegations, right? Given the seriousness of the allegation, shouldn't it behoove us to ensure the charge is actually fact?

But no ... the left's version is ... the charge is made and the charged is guilty until proven innocent ... and even then the charge grants a certain number of demerits which will NEVER be scrubbed away.

As I stated when the Al Franken news initially broke, I'll give the benefit of the doubt to the accused after 1 allegation. Two would be stretching it. Any more than that and the accused loses the benefit of the doubt. I don't need a court case to determine that Moore was a creep (at a minimum) and likely pedophile in his past. We shouldn't have to have a court case to pressure a politician, CEO or other to step down.
I hope you don't mind, I had to add four words in your last post.

When did Roy Moore run for national office previously? Essentially, you're saying "why would the WaPost investigate it NOW?" Occam's razor man. Why would WaPost care about local state races. Blame the local media and NOW they've also jumped in and validated the WaPost reporting. Just read a little of the Birmingham News rather than straining for a reason to justify supporting pedaphilia. :p
Just read a little of the Birmingham News rather than straining for a reason to justify supporting pedaphilia. :p

"alleged" pedophilia. Trouble grasping that part?

Alleged: (of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality
"alleged" pedophilia. Trouble grasping that part?

Alleged: (of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality
Well, you know...the left presumes innuendo to suffice as indicia of wrong-doing. And then they walk away whistling like nothing happened when they are, once again, shown to have been FoS.
Did I say the activity was OK?

You've trained me to assume nothing. Since you didn't say, that's why I asked.

how these organizations DEAL with the activity has changed. That's a positive development.

Or ... that they deal with them at all ... without taxpayer money, preferably ... is a positive development?

it's amazing to me the rapid revelations of sexual misconduct from various places (entertainment, politicians, bureaucrats, Corporate big wheels) ... particularly that which occurred YEARS ago. I'm not diminishing the violation, but the timing of the revelations is suspect AT BEST.
You've trained me to assume nothing. Since you didn't say, that's why I asked.

Or ... that they deal with them at all ... without taxpayer money, preferably ... is a positive development?

it's amazing to me the rapid revelations of sexual misconduct from various places (entertainment, politicians, bureaucrats, Corporate big wheels) ... particularly that which occurred YEARS ago. I'm not diminishing the violation, but the timing of the revelations is suspect AT BEST.

Timing of the revelations...you must have missed the #MeToo viral movement.
you must have missed the #MeToo viral movement.

I caught it ... wasn't "front burner" for me as for several weeks I didn't know what the tag meant. Is this not exhibit A of the "timing?"

"Everyone is a victim, but I'm not going to admit to it until I am compelled by a pithy hashtag?"

Once again, I'm not condoning sexual misconduct ... which actually occurred. But it really needs to be addressed when it happens not, as in a lot of these alleged cases, 30 some odd years later.

There's definitely something else at play here besides a a few thousand women deciding to announce to the world on FB they were victims of sexual assault ... whether any given one of them knows it or not.
The double standard is palpable

The easiest way to see through these scenarios is to simply reverse the politics.
Ask what the reaction would be if a Conservative and/or Rep had made a national joke out of the weight, skin color, accent, and application of beauty products of a Dem female

This country is never going to progress until Handler's fellow Dems/leftists uniformly call out this bs for what it is

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This guy is a professor at University of Toronto. He says "free speech" and "academic freedom" are "white supremacist speech".

I do not see that people like this are any different than the people who took over Russia in 1917, Germany in the 1930s, Cuba in 1959 and Cambodia in 1975.
They all say pretty much the same thing

This race situation has America so hyper right now that any suggestion that a racist incident has happened sends the higher ups into full Zombie Apocalypse mode.

A fake racial incident at Mich. State U. drew a similar reaction from the College Pres.; letter/lecture to the student body, etc. etc. etc. Once cooler heads prevail, the offending official never seems to apologize. I guess they assume their people are all racists and needed the lectures anyway.

SNL had a funny skit years ago that is proving to be right on the money.

A nerdy, harmless guy strolls up to a co-worker and tells she looks hot and maybe they should go out sometime. She picks up the phone and calls HR to report sexual harassment. Minutes later, Tom Brady, the SNL host for that week, strolls up to her and says the exact same words. She accepts. He gives her boob a little squeeze as he departs. She smiles.


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