Dumb Political Correctness

Not that I care much about preserving Halloween, but in a few years, white people will basically be allowed to dress as themselves or as an inanimate object which was not invented, assembled, or used by a person of color.

I think we should open a chain of psychological counseling centers, then franchise it. Clearly there is a need.
This is so good, I am posting it twice

Not that I care much about preserving Halloween, but in a few years, white people will basically be allowed to dress as themselves or as an inanimate object which was not invented, assembled, or used by a person of color.

The real thinkers and money (Soros) behind Antifa and the Progressive Movement want to destroy it all. They see the US as the biggest impediment to imposing their will on the rest of the world. they already have most of Europe

Here, it shows up as a war on the NFL, a war on Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, a war on Thanksgiving, a war on Christmas, a war on the military .....

The real thinkers and money (Soros) behind Antifa and the Progressive Movement want to destroy it all. They see the US as the biggest impediment to imposing their will on the rest of the world. they already have most of Europe

Here, it shows up as a war on the NFL, a war on Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts, a war on Thanksgiving, a war on Christmas, a war on the military .....


In my opinion, the true Nazi's in this country are the ones blaming innocent white people for their troubles. If a person feels hatred towards a white person solely on the basis of their skin color and wants to see the government do something about white people then in my view that's what the Nazi's did to the Jews.
So if this is true, the DNC may have set itself up to get sued for race and sex discrimination.
This was an instructive link. I never knew I was cisgender -- sounds a lot less loaded than "straight" which makes me sound square. Maybe now they can have LBGTC meetings and include me?
.... If a person feels hatred towards a white person solely on the basis of their skin color and wants to see the government do something about white people then in my view that's what the Nazi's did to the Jews.

They do seem to want whites eliminated
They do seem to want whites eliminated

Sometimes I think white male Liberals are kidding themselves as to who their friends are and the willingness of the more extreme white Liberal males to engage in hatred of whites can be viewed as being a back-stabber in terms of culture that ultimately gains respect from nobody. Let's not kid ourselves; white male Liberals are not black nor are they Hispanic. They are not that culture. They are only "protecting" those cultures.

I say all of this in the narrow academic discussion of white hatred by white male Liberals. Of course, the white male Liberal would say he only hates white racists and it's probably true in general though there may be some self-loathing issues at play. Again, I'm not a sociologist or a shrink; I just wear different hats on TV.

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Sometimes I think white male Liberals are kidding themselves as to who their friends are and the willingness of the more extreme white Liberal males to engage in hatred of whites can be viewed as being a back-stabber in terms of culture that ultimately gains respect from nobody. For we must not kid ourselves; white male Liberals are not black nor are they Hispanic. They are not that culture. They are only "protecting" those cultures..

These people are going to go the way of the Bolshevik Jews. They lit the fire, they fanned the flames, they watched it burn. And then, once it was all over, they became the victims.

Yes, i get it that some dispute this. But (a) There are not many honest Russians, especially about their own history; (b) Solzhenitsyn is one of the few; and (c) much of his writing on events is his own first hand experience

See \/
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Who is David Corn? Is he more famous than Kevin Spacey who seems to be owning the "sexual assault" headlines at the moment?
Apparently a Motherjones writer. That's as kooky of a site as the dailycaller or whatever site that hack jim hoft writes at. I follow links there sometimes but never rely on their articles for too much validity. They make Huffpo look moderate. :)
Apparently a Motherjones writer. That's as kooky of a site as the dailycaller or whatever site that hack jim hoft writes at. I follow links there sometimes but never rely on their articles for too much validity. They make Huffpo look moderate. :)

It's really shocking to me that the major news networks aren't leading with stories about a leftwing kooky blogger sexual assault story, especially when their media consumers must assuredly know who David Corn is. ;)
Apparently a Motherjones writer. That's as kooky of a site as the dailycaller ....

Dont kid yourself. I promise you there are Mother Jones readers here. For certain, their writers and ideas have been referenced here.

Corn himself is influential. Or was. We will see how his sex clinic stay goes.
He is a writer, has won writing awards. He used to be on TV alot but I dont know if he still is? He got on TV a lot because he made a nice career for himself specializing in crawling up George W Bush's butt. Those TV gigs pay well.
Apparently a Motherjones writer. That's as kooky of a site as the dailycaller or whatever site that hack jim hoft writes at. I follow links there sometimes but never rely on their articles for too much validity. They make Huffpo look moderate. :)

Corn is pretty well known in political media circles. He's probably most famous for his work with The Nation and for being a liberal commentator on several networks. I first saw him as a guest host on Crossfire back in the '90s. He's definitely not as famous as Kevin Spacey, but he's far from being a no-namer. I would put him solidly on the Left but within the political mainstream and more of an ideologue than a partisan.
Corn is pretty well known in political media circles. .....

There are now at least 8 men accused of sexual harassment and/or assault who are part of the elite media crowd

NBC -- Mark Halperin
Mother Jones -- David Corn
NPR -- Michael Oreskes
Rolling Stone -- Matt Taibbi
New Republic -- Hamilton Fish
New Republic -- Leon Wieseltier
Vox Media -- Lockhart Steele
Vox Media -- dismissed but yet unnamed
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Here is leading Democrat and former slave Sheila Stonewall Jackson Lee on the Astros wining the World Serious
First, she tanks the Govt because of all the good plays they made
Then she tanks Al Tooey for that last out
Then she goes into some weird deal about "those Southern boys" ... "the boys of the Southwest"

Unbelievably, one of the main stars of GWTW just passed away recently (Olivia deHaviland who played Mellie or Melanie).

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