Dumb Political Correctness

Given the volatility and sensitivity of the situation, McNair must have overdosed on stupid pills before issuing his comment. ...

He is a 79-year old survivor of a recent fight with cancer. At one time, he was a super sharp business mind. But not anymore. Age and the fight took alot of out him. He doesnt make many public comments anymore or give interviews because of this, and yesterday showed why.

He probably would have been OK if he had said asylum instead of prison.
McNair's comment was not racial. We all know this is an old way of saying the world is upside down. Here is the context of his comment:

1) The players are protesting something that has nothing to do with traditional union work issues.
2) The protests are CLEARLY costing the league money and the players don't care.
3) If you do not support the players you are a racist and infringing on their freedom of speech.
4) If you use any language that THEY deem to be racial, even if it isn't, then you are a racist.
5) If you say they're being unpatriotic, then you are a racist.
6) If a black person agrees that McNair's comments weren't racial then he's an Uncle Tom

I have seen ample evidence of #'s 3 - 6 on ESPN.com thread comment sections.
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McNair's comment was not racial. We all know this is an old way of saying the world is upside down. Here is the context of his comment:...

I think everyone with a shred of sense knows what is going on here.
They just dont care.
They saw an opportunity to be outraged and have something fit their narrative, and so they jumped. It is all bias confirmation. It is about the only thing that happens anymore.
Look at this; the media is quickly tapping down Yu Darvish's gracious response toward the gesture made by the Astro's player last night. We can't have that. It doesn't fit the narrative.


The Gurriel -Darvish situation is a tough one for the media and the moral outrage crowd.

On the one hand the aggressor here is actually himself a victim. Yuli is an immigrant. He is political refugee who suffered under a brutal totalitarian regime, risking prison and even life to escape it. Plus, he is non-white. In addition, since, as the fable goes, everyone on Fidel's little island went to medical school, Yuli could probably perform surgery on you in a pinch. He is a poster child for SJW empathy. On top of all that, given that these type of jokes and gestures are an accepted part of Cuban culture, isn't criticizing it showing cultural insensitivity on our part?

On the other hand, the victim here is Japanese (mostly). The Japanese are the most xenophobic people on earth (its either them of the NoKos). Isnt hating xenophobia was a pillar of virtue in SJW-World? For themselves, the Japanese are not even embarrassed by it. They have it is out in the open. It is even ingrained in their public policy. How can these kind of open racists ever be victims? I guess the media is counting on no one knowing this since racist Americans do not speak or read Japanese.....

It's a pretty twisted world progressives/SJWs have created for the rest of us.
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Spacey attempting to insulate himself with the gay story. ABC falls for it.
He also got caught once in a park in London -- it got buried too.....
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Speaking of Spacey, flight logs appear to show he traveled on the Lolita Express plane with Jeff Epstein and Bill Clinton

On the other hand, the victim here is Japanese (mostly). The Japanese are the most xenophobic people on earth (its either them of the NoKos). Isnt hating xenophobia was a pillar of virtue in SJW-World? For themselves, the Japanese are not even embarrassed by it.
Darvish is of mixed race -- worse than a foreigner is some Japanese eyes. His father is Iranian. He grew up in Japan. He's had some experience preparing to deal with prejudice.
My late Dad was Cuban. He was born there in 1928 and emigrated to the US in 1955. I loved my Dad and am very proud of his accomplishments as a Father but I'd be less than honest if I said I was shocked by Gurriel's actions. I have no way of knowing how things are on the island but I would say that political correctness was not something I would expect; even in a Marxist society. My Father was VERY Cuban and joking about people and things was part of the deal. My parents divorced when I was in college (she is very Anglo and an Okie; hence my identity crisis) and he remarried a woman from Argentina. She is very Liberal and started in on him in earnest after it came out that her grandchild (from another marriage) was gay. He started to watch his mouth in his later years...
My late Dad was Cuban. He was born there in 1928 and emigrated to the US in 1955. I loved my Dad and am very proud of his accomplishments as a Father but I'd be less than honest if I said I was shocked by Gurriel's actions....

Cubans are great. They are the best tribe in the entire Caribbean Basin. I like Puerto Rico too so sorry to them but Cubans are the most industrious, the funniest (some great comedians), the most artistic and they make some great food. I hate their government but love them.
Cubans are great. They are the best tribe in the entire Caribbean Basin. I like Puerto Rico too so sorry to them but Cubans are the most industrious, the funniest (some great comedians), the most artistic and they make some great food. I hate their government but love them.

Thank you for that Joe. There is NO DOUBT that my Father was the life of every party. He got a lot of eye rolls from his two wives but everyone loved him. Even my mom said, "Your Father has many faults but he is a great dancer." He played bongos, had thousands of stories and just was a very positive person. Every morning was a gift to him. He came over on an athletic scholarship, got his Ph D. in Poli Sci and raised two sons who are law-abiding, taxpaying citizens. He was always there for us. And it is true about the industriousness of Cubans. It seemed that all of his friends who emigrated reinvented themselves and EMBRACED their opportunity. They wanted to be contributors to our society. My Father was probably more patriotic towards the US than most people I know. He was GRATEFUL and also a man of perspective. Whenever I had my discussions with him about US imperialism and how we might have much to answer for he would always ask, "As opposed to whom?" He believed in our capacity for good and also taught me that our "experiment" of blending all cultures together would always create challenges because we "allow" each culture to flourish freely. He gave us high marks for our progress and like they do in diving competition the score he gave us was very high because of the difficulty factor.

He also had a good sense of humor about Cubans; one time I told him about a bumper sticker I saw on a car with Florida plates: "Will the last American leaving Miami please bring the flag." We laughed about it... those Cubans made themselves at home.
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From the Guardian (who also knew about Spacey ever since he was caught by police in a London park with a teen, but they laid off, because ... you know)

"Hollywood actors speak of 'rampant' problem of male abusers targeting men"
-- Speaking out in the wake of an allegation of sexual harassment against Kevin Spacey, male actors say abuse against boys and young men is ‘taboo’ but ‘pervasive’

“It’s a very taboo subject,” said Alex Winter, an actor and director who said he was sexually abused as a pre-teen child actor. “I don’t know of any boys in any pocket of the entertainment industry that do not encounter some form of predatory behavior. … It’s really not a safe environment.”
Speaking of Spacey, flight logs appear to show he traveled on the Lolita Express plane with Jeff Epstein and Bill Clinton

I was watching some "Godfather" stuff on You Tube last night. If you want to know how systemic this is and has been in Hollywood, read the book. Mario Puzo included in the book details about the studio head character Woltz and how he would prey on young girls. I think in the book it is a 12 year old girl and the mother is complicit.

There are also deleted scenes which add to the story. There are 2 scenes that set up for the viewer the young girl being given a pony in front of the press and then later Ton Hagen sees the girl in Woltz's house and the mother comes out and angrily tells her to get back in her room. In the very elderly Woltz's house. Then there is a scene where The Godfather asks if Woltz is "tough". No, he is not Sicilian, Hagen says. Vito asks if it is true about "...the little girl." It is the scene in which Hagen and Sonny give their case to The Don about going into business with The Turk. Much more dark than the final version we have all seen.

So, the fact that all this was in the book, filmed, but then left on the cutting room floor until many years later just shows how well known this sort off thing is.
....So, the fact that all this was in the book, filmed, but then left on the cutting room floor until many years later just shows how well known this sort off thing is.

For white males, being a liberal/Dem was sort of a protection racket. Like joining the Mob, or the Illuminati, or the Bilderbergs.
This stuff was a wink-wink thing among them. They looked at it the same way they look at voter fraud. It's only bad when the other side does it

Spacey attempting to insulate himself with the gay story. ABC falls for it.
He also got caught once in a park in London -- it got buried too

Anthony Rapp: "Kevin Spacey tried to rape me."
Media: "Kevin how do you respond?"
Spacey: "uuh...uuhh... Hey everyone I'm gay!"

It worked for Jim McGreevey.
I have wondered for many, many years how many of the Hollywood elite really believed the leftist views they espouse, and how many are just buying career insurance.
I have wondered for many, many years how many of the Hollywood elite really believed the leftist views they espouse, and how many are just buying career insurance.

Surely there are some true believers, but I'll bet most are not. I'm not saying they're all closet conservatives, though some probably are. I'm saying that they probably don't have particularly strong beliefs either way other than serving their own self-interests. They adopt liberalism as their public ideology, because it makes for convenient virtue signaling, which is good for business.

For example, I'm sure Harvey Weinstein is pro-abortion (because it protects him from the consequences of his sexual escapades). But does he sincerely care about things like gay rights, climate change, gun control, blacks, etc.? I doubt it. That's probably virtue signaling to protect himself more than anything else. If Democrats regained power and tried to bring back the 70 percent top tax bracket, would he be ok with that? In public, he would probably not say anything, but behind the scenes, he'd almost surely try to stop it or at least lobby for an exemption of some kind for himself.
I have wondered for many, many years how many of the Hollywood elite really believed the leftist views they espouse, and how many are just buying career insurance.

Clearly they have not been buying the feminists line

It's interesting how Judd can dig into Trump but ne'er a word about Weinstein and the other Hollywood pervs. It's as if hardened feminists dont even believe what they are saying. They certainly do not practice what they preach


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