Dumb Political Correctness

More on Mark Halperin. His "harassment" was an ‘Open Secret’ at MSNBC 'for years’
Seems ironic given MSNBC's excited coverage of the secret audio of Trump

Ward is now at CNN, formerly ABC
Ain't no union where I work.

It's a corporate sponsored plan. Those didn't change dramatically due to ACA. My plan didn't change either. The people that did see their plans change were those that already were on the open market buying their own insurance, generally through a broker. This was a minority of insurance holders from my understanding.
There is less that the lecherous and those who assert power through sexual exploitation can get away with. Perps and pervs are being punished for crap they thought they got away with. Stuff that used to be "nod, nod", "wink wink" is less acceptable. Am I the only one that thinks this is a good thing?

Only by outing any/all serial harassers can everyone get the message that this is not acceptable. This is definitely a good thing and I'm proud of these women who are banding together to say "enough is enough". No longer can "boys will be boys" be the acceptable excuse going forward.

It now appears that media and hollywood have trailed corporate culture evolution towards stamping out sexual harassment.
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Some interesting tidbits, to include the assertion that the City had provided the plot of land. If so, then the City will be likely paying some manner of damages for the taking without due process. Sadly, the City WOULD choose to pay out cash as opposed to restoring a statue whose removal has yet to improve a single person's life...nor will it EVER improve one.
Geez. Pretty soon it will be easier to compile a list of Dem males who have not sexually assaulted anybody than it will be to compile a list who have.

"Neil DeGrasse Tyson Accused of Raping a Former Student"

"..... The accuser is Tchiya Amet, a “musician, healer, and teacher” who says she studied Galactic Astronomy in the graduate program at the University of Texas in Austin and she wanted to become the first black female astronaut. In a blog post in October 2014, she claimed she was a grad student at the same time Tyson was there, and that he drugged and raped her....."

What are we supposed to do about white liberal males?
Is anyone safe from them anymore? Were we ever?
Do we continue to let them run around without a supervisor or chaperone?
Should we make them wear electronic monitoring ankle bracelets?


Sounds like a pretty bad dude that soon may struggle to get a paid gig directing porn.

I love the crusade against these serial sexual harassers. Why no mention of Bill O'Reilly's $32M settlement with Lisa Wiehl though?

Gretchen Carlson said it best when she said "nobody pays $32M for something they didn't do."

I hope all serial sexual harassers get outed. Ailes, Weinstein, Toback, O'Reilly... political affiliation doesn't matter.
Sounds like a pretty bad dude that soon may struggle to get a paid gig directing porn.

I love the crusade against these serial sexual harassers. Why no mention of Bill O'Reilly's $32M settlement with Lisa Wiehl though?

Gretchen Carlson said it best when she said "nobody pays $32M for something they didn't do."

I hope all serial sexual harassers get outed. Ailes, Weinstein, Toback, O'Reilly... political affiliation doesn't matter.

I read up on the Lis Wiehl settlement. It was done in only 15 days. That is astounding. To pay out that much cash that fast suggests that Wiehl's case against O'Reilly was brutal.

Just for the record, I've never been particularly impressed with Lis Wiehl as a legal analyst. I've seen her on multiple occasions get some pretty basic things wrong. I'm not sure what her area of expertise is, but she talks out of her *** quite a bit.
What are we supposed to do about white liberal males?
Is anyone safe from them anymore? Were we ever?
Do we continue to let them run around without a supervisor or chaperone?
Should we make them wear electronic monitoring ankle bracelets?

Here I thought The Left just invented toxic masculinity. They knew all about because they've been practicing it for years.
..Just for the record, I've never been particularly impressed with Lis Wiehl as a legal analyst. I've seen her on multiple occasions get some pretty basic things wrong. I'm not sure what her area of expertise is, but she talks out of her *** quite a bit.

Agree. I always wondered how she was able to get then keep that gig. Maybe this was how?
I'm certainly not excusing inappropriate or illegal behavior, but does anyone else find it curious how all these women are able to go on making hundreds of thousands of dollars on the networks but come out years later distraught? Megan Kelly, Lis Wiehl, et al. They were miserable and being forced into things and treated like sub humans but it was okay when the paychecks arrived.
I'm certainly not excusing inappropriate or illegal behavior, but does anyone else find it curious how all these women are able to go on making hundreds of thousands of dollars on the networks but come out years later distraught? Megan Kelly, Lis Wiehl, et al. They were miserable and being forced into things and treated like sub humans but it was okay when the paychecks arrived.
Not especially. You are competitive, driven and do what you have to do to get ahead. If you've never had to accept some humiliation and make nice to ******** to get by/get ahead, I admire you.
Joe Fan you are right about Joe Biden. You wonder how he gets by with it. It's something I never figured out. I remember my granpa, smoker, tobacco chewing, boozing, toothless old geezer used to kiss an astounding number of pretty women right on the mouth. I guess they kissed him back/put up with it because they cared about him and knew he had a good heart. I saw a lot of those pretty women at his funeral.
Not especially. You are competitive, driven and do what you have to do to get ahead. If you've never had to accept some humiliation and make nice to ******** to get by/get ahead, I admire you.
Not excusing the behavior as I said. I'm not a woman, so I cannot speak to how being driven as a woman would allow me to accept this harassment for years to make big money and advance my career only to publicize it years later well after the fact.
Not excusing the behavior as I said. I'm not a woman, so I cannot speak to how being driven as a woman would allow me to accept this harassment for years to make big money and advance my career only to publicize it years later well after the fact.
Hard to know all the facts but it certainly seems that this is one of those 80/20 situations. 20% of this stuff was real legitimate disgusting predation and harassment. The kind that needs to be snuffed out to the extent possible, but the other 80% seems to be a lot of band wagon hyperbole where someones just trying to cash in or get their name in lights for 15 minutes. Some of these accounts, like the Bush accuser, are freaking silly. If someone makes a single comment or a gesture you don't like as a woman that is not harassment. If they make it a prereq for advancement/employment or continue it after being asked to stop, then it rises to that level. In our rush to condemn everyone we are conflating very different things
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Not excusing the behavior as I said. I'm not a woman, so I cannot speak to how being driven as a woman would allow me to accept this harassment for years to make big money and advance my career only to publicize it years later well after the fact.
There is a shame factor that comes into play. In some instances, it begins happening before you even realize what was going on, especially if it was someone that you viewed as respectable.

By example, some years back, I had the misfortune of being groped by Amarillo Slim. This occurred in Las Vegas and was after he had been charged with sexual offenses in North Texas. I been seated at his table in a previous tournament and there, at the time, seemed to have been some respect by him for my game. We crossed paths again at the Bellagio and he and some whale that he was there with were wanting to go play the $1K daily at the Wynn or Venetian (specific property has faded into memory) and they wanted to stake me. Staking is not unusual in the poker world when players have respected skills.

He came by my table to say they were ready to go, so I racked up my chips to go cash out. They said they needed to go upstairs to get cash. I went, not thinking anything was out of sorts. The groping occurred in his room (other guy went to his own room, on a different part of the floor). I was able to get out before anything more transpired. Bellagio security did not take the matter seriously, partially because I waited a week to report it...I was ashamed that I had let myself get into that situation.

Whatever doubt I might have had about the allegations involving conduct with his family member went out the window after that.

I cannot imagine putting up with it for prolonged periods of time. However, if there is a risk of being blacklisted, I can see why some would be reluctant to speak out. In my case, I didn't have anything to risk with the poker 'career' since it wasn't something that would have kept me out of tournaments. It has made me reluctant to get involved with some of the circles in the high stakes arena and it served as the reminder to be constantly vigilant of my surroundings even when it was with someone I knew.
Sorry if I feel no sympathy for this one...

S.E. Cupp Reveals Sexualized Nickname An Anchor Once Said In Her Earpiece

"The last one: On her first day at a new network, she was doing a remote hit. She put her earpiece in. A male anchor in another location informed her in her ear that he had a nickname for her.

“Welcome S.E., I just want you to know, I’ve been calling you C-cup around the office,” he said. “I thought, ‘You’re an idiot. What an idiot. You’re mic-ed. I’m mic-ed. You’re saying this in an earpiece and I’m pretty sure that was just sexual harrassment.’ I said, ‘No it’s not ok that you do that.’ And I didn’t laugh at the joke that he thought would be funny and I avoided him.”

Her real name is Sarah Elizabeth Cupp and chose her entertainment name to be S.E. Cupp. There's not a real man I know who wouldn't secretly refer to her as C-cup and giggle. It was guaranteed some dufus would verbalize it sooner or later.

I'd never heard of her and naturally thought C-cup when reading the headline.

Of course her selecting that name had nothing to do with playing on sexual undertones. I mean who'd dare suggest such a thing with work attire like this (there's at least three more of these on-air legs on desk pics in sexy outfits)...

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...By example, some years back, I had the misfortune of being groped by Amarillo Slim. This occurred in Las Vegas and was after he had been charged with sexual offenses in North Texas....

Yeesh. Hopefully there is not a next time but, if so and because you are so cool, I am providing this part of my video series to you for free

Yeesh. Hopefully there is not a next time but, if so and because you are so cool, I am providing this part of my video series to you for free

Well, at least with Slim, there can never be a next time...that POS died a few years back. I shed no tears...

What made it all doubly frustrating is that he was one of THE names from the early days of poker, along side the likes of Doyle Brunson and other long-revered players.
Well, at least with Slim, there can never be a next time...that POS died a few years back. I shed no tears...
What made it all doubly frustrating is that he was one of THE names from the early days of poker, along side the likes of Doyle Brunson and other long-revered players.

I used to love this fat Texas Basketball player named Ron Baxter. As a player, he was like an even lazier version of lazy Charles Barkley. But he was a personal hero. Then one day I ran into him at a bar out on West 6th Street and he spent the entire time firing on my hot gf. Was pretty gross and unfunny. What a disappointment he turned out to be. Bit of a soul crusher.
In today's sampling of libs looking for offense where there was none...


Apparently the left believes that ALL inmates are black since they claim that a metaphor used by McNair is a slur towards blacks. They show their increased levels of stupidity by the day...

Ironically, considering how many players SHOULD be in custody somewhere, it might actually have been a correct phrase for McNair to have used...
Given the volatility and sensitivity of the situation, McNair must have overdosed on stupid pills before issuing his comment. I heard the whole room went silent and player reps were seething.

I will admit there is a lot of fake outrage tossed out.
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Being an elderly man, McNair should've gone with a more dated saying like "we can't let the wh*res run the hen house".

In the days of free agency it would've been more fitting as well. :smile1:
Being an elderly man, McNair should've gone with a more dated saying like "we can't let the wh*res run the hen house".

In the days of free agency it would've been more fitting as well. :smile1:
He used the phrase incorrectly, it is “can’t let the patients run the insane asylum”, not prison. I wonder the reaction if he said the phrase correctly.

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