Dumb Political Correctness

Re: Paul Begala - I voted for Hank.

Hank holla

You guys really are parsing this ish. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was more than 36 years ago.
The positives come from the different viewpoints and the creativity that those different life experiences bring. I'm worried that I'm going to find that 3.5 "hard disk" and be disappointed in what I find. :)

I assume we all worked in groups in college. In my experience the most "comfortable" ones were the ones with me, Biff and Chip. The ones that I learned the most from and that I remember things from are those that had the middle aged Greek woman and the Dentist and the future cat lady.


You could argue that a minority or female could be more productive as an individual if they have others like them in the group but even this recent Google study doesn't seem to find any evidence that the diversity of a group improves the performance of the group.

Again, I'm not saying that there is not a strong case for a catch-up/mulligan needed for gender/race bias in the workplace, but I am saying that if we are honest about it, it is a social justice/fairness argument and not productivity.
Wasn't Obama for the traditional marriage definition, until he wasn't for it anymore?

As SNL would say: "That's not flip-flopping, that's pandering, and the American people deserve a president who knows the difference!"
I'll say it. There is not a strong case. In fact, enacting such rules and regulations are unnecessary, and usually have the opposite effect of what was intended.
Not having a good tool to fix a problem, is not the same as there not being a problem. I believe you can appreciate that there is a historical bias/prejudice against minorities and women in the workplace without subscribing to the whole notion of a need for wholesale Affirmative Action. I agree that AffAction often produces as many problems as it solves but it doesn't take a genius to see that minorities are generally handed 4 cards and asked to play 5 card stud.
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A bill in the California legislature is proposing jail time for care givers who use wrong gender pronouns for senior trans-gender patients in long-term care facilities, after they have been notified of he preferred pronoun. So much for the First Amendment in Cali-forny.

One year in jail
That bill will never make it out of committee. It's a good trigger event for the alt-right though.
That it was even PROPOSED is lunacy. It is yet another example of the left pandering to the SJW's.

What I will be waiting for, regardless of what happens with that bill, is the articles a year or so down the road bemoaning the lack of quality care providers in California. That State made its bed...now they can lay in it.
That it was even PROPOSED is lunacy. It is yet another example of the left pandering to the SJW's.

What I will be waiting for, regardless of what happens with that bill, is the articles a year or so down the road bemoaning the lack of quality care providers in California. That State made its bed...now they can lay in it.

mb, it only takes one crackpot to file a bill. All kinds of nutty stuff gets filed in Texas every two years. Let's see the bill go to the floor, and then I'll start laughing at California.
Not having a good tool to fix a problem, is not the same as there not being a problem. I believe you can appreciate that there is a historical bias/prejudice against minorities and women in the workplace without subscribing to the whole notion of a need for wholesale Affirmative Action. I agree that AffAction often produces as many problems as it solves but it doesn't take a genius to see that minorities are generally handed 4 cards and asked to play 5 card stud.
So you believe we need to fix a "historical bias" by enacting contemporary rules so minorities and women currently in the workforce can "catch up"? How exactly will we do that? Should we give Betty a raise and a promotion regardless of her contribution to the company because Lucy wasn't promoted 50 years ago?

Minorities are "handed four cards"? Who is handing them those four cards? Why are they at a disadvantage? Did someone actually hand them cards, or did they just fail to obtain that fifth card on their own? If they were "handed" the cards, why were they only handed four cards? Was it prejudice? Could it have been culture, or well meaning but failed progressive policies? While you ponder those questions, ask yourself if Asians and blacks from the West Indies are minorities.
mb, it only takes one crackpot to file a bill. All kinds of nutty stuff gets filed in Texas every two years. Let's see the bill go to the floor, and then I'll start laughing at California.
Yeah, but I am not sure that even the nuttiest of the nutty SJW supporters in the Texas Lege would be stupid enough to propose jail time for not calling a pig in a wig "she.' That seems to be the province of the terminally stupid...typically California or New York City.
Yep it'll be all cute and cool until the mob starts targeting something the lefty cares about. This lawless monster they're feeding has an unquenchable hunger.

Sane, decent people need to stand together and slay it now or there will be massive collateral damage when it's slayed later.

It will stop somewhere. Only question is how many more people will have to die because they let it continue to grow.
University removes scale in gym: ‘Scales are very triggering’
The grading system is next

I think removing mirrors should be next. Looking at yourself in the mirror can be very triggering. Without mirrors, people can go the "Shallow Hal" path and only see their inner beauty.
Yep it'll be all cute and cool until the mob starts targeting something the lefty cares about. This lawless monster they're feeding has an unquenchable hunger.

Sane, decent people need to stand together and slay it now or there will be massive collateral damage when it's slayed later.

It will stop somewhere. Only question is how many more people will have to die because they let it continue to grow.
When we let "triggering" and "micro-aggression" enter the normal lexicon we are big trouble. If the offense is so small that it can be called "micro" then perhaps it wasn't your skin color but rather your personality that caused the aggression.
That it was even PROPOSED is lunacy. It is yet another example of the left pandering to the SJW's.

What I will be waiting for, regardless of what happens with that bill, is the articles a year or so down the road bemoaning the lack of quality care providers in California. That State made its bed...now they can lay in it.

I put this up there with some of the anti-abortion bills in conservative states. Call me when they actually make it to debate before I care. Too many other real issues to worry about.
So you believe we need to fix a "historical bias" by enacting contemporary rules so minorities and women currently in the workforce can "catch up"? How exactly will we do that? Should we give Betty a raise and a promotion regardless of her contribution to the company because Lucy wasn't promoted 50 years ago?

Minorities are "handed four cards"? Who is handing them those four cards? Why are they at a disadvantage? Did someone actually hand them cards, or did they just fail to obtain that fifth card on their own? If they were "handed" the cards, why were they only handed four cards? Was it prejudice? Could it have been culture, or well meaning but failed progressive policies? While you ponder those questions, ask yourself if Asians and blacks from the West Indies are minorities.
I don't know exactly how we get there but just because we haven't developed the right response or preventative measures doesn't mean it isn't worth talking about. I personally believe that our challenges are more about economic groupings than race groupings, it just happens that two races are predominantly in those economic groupings. I did lump women into the blurb but honestly I think they are less of an issue primarily because women come from well off homes at the same rate as men. I think most of male/female difference is due to job type and longevity so I don't think the wage gap is as severe as it is made out to be.

The 4 cards analogy to me is minority cultural phenomenon but it certainly has its roots in previous policies. You seem to be of the opinion that all the blame lies at the feet of the individual and their parents and immediate support structure. While I would agree that a large portion of the blame can be placed squarely on the parents for failing to provide for their children, I would also suggest that a kid that turns 18 and has lived his whole life in poverty, with a poor education opportunity and no one to pave the way for his future has been dealt 4 cards. I believe we can(and should) develop a better catch up system than race based employment affirmative action. I don't see how we can continue to look at kids that have crappy upbringing and opportunity and hold them responsible for the failings of their parents. We can't right blank checks and send them all to UT but we can certainly give them more opportunity than we do now.

It's not an easy fix because usually that 18 year old has also adopted the parents belief systems and self limitations so getting an 18 year old to make a good choice is hard. It's hard sometimes even when they have all the cards to do well like mine do.

I would suggest that the best thing is to do more to develop equality in education and a different/supplemental ramp for economically underprivileged.

In my ideal world I would develop a RedCross/National Guard entity that was specifically focused on providing basic level medical functions that would do mobile medical clinics and labor for housing development/repai in poor communities. In exchange for service in an organization like this, the kids would get a 1 for 1 living stipend to be used later for school. You put 6 months into the service project, you get 6 months of school and living stipend at a community college.

4 benefits out of this
1. Hopefully better health as a nation because we catch things earlier and better housing
2. the 18 years would get a sense of the other that is possible for them
3. The 18 year old would get a start on the education trail
4. The 18 year might learn a skill that even if they don't go to a college later, they could at least have a job history that could give them a jumping off point

I do think its very hard to devise a system that does the "catch up" work for a 35 year old. It's not that they aren't worthy, or that they didn't suffer from the same "4 card" dilemma, its just a lot tougher to resolve the issue because they are already locked in to their path for the most part. They likely have kids and bills and aren't able to uproot things to take advantage of an opportunity. An 18 year old however, doesn't typically have all these constraints. I think unlimited student loans is a terrible idea, and I think putting an under-qualified minority into a competitive college ahead of white person is a bad idea because they are likely to be a drop out and receive little benefit however, having a system that allows that 18 year to go someplace to "catch up" before they go to a competitive college would be a good idea.

I think 18 year olds are low hanging fruit in this situation. You give them something productive to do, and a "catch up" ramp for a trade school or college and we'll be better off as a country. I would so much rather pay them $10/hr to work at mobile clinics than pay a jail $85,000 year to house them later on.
..........I don't see how we can continue to look at kids that have crappy upbringing and opportunity and hold them responsible for the failings of their parents. We can't right blank checks and send them all to UT but we can certainly give them more opportunity than we do now.

It's not an easy fix because usually that 18 year old has also adopted the parents belief systems and self limitations so getting an 18 year old to make a good choice is hard. It's hard sometimes even when they have all the cards to do well like mine do.

I would suggest that the best thing is to do more to develop equality in education and a different/supplemental ramp for economically underprivileged.
Government imposed equality = No Child Left Behind or More $ for schools. These solutions haven't worked and made education worse. Try school choice. It can't be worse that what we have.

In my ideal world I would develop a RedCross/National Guard entity that was specifically focused on providing basic level medical functions that would do mobile medical clinics and labor for housing development/repair in poor communities. In exchange for service in an organization like this, the kids would get a 1 for 1 living stipend to be used later for school. You put 6 months into the service project, you get 6 months of school and living stipend at a community college.

4 benefits out of this
1. Hopefully better health as a nation because we catch things earlier and better housing
2. the 18 years would get a sense of the other that is possible for them
3. The 18 year old would get a start on the education trail
4. The 18 year might learn a skill that even if they don't go to a college later, they could at least have a job history that could give them a jumping off point

Can't you see the disaster that this would be? Untrained kids with poor parents from bad areas staffing medical clinics? Untrained kids repairing houses? Would they do mold or asbestos removal? Do you think any of those kids might be tempted to steal from the medical clinics or homes under repair? And what are these kids from the inner city baby-sitting high schools supposed to study in community college? They will definitely need remedial reading and math. A lot of the fish at UT from public schools need remedial courses. And those kids are the cream of the crop for the most part. Offering "free" college to those kids is pretty much worthless in my opinion.

Plus, think about the poor illegals you would be putting out of work in the construction industry. Even the illegals who work for $5 per day can't compete with free. Mexico might go bankrupt.
This stuff stops being just "dumb political correctness" when it is codified
This is pure Orwellian
"Perceived by the victim, OR ANY OTHER PERSON"
It is a blanket license to oppress anyone for any reason, or no reason at all
It's the UK, but just of matter of time before it jumps the pond


And they are even bragging about it
How long before this is here?
Will the 1st Amendment survive?
One thing is certain, if Hillary had won and got to name SCOTUS justices, it would not


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