Dumb Political Correctness

Sangre: Your aunt flo called. She said you should just ride that cotton pony or maybe try to float out of here on the red tide.
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Not wanting to be outdone by the onesie guys . . . Link.
Stands to reason...if big pharma is going to make money off of them, then why not Hallmark.
Never thought of it before, but transgenderismness brings up some
potentially strange situations regarding sexual harassment claims. Along those lines, in a lesbian relationship is there a traditional division of labor like in heterosexual relationships? Like, Betty cooks and shops, and Chris takes out the trash and mows the grass? I've never asked anyone before.
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Never thought of it before, but transgenderismness brings up some
potentially strange situations regarding sexual harassment claims....

A new world of issues will arise. Many of them putting longtime political allies at odds. Title IX is may favorite area for this, but no doubt many others.
A new world of issues will arise. Many of them putting longtime political allies at odds. Title IX is may favorite area for this, but no doubt many others.

Of course, if judges and federal regulators actually knew how to read a statute, it would have no bearing whatsoever on Title IX.
More shaming of those who won't date a tranny. Link. This is obviously becoming the new front in the culture wars, but I really don't see how they expect to win this. Do they really think they can shame people into not caring about anatomy? I just don't see how that's possible.
I suspect what they're going to get is a combination of more people checking "yes" on the survey out of fear of being labeled hateful, and also more people who've grown up under a totally different set of values, who literally don't know what gender they're supposed to be, so they aren't in a position to say no to anything.

Laws of entropy are universal and they apply to every single situation in life. Society included. We will always drift farther and farther away from any sense of order or morality or commonly defined ideals and ethics.
And wearing what looks like a dog collar. If he hadn't smeared on some lipstick, there would be no clue he was a she, in his own mind at least.

How did you ever miss the blue hair? Non-natural colors seem to be their batsignal and they expect the world to know as well ;)
Yesterday I was working in my shop and I had ESPN on in the background, just listening. They had a commercial where a female athlete says, "Genders don't play sports, athletes do." I totally agree. Can't we please just do away with these oppressive gender categories and let men and women compete together in the same sport? Maybe if we get some men into softball they could move the walls back further than the current Little League dimensions.
How did you ever miss the blue hair? Non-natural colors seem to be their batsignal and they expect the world to know as well ;)

PC spreadsheet updated. I suppose the plastic bead necklace is another tip.
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I suspect what they're going to get is a combination of more people checking "yes" on the survey out of fear of being labeled hateful, and also more people who've grown up under a totally different set of values, who literally don't know what gender they're supposed to be, so they aren't in a position to say no to anything.

What I find remarkable is that this turns the core basis for gay rights on its head. The whole premise for allowing gay marriage and gay rights in general is that sexual orientation and preferences are hard wired rather than a social construct. We're born with them, and they can't be changed, which means it's unfair to judge someone based on their sexuality or sexual practices. Well, what are the trans activists trying to do? They're trying to convince people of the opposite premise - that sexuality is a social construct and that straight men and lesbian women can "convert" and be convinced (or shamed) into being attracted to and having sex with people who are outside their sexual preference.
What I find remarkable is that this turns the core basis for gay rights on its head.

There has never been anything "rational" about the gay rights debate other than the idea that we ought to be treating people with respect and kindness regardless of who they are. The attempt to justify and normalize what is by definition not normal (any statisticians out there want to weigh in on whether you would call 2 out of 100 result that's within the norm of a test group?) leads you down all kinds of twisted logical trails, and they invariably end up being contradictory. But if you yell and scream loudly enough, people will simply acquiesce and move on. We've done this with the LGBT community every single time they've become shrill and vocal about anything in the last 40 years, and it's created an exponential effect on their messaging. They can literally claim anything they want and have it accepted and championed in the media.

Ultimately, I think most people haven't pushed back because "it's not about me, so why is it a big deal?" Well, now it's about indoctrinating those people's children, and they're starting to see the impact. You're seeing parents feeling compelled to gender identify their kid because he dresses up in his mom's clothes a couple of times and pretends to be a girl, and start introducing hormones into his or her body in a way that would never be considered safe or acceptable in any other circumstance. I mean... we pitch a fit about hormones in our kids' milk... but we're more than happy to pump them full of hormones to completely change their bodies even when their brains aren't developed or mature enough to understand what their bodies are supposed to be doing in the first place.

So now people are pushing back and the activists hilariously claim that all of this resistance is new, and no one cared about men going into women's bathrooms before or about coercing little kids into questioning the sexuality that they didn't even know they had, so this must all be the Trump culture of hate.
What I find remarkable is that this turns the core basis for gay rights on its head. The whole premise for allowing gay marriage and gay rights in general is that sexual orientation and preferences are hard wired rather than a social construct. We're born with them, and they can't be changed, which means it's unfair to judge someone based on their sexuality or sexual practices. Well, what are the trans activists trying to do? They're trying to convince people of the opposite premise - that sexuality is a social construct and that straight men and lesbian women can "convert" and be convinced (or shamed) into being attracted to and having sex with people who are outside their sexual preference.

It was funny for a while, but then they told us to stop making Mexican food because it is cultural appropriation.

Funny thing is, I'm betting they aren't boycotting Chipotle, which presumably came up with its tortilla recipes independent of any Mexican influence whatsoever.

One of the most idiotic stories I've read in years. If we were just talking about a few whiny crackpots making noise, Is dismiss it, but these people actually had to shut down because of idiocy.

And I wonder how consistent we'd really be in this. Suppose a black dude served honorably in the US Army here in Germany (as thousands do at any given time) and developed a reverence and taste for German beer, and when he got home, he decided to start a microbrewery that made money selling good German-style beer. Would we admire his hard work and tenacity, or would we hassle him and try to put him out of business because he's not an ethnic German and accuse him of "cultural appropriation?"
I think only white people can be accused of cultural appropriation, don't you know?
White people aren't allowed to wear dreadlocks, for example, since it (supposedly) started in African cultures. Yet, how many black women straighten their hair? (the majority, including our last FLOTUS) Wear wigs with blond or red hair? Wear blue or green contacts...I could go on and on, but this idiotic idea is a one way street, and one more thing that puts an unnecessary wedge between the races.

Why are people looking so hard to find things to get mad at?
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