Dumb Political Correctness

ISIS vs. American SJWs

Stretch it out. It is all generally headed this way, thanks to Kennedy and Obergfell v. Hodges
Marry your brother or sister. Both?
Marry your grandma, yer cuz.
Marry your mom. Reverse that and its your child.
Marry your pet
Marry a cartoon, your car, your sex toy.
Your favorite football team.
Your dead ancestor.
What about a cloned version of yourself? Bound to be a screenplay on this plot already.
Democracy can no longer stop you.

Or,.................. marry your burrito

That better be a damn good burrito

I used to believe that too
But the last couple years of Baylor Athletics have raised alot of questions about just what is fappening in Waco
If that defense made sense, then Waco would be the public masturbation capital of Texas.

Not since Chip and Joanna Gaines reinvented the place. My wife made me drive her 200 miles to Waco to visit "Magnolia Market at the Silos", a glorified gift shop that Chip and Joanna opened. They say 35,000 people make the pilgrimage every month. I went on a Saturday and it was packed like an amusement park on the Fourth of July. I don't get it, but the ladies do. After you tour the gift shop and eat a cupcake at the bakery, you're left viewing old Dr. Pepper bottles at the Dr. Pepper museum or walking over the old cattle bridge.

Mother's Day is now under attack for being a "Gendered Holiday".

It makes "non-binary" folks sad. Boo Hoo! I assume they also hate Father's Day for the same reason.

What holidays don't SJWs hate? I know they don't like:

Christmas - too religious, offends atheists
Columbus Day - denigrates red folk who were already here
Thanksgiving - offends vegans, animal rights activists, & white meat is racist
4th of July - celebrates our racist nation's heritage
St. Patrick's Day - cultural appropriation by non-Irish
Memorial Day - celebrates our oppressive, militaristic heritage

Any holidays that SJWs do like?
What could possibly go wrong? Link.
Drives me crazy when they go out of their way to find Veterans as their poster child for their social issues.

On the positive side, I was listening to NPR and they are making progress on identifying gene combinations that make one prone to homosexuality and confused gender identity. Of course, the scientist was quick to point out simultaneously that this gene identification should not be construed as a limitation on women as to being a female and how a female should act, and also that people claiming their homosexuality is a by product of how they are built/made/born are correct.

In other words, your genes can define your sexuality, and ughhhh...they can't define your sexuality....whatever makes your SJW argument.

I'm not a fan of the gene work we are doing/allowing but it seems the genie is out of the bottle on that one. Maybe something positive can come out of it and we can identify the homosexuality gene and weed it out of the population.
Biased much?
definitely. I used to be a live and let live kind of guy on the homosexuality thing. I was of the hate the sin, not the sinner mindset. I figured, two consenting adults...whatever. Personally didn't care for it, and it gave me the willies when I saw it, but I also didn't feel a need to run around calling people names and sure didn't need to try to roll a queer or hurt anyone. However, the recent efforts to change what it is on TV, change my Boy Scouts, change marriage, etc... have made me very anti-gay and a whole lot less willing to take a live and let live approach. While I would never condone an environment of assaulting verbally or physically a homosexual/LGBT person, I also don't believe that we have to sit idly by while the culture and values of the majority of Americans are under assault. I'm willing to tolerate the LGBT community in a don't ask/don't tell frame, but I'm not willing to have the LGBT community dictate our culture.
I had a pretty loud disagreement with one of my more liberal friends about this. People uncomfortable around gay sexuality, transvestites in women's bathroom and obscene flamboyance in public ... well they are not necessarily acting as oppressors. Genitalia hanging out of your cutoffs or slid down pants exposing a hairy butt ... that's gross and not what I or my kids need to be seeing.
My family is very involved in the Boy Scouts. Well run troops don't have a problem with overt sexuality ... gay or straight. There are lots of procedures and safeguards to make sure children and youth are not abused.
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My family is very involved in the Boy Scouts. Well run troops don't have a problem with overt sexuality ... gay or straight.

They should have a problem with overt sexuality. If my kid was in the scouts, and his leaders started talking about sex, I'd pull him out. That's none of their business.
I guess I worded that poorly. Most scouts are young a pre-sexual. There are lots of adult leaders and there are lots of communications and safeguards to protect young adults from any abuse.
I'm willing to tolerate the LGBT community in a don't ask/don't tell frame, but I'm not willing to have the LGBT community dictate our culture.

Personally, i am in favor of dropping the T from the alphabet soup, which never should have been there in the first place.

The reality is that it is not the gays and lesbians seeking to 'dictate our culture.' I am far more concerned with the constant manner in which female bodies and safe spaces are under attack. My ability to get married does not harm your marriage though.

People like you tend to overlook that the majority of gay and lesbian people (you know, like ME) are simply getting through the day just like their heterosexual counterpart. Some are liberal and some are conservative while many more are apt to hold positions that fall on both sides of the moderate fence.
They should have a problem with overt sexuality. If my kid was in the scouts, and his leaders started talking about sex, I'd pull him out. That's none of their business.

I am going to guess that they meant the issues do not exist with overt sexuality being present, not that there was no objections to such.
Personally, i am in favor of dropping the T from the alphabet soup, which never should have been there in the first place.

The reality is that it is not the gays and lesbians seeking to 'dictate our culture.' I am far more concerned with the constant manner in which female bodies and safe spaces are under attack. My ability to get married does not harm your marriage though.

People like you tend to overlook that the majority of gay and lesbian people (you know, like ME) are simply getting through the day just like their heterosexual counterpart. Some are liberal and some are conservative while many more are apt to hold positions that fall on both sides of the moderate fence.
If you are concerned that there is an attack on "safe spaces" in which opposing ideas shall not be tolerated, you are going to be concerned for the remainder of your life.

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