Dumb Political Correctness

Apparently what set people off was the idea of them going down to Mexico and observing cooks there. They talked about "peeking into windows" and apparently that has been taken to mean that they went down to Mexico, spied out some secret tortilla making technology and then came back and appropriated it - somehow robbing those Mexican chefs of their business. Because, you know, that's what everyone does to get tortillas in Portland. They drive to Mexico.

The chefs in question put their own unique spin on it, which of course is exactly what chefs do every day. They go to other countries, watch what people do there and find ways to put their own personal spin on it. There are at least two cable channels basically devoted to that concept!

So if you just make them however you want, you're being fake and no one should buy your stuff. If you copy traditional methods, you're appropriating and no one should buy your stuff. Basically being a social justice warrior means having a lot of time on your hands to find things to be mad about. It's absolutely projection. You've been told that because you're white, you must be evil by nature, because white people have apparently committed outrages that no other skin-colored people have ever done (slavery, war, compound interest, etc...) So you're completely helpless to make yourself good, but if you can be angry enough at enough things, you can distance yourself and make sure the "good" people (i.e. minorities) know that you're not like the other ones. You get it. You're "woke." So as long as you keep your life mired in mediocrity and don't succeed too much at anything, you can be accepted into progressive society.
As a pizza eatin', margarita drinkin', Mongolia beef lovin' red-blooded American, I'm a big fan of cultural appropriation. Funny thing is that the Mexican tortilla maker welcomed these Yankees, appreciated their interest a probably took some pride in teaching traditional techniques. Humans are wired to share, explore and adapt what they learn for profit. We enjoy teaching others and sharing in mutually beneficial ways. If the culture warriors were indeed the reason the business failed (and there are lots of reasons and combinations or reasons restaurants fail) they should be sick and ashamed.
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Kali Wilgus and LC Connelly should have just hired some Mexican illegals that are holed up in that sanctuary city for front men. Problem solved. Profit.

After reading that article a thought occurs to me; isn't illegal immigration the worst form of cultural appropriation?
I have spent most of my life in South and Central Texas and am amazed at how strange the rest of the country is when it comes to mexican-american (and to some extent other hispanics) relations. On one end of the spectrum, some of the worst, most ignorant racism I have ever witnessed (and may i add based on the strangest of stereotypes I have never heard of in Texas) has been by caucasians from New Jersey, Massachusetts, Mississippi and Virginia against mexican-americans which I have posted about in the past. On the other end, I have seen some of the most ignorant, misguided and unhelpful attempts to fight mexican-american racism out of state or from out-of-staters in Texas (see the above taco story, the anti-sombero/marachi costume movement, various other things). My extended family on both sides is mixed anglo, german and mexican (hell, people not from south texas get mad about the use of the word "mexican" to describe mexican-americans/tejanos. I saw a white yankee this week unsuccessfully try to "correct" a mexican lady by telling her she should refer to herself as "hispanic" and not "mexican". She disagreed.), and everyone barbecues and makes tacos. Apparently if my mexican family bbqs now and my anglo/german family makes tacos, we are racist. Maybe my mixed family members are allowed to do both? A good chunk of the rest of america is so damn weird when it comes to mexican-americans.

Hopefully as mexicans integrate in the rest of the country, the weird racism and anti-racism will stop.... or at least get less nonsensical.

One of my biggest complaints in Austin was people from California/Oregon who could not make tacos properly. No wonder that happens. The other people on the west coast punish anyone who tries to learn how to make them properly!

you can make their exact same product so other white ppl don’t have to be inconvenienced dealing with a pesky brown middle woman getting in their way

Has anyone in history ever felt someone else making them tacos was "in their way"?
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Change the President from Trump to Obama. How would the reaction differ? Would it get more press coverage? Would the coverage be more outraged? Would an apology be enough, or would it be a career destroyer?

It absolutely would be a career destroyer if it had been Obama. I recall people being fired for merely saying things about Obama--regular people, not people who work for CNN.
And every little slight against Obama was covered, and covered some more.
I don't know how much of a career this D-list "comedian" has to lose, but I doubt this publicity stunt will cost her even one day of work. I vaguely recall that she and Anderson Cooper hosted a New Year's Eve show. By then, it will be forgotten. If CNN had any courage it would fire her, as it would be expected if someone had done this to Obama.

I haven't seen much on the news about it, but was pleased to see some of the tweets from liberals that slammed her "art". gag. Her "apology" was gag inducing as well.
Go away. We are falling right in to her plot by talking about this plastic surgeried, Botox, and plastic filled hag.
I agree that it would be a career destroyer if it had been done to Obama. Will CNN fire her from the New Year's Eve broadcast? They may not. We're months away from that, so it's possible that this will blow over by then. However, if the outrage continues, they may have no choice. Here's the difference. If a CNN employee had done this to Obama, that person would have been canned inside of 24 hours and would never work in entertainment or any form of broadcast media again. He'd be the night manager at a Taco Bell in Guymon, Oklahoma next week. Regardless of what CNN does, Kathy Griffin will still get work after this. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if it helps her Hollywood career.

And I've never understood her appeal either. I remember her being on Seinfeld back in the '90s, and I thought she was lame then. (It's surprising because I think Seinfeld generally was a great judge of humor.) Based on this stunt and her idiocy at the Emmy Awards, it doesn't look like she has gotten funnier with age.
Any attack on Trump, no matter how vile, is OK with the MSM.

It can't get any lower than Colbert's "cockholster" remark. The FCC has done nothing to Colbert other than announce they were going to investigate. I doubt he'll even get a slap on the wrist. The only thing that gives me hope that the FCC might do something is that the remark also offended gays.
Any attack on Trump, no matter how vile, is OK with the MSM.

It can't get any lower than Colbert's "cockholster" remark. The FCC has done nothing to Colbert other than announce they were going to investigate. I doubt he'll even get a slap on the wrist. The only thing that gives me hope that the FCC might do something is that the remark also offended gays.

Honestly, I don't want the FCC coming after people who say stupid and/or vulgar things. I want the public to have the common sense to tune them out, and I want the networks to have the decency to get rid of them.
Ted Nugent has said some pretty outrageous things and "jokingly" advocated violence against Democrats, which doesn't seem to hurt his image much among my right wing friends. I don't mind Ted telling us what he thinks, cause the more he talks the more you realize he's not much of thinker.
Ted Nugent has said some pretty outrageous things and "jokingly" advocated violence against Democrats, which doesn't seem to hurt his image much among my right wing friends. I don't mind Ted telling us what he thinks, cause the more he talks the more you realize he's not much of thinker.

Crock, you sound like the people who dismiss Trump's idiotic statements and acts by changing the subject to Hillary Clinton. Nugent's stupid statements neither justify nor mitigate what Kathy Griffin did, which honestly was worse than anything Nugent has said or done.

Also, there's a big difference. Ted Nugent doesn't work for a mainstream media enterprise like CNN, and if he did and said the things he has said, he would have been fired immediately. He wouldn't have made it to the end of the day.

And as I've indicated here, I'm no Ted Nugent apologist. I think he's bad for the conservative cause, and I think he's disgusting. (Is he a decent guitarist? Yes.)
Crock, you sound like the people who dismiss Trump's idiotic statements and acts by changing the subject to Hillary Clinton. Nugent's stupid statements neither justify nor mitigate what Kathy Griffin did, which honestly was worse than anything Nugent has said or done.
I'm not defending Kathy Griffin. What she did was stupid and outrageous. Prior to this I couldn't have picked her out of a photo lineup and will cheerfully forget her if she goes away.
Ted Nugent got invited to dinner at the White House after repeatedly espousing violence against Obama and HRC. Nugent went from being disavowed by Romney to embraced by Trump and the centerpiece of a campaign ad.

Nugent's not working for a mainstream media outlet and never would be. In fact, he's pretty much shunned by the mainstream media and entertainment industry. That's the difference.
Nugent's not working for a mainstream media outlet and never would be. In fact, he's pretty much shunned by the mainstream media and entertainment industry. That's the difference.

That assumes that Griffin is embraced by MSM and entertainment. It's a little early to tell on that isn't it? I suspect that Griffin will likely be canned by CNN but has she done anything for them other than be Anderson Cooper's New Years Eve sidekick? It's my belief that Griffin did this because she was already being marginalized by the entertainment industry. That and the massive amount of facial surgery tell me she's an attention *****.

Sidenote: When do we start hold "alternative" media to the same standard as MSM?
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When do we start hold "alternative" media to the same standard as MSM?

Personally, I'd hold them to the same standard. However, the MSM holds itself as more honorable and having more credibility. With that alleged honor and credibility should come consistency.

I suspect that Griffin will likely be canned by CNN but has she done anything for them other than be Anderson Cooper's New Years Eve sidekick?

And she might be, but if we were talking about Nugent and Obama rather than Griffin and Trump, CNN would have fired him immediately. We wouldn't have to suspect it wonder about it.

A group calling itself “Texas Antifa” declared on Facebook page saying, "Texans agree the disgusting idols of America's dark days of slavery must be removed to bring internal peace to our country." It’s also called on Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner to support its removal, Jake Reiner reports for KPRC 2.

Best quote from the article...

"It is unclear if the group will demand the city of Houston change its name next." :lmao:
The Houston Chronicle also pointed out Sam Houston publicly voted and opposed the expansion of slavery as a U.S. Senator. He was also one of the few, and the only major historical U.S. politician I can name off the top of my head, that was against the genocide of American Indians.

I already discussed on the other thread that these nazis would not be appeased with confederate statues. They will go after everything, including attacks against anti-secession and anti-slavery expansion Sam Houston. The removal of confederate statues just emboldens them to ignorantly go after everything else. The Houston Chronicle pointed out the claims were bogus today, but as the ignorance of history continues to grow, I am not sure Sam Houston will be safe tomorrow.

If the battle for history is lost, I would hope someone would start a campaign against the ugly canoe sculpture and that red ?sculpture? on campus near Dean Keeton. I am not sure why they left prefers to tear down things like the Berliner Stadtschloss down in favor of ugly, asbestos filled Palast der Republik, but they do.
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I am not sure why they left prefers to tear down things like the Berliner Stadtschloss down in favor of ugly, asbestos filled Palast der Republik, but they do.

I'm no expert on it, but I would guess that the Communists decided to destroy the Stadtschloß because it was a symbol of German nationalism and pride. Though it wasn't closely associated with the Nazis, it was closely associated with the Kaiser and prior to that, the Prussian kings. Though stomping out Nazism was the biggest priority of the Soviets and their communist hacks in East Germany, stomping out all forms of German nationalism (including its monarchy) was also a high priority.

As for why they built a craphole in its place and made it the center of their government, it was probably because they didn't want the Germans to have any buildings of great grandeur, because they tend to promote national pride, as the Stadtschloß did. Of course, that was the opposite of Nazi approach to architecture, which was to build colossal buildings of tremendous grandeur. Think Zeppelin Field and the Congress Hall in Nuremberg. I've seen both in persona, and though Zeppelin Field is in terrible condition and partially destroyed, it was once a pretty impressive place.
"It is unclear if the group will demand the city of Houston change its name next." :lmao:

It would seem renaming the city ought to be their next goal. Isn't the name of America's forth largest city a bigger honor than a statue?

The Houston Chronicle also pointed out Sam Houston publicly voted and opposed the expansion of slavery as a U.S. Senator. He was also one of the few, and the only major historical U.S. politician I can name off the top of my head, that was against the genocide of American Indians.

While they say their goal is the removal of support for slavery, it should be clearer that their goal is removal of whites from history.
t was probably because they didn't want the Germans to have any buildings of great grandeur, because they tend to promote national pride

And there it is. It is not about racism, slavery or anything else. It is ultimately about stamping out Texan, Southern and American pride. Communists have the same thought process whether they are soviets complaining about royalty or capitalists in top hats (the 1% today) or far leftists in america starting various statue complaints. The soviets understandably wanted to stamp out german nationalism after the WW2, but they were against national pride and history before the nazis ever took over. They are threatened by historical things and feel it all must be overturned. Also, there is a lot of ignorance involved.
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And there it is. It is not about racism, slavery or anything else. It is ultimately about stamping out Texan, Southern and American pride. Communists have the same thought process whether they are soviets complaining about royalty or capitalists in top hats (the 1% today) or far leftists in america starting various statue complaints. The soviets understandably wanted to stamp out german nationalism after the WW2, but they were against national pride and history before the nazis ever took over. They are threatened by historical things and feel it all must be overturned. Also, there is a lot of ignorance involved.

I know you're desperate to make any statue removal into a communist conspiracy and a generalized attack on national pride so that you can argue that anyone who is ok with any statue removal is an enabler of the conspiracy, but that's not the case. You can be ok with removing one statue but not the other. They aren't all the same.

A German who was ok with getting rid of statues of Hitler and or changing the names of streets named after Hermann Göring isn't enabling a communist plot just because they favor that too. He can argue that those particular statues sand street names should go but that statues of Bismarck and streets named after Konrad Adenauer should remain or that the Berliner Stadtschloß should be rebuilt (which communists would oppose). He can pick and choose which historical memorials or honors should remain based on their own merits. Memorials aren't about history. They're about choosing what and whom to honor.

And yes, this means an American can support removing the Confederate flag from state capitols without being a communist enabler. It also means an American can support removing the flag and oppose removing statues of Sam Houston.
Deez, I do not think there is a conspiracy. I think there is an massive, unorganized snowball effect of ignorance and stupidity. That's how groupthink works, whether it is nazis or communists or anything else. It's starts with what you think is "reasonable" and turns into something else. It is a fact that calls for removal against things named after Sam Houston and George Washington (San Francisco) have started. Also, Woodrow Wilson was not a confederate, and UT slipped him in. You think you can agree with these groups on the removal of some things and not others and it will stop there, but it is a slippery slope and the 20th century already showed the bad results. Look at society and far it is has been pushed in 20 years. Where will it be in the next 20 years? And how far back will the goal posts be moved 20 years from now? Also, yes, you are an enabler.


^ The groupthink mob is fickle. They have general foes based on the particular mob's, but ideology, but they are willing go after everything they see as a threat. There will be more non-confederate things attacked. Giving in only emboldens them. Sam Houston and George Washington are safe today, but they or some other historical figure, could easily be Andrew Jackson or Woodrow Wilson tomorrow at this rate.

Deez, you also argue reason would prevail like it did on the Stadtschloss after 63 years. Reason may very well prevail in America, but I do not want to wait 63 years for it. You seem to be assuming reason ultimately prevails before more craziness happens. I think it is up in the air. In some countries, groupthink mobs have never really had any success. In others, it took hold. I cannot say that I am confident enough in Americans or the political situation today to say in the long term it is going to get better. I am also not confident most Americans, right or left, have set values. I think most will move the goalposts back over time... especially if someone threatens to call them racist or claims they support hate.
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