Dumb Political Correctness

I think many people would argue that is a good thing. Educators are in their elitist academia bubbles. They are the problem.

Please limit your response to 2000 words. Thank you.
Who represents the students at the Education department? All I see are bureaucrats protecting teachers.

Not to be outdone ....
Interestingly enough, they leave out the most important part of winning at girls' sports, you must have balls in order to succeed

I picked the wrong year not to publish a children's album

Three Grammy contenders decline nomination because everyone in their category is white

Wokeness continues to seep into the music industry, as three nominees for the Grammy Awards decline to accept the nomination for 2021 Best Children’s Album because all five nominees in the category are white.

One of the contenders is Alastair Moock, whose nominated album Be a Pain is about American social justice heroes including Rosa Parks, Harvey Milk and the victims of the Parkland school shooting in Florida.

“After this year, to have an all-white slate of nominees seemed really tone-deaf,” Moock said, upon learning that his album was nominated alongside three other white male acts and one white woman. He added that he would love to win a Grammy Award, but did not consider the playing field to be fair.

“I don't want it like this, where the playing field's not even,” he said.

Moock was followed by two other acts, Dog on Fleas and the Okee Dokee Brothers.

"We thought that it was the strongest thing we could do, to stand with people of color whose albums are too often left out of the Grammy nominations," says Joe Mailander, one of the Okee Dokee Brothers to NPR, adding that he intends to expand the notion of children’s music. "This is not just white guys with guitars playing for kids. We want to welcome all different types of music to this community."
I thought we needed a good laugh.

Calling herself Latinx should have been a dead giveaway. That's a term white liberals use about Hispanics. It's not a term Hispanics generally use.

And I'll remind people again. If there is white privilege, shouldn't this be going the other way? Shouldn't we have non-whites faking being white (like we did a century ago)? There should be far more guys like this.

Calling herself Latinx should have been a dead giveaway. That's a term white liberals use about Hispanics. It's not a term Hispanics generally use.

Even the most far-left Hispanic woman I know prefers Latina and hates Latinx.
Hispanics don't particularly like douchey, self-important gringos crapping on their language to make themselves look and feel righteous to other douchey, self-important gringos? Who would have thought??

One of my favorite tests for broad statements is to reverse the key phrases and see what happens then

Here we would have
[White folk] don't particularly like douchey, self-important [Latinos] crapping on their language to make themselves look and feel righteous to other douchey, self-important [Latinos]? Who would have thought??
What do you think now?
I think it works with anything:

[Group A] doesn't particularly like douchey, self-important [Group B]'s crapping on their language to make themselves look and feel righteous to other douchey, self-important [Group B]'s.

Wouldn't we all agree this statement is generally true for any pair of related groups you could stick in there?
I think it works with anything:

[Group A] doesn't particularly like douchey, self-important [Group B]'s crapping on their language to make themselves look and feel righteous to other douchey, self-important [Group B]'s.

Wouldn't we all agree this statement is generally true for any pair of related groups you could stick in there?
Can't speak for JF, but I'm guessing he was referring to how liberal heads would explode if you reversed the groups as in his example. The media would lose its collective "minds" as well.

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