Dumb Political Correctness

So Mike Pence is speaking at Rice, and a friend on mine got a copy of the protestors' chant sheet.

Every one of those is as brainless as the people who shout them.
William Marsh Rice must be rolling over in his grave, if he can see the crazies in charge of the university bearing his name.

To be fair, he started rolling over in his grave when Rice integrated back in the late '60s. His original will only endowed the university so long as it only accepted white students and of course, so long as it was tuition-free. If he could see the school now, he'd crap in his pants and pull the cash. It's the complete opposite of what he intended not just because it's integrated but because of its cost and it's radicalism.
Could it be because he has friends whose last names end in O and use to occupy the Oval Office and are very adept at manipulating government agencies?
So far the examples I have read about it sounds like the mother is influencing the son to try out transgender types of activities. Maybe the boys really do like it, but that is suggestive.
This may not be dumb political correctness but it is for sure a politician being dumb.
Maxine Waters " grilling" heads of major banks, really trying to have gotcha moments . Guess who ended up getting "got"?
5 min clip. Last minute is priceless.

This may not be dumb political correctness but it is for sure a politician being dumb.
Maxine Waters " grilling" heads of major banks, really trying to have gotcha moments . Guess who ended up getting "got"?
5 min clip. Last minute is priceless.

Wow. They had to hold back laughing at her, it appeared.
So far the examples I have read about it sounds like the mother is influencing the son to try out transgender types of activities. Maybe the boys really do like it, but that is suggestive.
In the glass half full category, at least the mother in that video clip doesn't seem to be pushing the kid into chemical therapies that will forever ruin his life. She knows he is still a male and the kid seems to accept that he is a boy. So, there IS hope that not all parents are consuming that kool-aid which asserts a male child into makeup and sparkles MUST actually be a girl...
So I was sitting next to an " independent" at a luncheon yesterday. No one was talking politics but someone mentioned how great it was that employment was so strong. The independent scoffed that there were still millions who could not get jobs because they were not qualified for the jobs out there. Then he blamed Trump for cutting the education budget. Maybe I shouldn't have but I pointed out that even if Trump cut the budget it was last year which could not have affected the education of people in the work force now
Which sent him on a tirade against Trump from calling him a racist for not renting to blacks ( I have since researched this. an amazing distortion) to the sham of Trump forcing Palm Beach to allow blacks into his Mir a Lago. The dude complained it meant nothing since the dues and fees were so high.
Next he started whining about how much he had to pay in taxes in NY.Someone asked him if he did not get a tax break on his fed taxes. Yes he did BUT now he can't deduct the high taxes he has to pay in city and state taxes. Someone pointed out that we in Texas did not get the benefit of an extra deduction and if he did not like the conditions in NY he could move to another state.
The lunch ended when he ( he was so angry he was shaking and drooling) said there was going to be so much dirt from the NY investigation coming out on the azzhole he will end up in jail.
These people are so angry with their panties are twisted up. The rest of the table just laughed.
So I was sitting next to an " independent" at a luncheon yesterday. No one was talking politics but someone mentioned how great it was that employment was so strong. The independent scoffed that there were still millions who could not get jobs because they were not qualified for the jobs out there. Then he blamed Trump for cutting the education budget. Maybe I shouldn't have but I pointed out that even if Trump cut the budget it was last year which could not have affected the education of people in the work force now
Which sent him on a tirade against Trump from calling him a racist for not renting to blacks ( I have since researched this. an amazing distortion) to the sham of Trump forcing Palm Beach to allow blacks into his Mir a Lago. The dude complained it meant nothing since the dues and fees were so high.
Next he started whining about how much he had to pay in taxes in NY.Someone asked him if he did not get a tax break on his fed taxes. Yes he did BUT now he can't deduct the high taxes he has to pay in city and state taxes. Someone pointed out that we in Texas did not get the benefit of an extra deduction and if he did not like the conditions in NY he could move to another state.
The lunch ended when he ( he was so angry he was shaking and drooling) said there was going to be so much dirt from the NY investigation coming out on the azzhole he will end up in jail.
These people are so angry with their panties are twisted up. The rest of the table just laughed.

Yeah he’s an “independent”. I take that as someone that claims independent status for one reason. To give himself credibility of not being bias so in his eyes his opinion is worth more that yours. The problem is when a liberal pretends to be independent, a true independent might be questioned as a liberal if they give their opinion. Same with everyone crying racism. It hurts the claim of true racism.
So I was sitting next to an " independent" at a luncheon yesterday. No one was talking politics but someone mentioned how great it was that employment was so strong. The independent scoffed that there were still millions who could not get jobs because they were not qualified for the jobs out there. Then he blamed Trump for cutting the education budget. Maybe I shouldn't have but I pointed out that even if Trump cut the budget it was last year which could not have affected the education of people in the work force now
Which sent him on a tirade against Trump from calling him a racist for not renting to blacks ( I have since researched this. an amazing distortion) to the sham of Trump forcing Palm Beach to allow blacks into his Mir a Lago. The dude complained it meant nothing since the dues and fees were so high.
Next he started whining about how much he had to pay in taxes in NY.Someone asked him if he did not get a tax break on his fed taxes. Yes he did BUT now he can't deduct the high taxes he has to pay in city and state taxes. Someone pointed out that we in Texas did not get the benefit of an extra deduction and if he did not like the conditions in NY he could move to another state.
The lunch ended when he ( he was so angry he was shaking and drooling) said there was going to be so much dirt from the NY investigation coming out on the azzhole he will end up in jail.
These people are so angry with their panties are twisted up. The rest of the table just laughed.
What business was he in? I mention this because a lot people in education and government and such feel demeaned that they have to work (figuratively) for Trump. The fact that a guy like Trump is in charge is inconceivable to them.
The lunch ended when he ( he was so angry he was shaking and drooling) said there was going to be so much dirt from the NY investigation coming out on the azzhole he will end up in jail.
These people are so angry with their panties are twisted up. The rest of the table just laughed.

I just don't understand anybody getting this freaked out about any politician. Despite some of the idiotic rhetoric, the world isn't coming to an end.
What business was he in? I mention this because a lot people in education and government and such feel demeaned that they have to work (figuratively) for Trump. The fact that a guy like Trump is in charge is inconceivable to them.

I've noticed this with some federal employees, especially Department of Defense Dependent Schools (DoDDS) teachers. Of course, I don't see any of them standing on principle and quitting their jobs.

The one complaint they have that is legitimate is that the tax bill made PCS moves for civilians taxable, and that's absurd. People are getting big tax bills for something they have no control over. It hasn't happened to us because we haven't moved since 2014, but I'm not looking forward to it when it happens. However, that isn't their biggest complaint. It's the usual PC nonsense.
That is what amazed me. To first of all hear lies or distortions about Trump and his policies (the blaming Trump for not educating people for jobs going unfilled today was so silly as was the remark that Trump taking a stand for allowing blacks into Mir a lago meaningless because it is expensive) then to see an educated man get so visibly angry , well I was nonplussed.
He is an engineer with a great job with Jerry Jones whose company paid for a first class move to Dallas from NY.
His anger over losing the huge deductions he ussd to get in NY from state and local taxes really set him off. He was actually gleeful in telling us New York was getting ready to destroy Trump.
I guess seeing that hate and anger first hand made me undsrstand how divided we are.
That is what amazed me. To first of all hear lies or distortions about Trump and his policies (the blaming Trump for not educating people for jobs going unfilled today was so silly as was the remark that Trump taking a stand for allowing blacks into Mir a lago meaningless because it is expensive) then to see an educated man get so visibly angry , well I was nonplussed.
He is an engineer with a great job with Jerry Jones whose company paid for a first class move to Dallas from NY.
His anger over losing the huge deductions he ussd to get in NY from state and local taxes really set him off. He was actually gleeful in telling us New York was getting ready to destroy Trump.
I guess seeing that hate and anger first hand made me undsrstand how divided we are.
My congressman Kevin Brady was mostly in charge of the tax bill, not Trump. I also thought Ivanka was spearheading adult job training. You could have added fuel to the fire by suggesting it is the illegal immigrants that are creating an uneducated underclass.
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His anger over losing the huge deductions he ussd to get in NY from state and local taxes really set him off.

I actually think the state and local deduction was a good thing and reinforced a conservative principle, because it encouraged the funding of things at the state and local level. However, it's not something that should enrage people. Nobody is entitled to that deduction or any deduction, and if your state based its long term solvency on it, then it used terrible judgement. Like any other federal statute, it could go away at any time.

And let's keep in mind that the SALT didn't go away. It was capped at $10K. There's an easy way to get around this problem. Stop taxing your citizenry so hard. Unless you're fairly wealthy, $10K per year is a hell of a lot to take from a family just in state and local taxes. No middle class family should be paying anything even close to that.
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Ah MrD But to the haters the only blame they can assess is to Trump. Pointing out how little the Feds actually contribute to school districts ( IIRC It is less than 15% of budget) OR how little is actually spent on and in the classroom versus admin costs is ignored.
Just like it was ignored that people in most states do not get to deduct a similar amount and if people do not like paying so much in local and state taxes they can move to other states. Of course the haters think the reduction in SALT was directed only to hurt Dems who now have to pay more.
The same Dems who say the rich should pay more, well except for themselves.
I was impressed at how civil the rest of the table stayed though this "Independent's" tirade.
So I was sitting next to an " independent" at a luncheon yesterday. No one was talking politics but someone mentioned how great it was that employment was so strong. The independent scoffed that there were still millions who could not get jobs because they were not qualified for the jobs out there. Then he blamed Trump for cutting the education budget. Maybe I shouldn't have but I pointed out that even if Trump cut the budget it was last year which could not have affected the education of people in the work force now
Which sent him on a tirade against Trump from calling him a racist for not renting to blacks ( I have since researched this. an amazing distortion) to the sham of Trump forcing Palm Beach to allow blacks into his Mir a Lago. The dude complained it meant nothing since the dues and fees were so high.
Next he started whining about how much he had to pay in taxes in NY.Someone asked him if he did not get a tax break on his fed taxes. Yes he did BUT now he can't deduct the high taxes he has to pay in city and state taxes. Someone pointed out that we in Texas did not get the benefit of an extra deduction and if he did not like the conditions in NY he could move to another state.
The lunch ended when he ( he was so angry he was shaking and drooling) said there was going to be so much dirt from the NY investigation coming out on the azzhole he will end up in jail.
These people are so angry with their panties are twisted up. The rest of the table just laughed.
Days late of course, but you should have said that at least the Trump administration is pushing the acquiring of skills vs credentialism that his side pushes to address the jobs gap.

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