Dumb Political Correctness

This may not be dumb political correctness but it is for sure a politician being dumb.
Maxine Waters " grilling" heads of major banks, really trying to have gotcha moments . Guess who ended up getting "got"?
5 min clip. Last minute is priceless.

She gets to smack talk, cut-off, and interrupt a bunch of older, rich white guys even though they weren't being uncooperative or evasive witnesses. She's going to enjoy that **** no matter how dumb she sounds. lol And the people cheering her on don't know how dumb she sounds.
Ah MrD But to the haters the only blame they can assess is to Trump. Pointing out how little the Feds actually contribute to school districts ( IIRC It is less than 15% of budget) OR how little is actually spent on and in the classroom versus admin costs is ignored.
Just like it was ignored that people in most states do not get to deduct a similar amount and if people do not like paying so much in local and state taxes they can move to other states. Of course the haters think the reduction in SALT was directed only to hurt Dems who now have to pay more.
The same Dems who say the rich should pay more, well except for themselves.

Getting rid of the SALT was done first and foremost to help balance out the tax cuts so they could pass them in the reconciliation process (no need to get 60 votes in the Senate). Did they choose this method because it impacted blue states more than red? Probably. I don't think dumping or limiting it was smart policy, and we might regret it some day.

Take the politics out of the equation for a moment. Forget about red and blue states and the merits or demerits of high taxes. The SALT was essentially the federal government yielding to the states when it comes to money. It was telling the states that they get the first bite at the tax revenue apple, and that's a good thing. We should be more deferential to the states and localities (even when they make stupid decisions), because those governments are closer to the people they represent.

The SALT also encouraged states to fund their own priorities rather than looking to Washington and accepting their money and the myriad of strings attached. For example, consider education. As you correctly pointed out, the feds throw in relatively little money but with it comes a mess of regulations and conditions. They're getting a hell of a lot more power than their money should suggest. With an unlimited SALT, a state could reject that federal money, raise taxes a little (since we're not even talking about that much money in the first place), and it would be free of all the federal regulations and dictates. Without SALT or by limiting SALT, we made that option a lot more expensive.

Here's another thing to consider. If Democrats return to power (and it will happen some day even if not in 2020), they will bring SALT back. However, they won't bring it back the way it was. They will bring it back the way it was before 2004. They will make state income and property taxes deductible but not sales taxes. Well, whom does that screw? Disproportionately, it screws red states.

The bottom line is that by limiting SALT, we just increased the power of Washington and decreased the power of state capitols. If you're a constitutional conservative who values federalism, that is a bad thing. We might like the current benefits of it and enjoy seeing New York and California having to scramble, but structurally, its a bad thing.

But is this something to throw a ****-fit and yell at people and drool about? No.

I was impressed at how civil the rest of the table stayed though this "Independent's" tirade.

What else could they do? Most people have jobs to do and don't have time to get into lengthy political arguments at work. Besides, if they had argued with the guy, would his rage eventually gotten physical? Maybe so. Let's keep in mind that showing Ilhan Omar's comments with a video of what she's talking about is now considered "incitement" - meaning it supposedly rationally encourages violence. These guys are unhinged crazy people.
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That is what amazed me. To first of all hear lies or distortions about Trump and his policies (the blaming Trump for not educating people for jobs going unfilled today was so silly as was the remark that Trump taking a stand for allowing blacks into Mir a lago meaningless because it is expensive) then to see an educated man get so visibly angry , well I was nonplussed.
He is an engineer with a great job with Jerry Jones whose company paid for a first class move to Dallas from NY.
His anger over losing the huge deductions he ussd to get in NY from state and local taxes really set him off. He was actually gleeful in telling us New York was getting ready to destroy Trump.
I guess seeing that hate and anger first hand made me undsrstand how divided we are.
Deez reminded me of one more thing. The SALT cap could have easily been removed from the legislation if a few Dems voted to hold the vote (60 super majority).
One thing on capping SALT is that means those whining the most are Dems . IF they pay more than the 10k that means they are doing pretty well and should according to the premise that the rich can and should pay more.
To those making that much less and living in modest homes or apartments the people who paid more than 10k in SALT taxes are RICH.
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We’ve been trained at work in emotional situations to ask questions to shift the tone from emotional to intellectual (try to engage the brain). Would have loved if the lady asked, “what do you mean by his kind”, what are you referring to specifically, etc.”.
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Doesnt seem like this headline could be real
But the DMN says it is

Dallas DA reveals plan for 'ending mass incarceration' for petty crimes, slashing probation and bail | Dallas County | Dallas News
I read that when he said it. $750.00 of free goods by however many thieves want to steal will put many small businesses out of biz and cost all of us.
This is INSANE.
I wonder if the dude considered the impact of say 10 thieves taking $750.00 worth of a small stores's goods every day?
How many thieves taking $750.00 worth from a Walmart or Dillards is ok?
and this?
"Prosecutors will now dismiss all misdemeanor criminal trespass charges, excluding residential or physical intrusion cases, Creuzot said":angry:
did the man get arrested?
Yes, white pride poster boy Joey Christian was arrested by Friendswood PD and charged with drunken disorderly.

Reports citing a now-deleted Facebook page and records published by the Texas Department of Public Safety, Christian was sentenced to 10 years in prison and 10 years of probation back in 2001 after being convicted of aggravated robbery. On a social media profile, he reportedly said he worked for CMC Houston, a construction company, and allegedly shared “white pride” imagery in 2015.
Dallas will become the new San Francisco...

Prosecutors will now dismiss all misdemeanor criminal trespass charges, excluding residential or physical intrusion cases, Creuzot said. Trespass cases have cost the county nearly $11 million since 2015.

This just told the bums that they have carte blanche to ignore directions to leave a business. Business owners are screwed...they will have people loitering and literally stinking up the joint while other bums are robbing them blind...
Think anyone is going to stop and ask anyone who breaks into their house if they are only there for a "misdemeanor"?
Many will shoot first if they find an intruder.
$750 of theft without a crime being commited is a lot. They can now steal golf clubs, cell phones, TVs, etc. and not get penalized. I predict the pawn shops and drug pushers in Dallas will be doing booming businesses. The thieves will hock their loot for pennies on the dollar and go buy their drugs.
I generally really like the idea of local control, and it's so ingrained in our Texas state government. But...it may be time to revisit the extent of local control and put more back in the hands of the State. So much of Texas' state gov't philosophy, state constitution, and just the ways of doing things in Texas, is a reaction against the centralized state gov't of the reconstruction era. Things have changed, time for an update by the duly elected state legislature and/or state constitutional amendments.

Local control is good for things like alcohol regulations, zoning/no-zoning/land use, gambling, etc. We can't have a major city that refuses to enforce the law and allows for thefts with impunity.
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This non-enforcement of the law probably won't last long. If it does, it may start a reversal of the gentrification of Dallas and a return to the rise of (and flight to) the suburbs ala 1970s, 1980s, 1990s. That's not good for the big city, but it will serve the interests of certain big city politicians well.
Other possibilities if this continues: a state constitutional amendment making it easier for sections of the big city to secede and form their own cities and ISDs. Picture Preston Hollow, Uptown, and Lakewood as their own independent cities, with their own ISDs (like the Park Cities). Opponents may not be able to look to the federal judiciary for help to stop this sort of thing. The federal judiciary is getting packed with plenty of judges who won't give a damn if this happens (and it might...). The era of Judge Barefoot Sanders, and his like, is long gone.
Dallas County has shifted from Republican in the '80s and early '90s to swing in the late '90s and early 2000s to Democratic stronghold in the late 2000s. This kind of policy is the natural consequence of that transformation.

Will businesses leave? Some will. Most won't go to the trouble or risk losing their customer base by moving. They'll simply file insurance claims for theft and go on with their lives.
Look for San Frantonio (the city that voted Chick-Fil-A out of the airport) to follow suite.

A prisoner just commited suicide in the City Jail. He couldn't post the $50 bond for whatever his crime was. The liberals are bleeding all over the media about he shouldn't have been locked up in the first place. They compare his situation to the old debtor's prisons, etc.

I guess criminals are the next group liberals want to shine their beneficence upon, now that LGBTQ are sainted. You know, let 'em vote, give 'em government jobs, let them go free if crime is less than murder, etc.
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About 15 years ago or so, there was a Judge Elloie who would refuse to prosecute blacks for anything, even violent crimes in New Orleans. He ended up getting ousted for some kind of corruption, surprise, surprise.

My point is that this has been going on in America for a while.
Interesting that Kay Bailey Hutchison easily won reelection in Dallas but the same number of Pubs who voted for her did not vote down ballot and Dems took all open seats. The Republican part in Dallas has been working to recover ever since.They haven't given up but know it is an uphill battle. Collin County Pubs paid attention.
Will businesses leave? Some will. Most won't go to the trouble or risk losing their customer base by moving. They'll simply file insurance claims for theft and go on with their lives.

At some point in time, the insurance carrier will drop them due to the volume of claims. At the same time, costs will go up for law-abiding citizens, not only in THAT store but for those who frequent other stores in a chain outside of the zone overseen by a DA that won't enforce the law.

And, yes, there WILL be a loss of some thugs when store-owners empower their employees to use deadly force to protect property.

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