Dumb Political Correctness

Can philosophy even remain a school subject?

One of the best comments from an article about that debacle (the Telegraph article was a little over two years ago) was as follows:

"Rejecting a philosopher for being "not of color" is the same sort of thing for the Nazis rejecting Einstein because he was Jewish."
Australian man sues his boss for bullying, over his farts --he thinks its worth $1.8M in Australian dollars

" .......Hingst sued the firm for bullying in 2017, accusing supervisor Greg Short (whom Hingst referred to as “Mr. Stinky”) of being a serial farter who regularly “thrusted his bum” at him, News.com.au reported, quoting the Australian Associated Press. Hingst is seeking damages of 1.8 million Australian dollars ($1.28 million).

“I would be sitting with my face to the wall and he would come into the room, which was small and had no windows,” .... “He would fart behind me and walk away. He would do this five or six times a day,” which led the engineer to spray deodorant at his boss, the news site reported.

The recurrent gas-passing, Hingst claimed, was part of a conspiracy to end his employment and caused him “severe stress.”

This smells like Michelle Obama's doing
What kind of privilege is this?
Seems like Democrat Privilege

I like what Tucker Carlson had to say about the Smollett "whitewashing":

Jussie Smollett isn't getting off because he is innocent. He is not innocent. He is something better than innocent. He is famous. The charges against him were dropped because someone in power called someone else in power and said, "Let him go." None of this had anything to do with justice. It's the opposite of justice.
Clean, it isn't being famous. It is about being in the preferred political/social class. Being famous didn't hurt. But any SJW in the public eye would have been given similar help.
I am confused. If he was exonerated why did the DA say this.
""After reviewing all the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the city of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution," the statement from the Cook County Attorney's Office said."
IF he was innocent why did he need to forfeit the bond and why would his subsequent community service matter or even be mentioned?
I am confused. If he was exonerated why did the DA say this.
""After reviewing all the facts and circumstances of the case, including Mr. Smollett's volunteer service in the community and agreement to forfeit his bond to the city of Chicago, we believe this outcome is a just disposition and appropriate resolution," the statement from the Cook County Attorney's Office said."
IF he was innocent why did he need to forfeit the bond and why would his subsequent community service matter or even be mentioned?
Guessing, just like with Mueller, it isn't a prosecutor's job to "exonerate" someone, so even mentioning exoneration is BS.
It reminds me somewhat of when Michael Irvin was let off with a slap on the wrist for the "cocaine-with-a-stripper-dating-a-murderous-cop" incident when he could have spent 20 years in the slammer (or gotten shot). However, Irvin at least accepted blame and showed what at least looked like real contrition when it was over. Smollett defiantly stands by his ******** story.
SNL gave up doing skits on liberals/lefties/Democrats a long time ago. And even in those rare instances when they still do, the skits fall flat, like this one on Smollet. They pull their punches and even seem embarrassed to be doing it, acting like they are only participating because their boss made them

Supply and Demand 101
Here, when the supply of actual hate crimes cannot equal the liberal demand for them, the result is fake hate crimes.
This twitter thread lists a bunch, with citations

The double-standard allowed the left shows no signs of abating. They even give themselves awards for producing things a conservative would be lose a job, be sued or even be put in jail over


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