Dumb Political Correctness

My dog just looked at me and asked -- “So, dude, who can we trust if we can’t trust the people who promoted Jussie Smollett as the gay Tupac?”

I honestly have no idea how to respond

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If these Nigerians are princes I need the Chicago police to get my 5 mil they promised me.

I hope the police can fine him for the money wasted.
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If we are going to have an honest discussion, we need to start with the premise that far more people wearing MAGA hats have been the victims of aggression from butthurt minorities and left wingers than have ever been the instigators of aggressive actions towards them.
Here is an example of the opposite of the medias behavior with regard to Jussie Smollett

Two black men have been found dead in the apartment of well-known Californian Ed Buck.
In stark contrast to their breathless coverage of the Smollett "this is MAGA country" hoax, the national media has ignored these stories

Because Ed Buck is a prominent Democrat donor and close friends with Adam Schiff
Man tells how Dem donor Ed Buck injected him with meth at sex-toy filled West Hollywood apartment | Daily Mail Online
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A very nice lady I know posted this on her facebook page:


So, Obama mocked Mitt about cold war thinking and Trump didn't collude but that doesn't matter. We will be aggressively attacked for not thinking like them. This is sickening to me and is EXACTLY the mind-set and it is wide-spread and full of political power.
Found on another forum:

The Smollett fake attack has now devolved to where all these fake attacks go to live an eternal life - to Ratherland.

Ratherland is that imaginary place created by former CBS anchor Dan Rather, where things are "fake but accurate" and even when disproved, are kept alive because they represent a "greater truth".

Here's the process:

1 - Person fakes an outrageous situation (almost always one with political benefit).

2 - Media and politicians immediately jump to virtue signal by siding with the "victim" and running feet of columns and hours of broadcast coverage.

3 - Situation proves to be faked or untrue.

4 - Rather than chastising the perpetrator, the media and politicians immediately blame people for noticing it is fake.

5 - Perpetrator disappears from the news, relegated to page 27 below the fold.

6 - Media and politicians claim that even if the situation was faked, the conditions exist in America for such a situation to happen, so even if it didn't, we should treat it as if it did (a GQ writer actually stated such).

7 - You are a racist / sexist / homophobe if you think differently.

8 - Welcome to Ratherland, where an event that never happened somehow proves the points of the ones who claimed it did, and supports the idea that they are better, more compassionate and more woke than you are.
The sad thing is everyone knew this was a hoax right from the start BUT the Repubs in the Senate allowed themselves to be played rather than talk about reality or even ask for time for the investigation and risk being called racist and homophobic.
The sad thing is everyone knew this was a hoax right from the start BUT the Repubs in the Senate allowed themselves to be played rather than talk about reality or even ask for time for the investigation and risk being called racist and homophobic.

The Dems have control of the House. The Repubs have the Pres and the Senate and the Dems are kicking the **** out of the Republicans. It's pathetic.
The Dems have control of the House. The Repubs have the Pres and the Senate and the Dems are kicking the **** out of the Republicans. It's pathetic.
The Republicans are more concerned about favorable press than promoting and passing Republican legislation. They are overall a bunch of pathetic wussies.
The Dems have control of the House. The Repubs have the Pres and the Senate and the Dems are kicking the **** out of the Republicans. It's pathetic.

The Republicans are the Washington Generals. I mean that in every way possible.
The Dems have control of the House. The Repubs have the Pres and the Senate and the Dems are kicking the **** out of the Republicans. It's pathetic.

It is because Trump puts the Republicans in compromised positions due to his style and because the Left has completely mastered the art of virtue signaling, identity politics and it is very difficult to stand there and say no when it appears you are saying no to helping people. There are too many bitter socially maladjusted Americans who are begging to validate their economic situation by blaming other people. This is a cancer in our society. I can't imagine that anyone would deny the lack of self-responsibility and finger-pointing that has over-run our country. It is so obvious to me what has happened. The rhetoric of the Left is incredibly cynical. There is no self-control.

But as I say that, I am reminded over and over that the President has the same self-control problems.
Saw this on Facebook. Crazy.


So American Muslims are going to deny the Koran. I've said it before; I dated a Muslim woman and let me tell you, homosexuality and abortion were sins and there was no ambiguity about it. She was a Republican at heart but did fear for reprisals from rednecks. She didn't want to discuss anything about Islam or the war on terror on the phone. She was caught in the middle. It's amazing how close Islam and Christianity really are in so many ways. The Abrahamic religions are all in agreement on some very major points. Yet, the question of Israel is something that will always divide us it seems.

It is amazing to me that the Left is embracing Muslims. It shows to me either racism is the most important thing (over homosexuality?) or they hate Trump so much they want to continue to use the entire immigration platform as a place to launch their attacks.

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