Dumb Political Correctness

There is always a time lag. Trans acceptance is at an all-time high and they will continue to exert their rights on all fronts. It's a vision. I believe there will be a train-wreck of sorts as women will begin to lose more and more to trans-gender athletes. Men don't have to worry about it. I just think it's obvious what's coming.

As for the testing that you mention, I wonder if anyone will ever agree on the parameters. What is the range that separates the male from the female category in competition other than the obvious: the male and female anatomy.

Forget anatomy. Simply go by chromosome composition.

For the "men don't have to worry about it" I bring you Patricio Manuel. He was formerly an Olympics qualified boxer as a female.
Forget anatomy. Simply go by chromosome composition.

For the "men don't have to worry about it" I bring you Patricio Manuel. He was formerly an Olympics qualified boxer as a female.

Well, I'm not a chromosome expert but I'll take your word for it on here. I don't know how linear the connection is between chromosome counts and athletic advantage. Hopefully it's definable.

As for men, I don't know any men that could look me in the eye and complain if a trans athlete (woman change to man) wins. Hell, I bet there are plenty of "regular" women who could beat up some pencil-neck geeks. But for women competing against former men, it's a whole 'nother ball-game. At least that's how I see it.
We have already seen the no-platforming and removals from social media platforms when actual females tell those guys that they are not women. ...

It is a crazy world out there. If someone woke up from a coma and asked me "what's been happening?" - I am not sure I could adequately explain this part of our current culture

Mia Farrow was a hippy, flower child in the late-1960s/1970s and has been famously anti-war her entire adult life. Until now. Now her hatred for Trump has her demanding further international intervention by the US military.

It's all so weird.

Ah Woody Allen’s Mia, remember her well and yep, she was heretofore always anti war. What possibly could have happened here?
It's only a matter of time before DNA tests are required for competitive sports. Forget what gender someone identifies with and focus only on the genetics.

You're assuming that there's some mystery as to what those tests would reveal, and that if a DNA test revealed someone to be male, that would ban them from competing. That seems incredibly naive.
Two 20-something female Scandinavian tourists murdered in Moroccan mountains

"... the [beheading] footage, which is still — incredibly — available on Twitter, Facebook, 4Chan and Reddit.

In a shocking development, the Facebook page of Ms Ueland’s mother Irene has been spammed with hundreds horrible images of her daughter’s slit throat and Ms Jespersen’s severed head...."


From her Twitter page:

"I have been put on this earth to defend minorities and fight for social justice. My work is not about ego. It is so much bigger than me."

Yet her "Banner" says:

"My poetry is uncompromising
My instincts are profound
I am feared by the powerful
I am adored by the oppressed
I am Truth
I am Titiania McGrath"

This type of delusional aggression is the problem from the extreme Left. She is the new Fascism. It now resides on the far Left.
....This type of delusional aggression is the problem from the extreme Left. She is the new Fascism. It now resides on the far Left.

Now that Ive read more, it seems like a parody account. It has to be, right?
LOL, so hard to tell now
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Is it overblown? The fascists on the Left are now telling gay people to be quiet about it.

Martina Navratilova deletes tweet about trans athletes after being called transphobic

That exchange ALSO saw McManonabike playing not only the 'do you know who I am' card but ALSO telling Martina that Renee Richards should not be considered an expert on anything. Nevermind that Richards WAS the transsexual who first got a major sports organization to permit a post-operative transsexual to play on the side of the bracket that was NOT their birth sex...

Martina got a hefty dose of what other females have been putting up with online for several years now...
From her Twitter page:

"I have been put on this earth to defend minorities and fight for social justice. My work is not about ego. It is so much bigger than me."

Yet her "Banner" says:

"My poetry is uncompromising
My instincts are profound
I am feared by the powerful
I am adored by the oppressed
I am Truth
I am Titiania McGrath"

This type of delusional aggression is the problem from the extreme Left. She is the new Fascism. It now resides on the far Left.
Parody account. Thus, you and her agree since she is parodying the very thing you wrote about.

Lol! That is greatness.

Martina got a hefty dose of what other females have been putting up with online for several years now.

Martina Navratilova is one of best tennis players of all time and generally conducted herself with class over a long period of time. Furthermore, by overcoming a pretty bad life in a communist dictatorship to become a such a major success story in America, she became an American hero. She shouldn't have to answer to any of these idiots. They are beneath her.
Biologically " THAT" still is female. It has't transitioned yet but is wanting to become a male. FTM which is why it is taking testosterone.
sure that is fair, to continue to wrestle as a female.:rolleyes1:
From her Twitter page:
"I have been put on this earth to defend minorities and fight for social justice. My work is not about ego. It is so much bigger than me."
Yet her "Banner" says:
"My poetry is uncompromising
My instincts are profound
I am feared by the powerful
I am adored by the oppressed
I am Truth
I am Titiania McGrath"
This type of delusional aggression is the problem from the extreme Left. She is the new Fascism. It now resides on the far Left.
Turns out Titania is pretty funny
Which, of course, means that at some point Twitter will get rid of her

The purported book has 2 reviews
A book of great social and political import.
I haven't read this yet but I can say with absolute certainty this will be the most important book of our time. Titania smashes preconceived notions of what of means to be a vegan pansexual polyracial otherkin. If only people of her calibre were in charge of our society we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

Men are the problem.
It's just incredible how many people can go through a day without acknowledging their whiteness and heterosexual privelage. It's an absolute honour to be part of this punch UP into society's ugly patriarchal visage
Turns out Titania is pretty funny
Which, of course, means that at some point Twitter will get rid of her

The purported book has 2 reviews
A book of great social and political import.
I haven't read this yet but I can say with absolute certainty this will be the most important book of our time. Titania smashes preconceived notions of what of means to be a vegan pansexual polyracial otherkin. If only people of her calibre were in charge of our society we wouldn't be in the mess we are in.

Men are the problem.
It's just incredible how many people can go through a day without acknowledging their whiteness and heterosexual privelage. It's an absolute honour to be part of this punch UP into society's ugly patriarchal visage

She was banned at one point.
Her book description is hilarious:

"In Woke, Titania McGrath demonstrates how everybody can play their part in the pursuit of social justice. As a millennial icon on the forefront of online activism (i.e. having written numerous angry tweets), Titania is uniquely placed to guide her readers through the often bewildering array of terminology and concepts that constitute twenty-first-century 'wokeness'. These new ideas often leave the general public bemused, particularly if they don't read the Guardian.

Being woke is actually much easier than people think. As Titania demonstrates, anyone can be an activist. By simply adding a rainbow flag to your Facebook profile, or calling out an elderly person who doesn't understand what 'non-binary' means, you can change the world for the better. Indeed, social media has now made it possible to show how virtuous you are without having to do anything at all.

Timely and indispensable, Titania's step-by-step guide will help you to become the woke person you need to be in an increasingly progressive world. In a non-patronising manner, Titania will explain why you are wrong about everything and how to become more like her."

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