Dumb Political Correctness

Clever marketing by Popeyes for Holiday Travel?

Probably many of them did grow up in 2 income households. I don't see teaching these skills as part of an au pair's job duties. She might teach how to cook if you ask her to, but budgeting and time management are skills that parents usually teach.

The bottom line is that parents need to find time to teach their kids this stuff.

Both my parents worked, and I managed to learn a lot of things, but part of it was because I watched and paid attention. Mom and Dad didn't always do a good job of sitting us down and specifically showing us how to do certain things, but they had us helping with things and we cared enough to try to do them right. And then of course there were the occasional "let's go change the oil on the car" episodes. I wish they'd done more in terms of budgeting and some of those household management lessons, but I never felt like I was unprepared for life when I left home.

But in some ways, yeah the parents need to be better at actively teaching and not just doing it for the kid without them knowing it. In some ways it's about the kid actually taking an interest in something outside himself. And in some ways it's about spending time together and knowing what's going on in the house. I feel like all three of those things may be on the wane, and no one is better for it.
The one thing I have done with my son that my parents didn't do with me is talk about sex and consent. My parents probably felt that stuff goes without saying, but there are conflicting messages out there and many in my and subsequent generations felt that being too drunk to remember clearly or testify credibly was "consent". If you can't live without sex, look around and some woman is willing.
The one thing I have done with my son that my parents didn't do with me is talk about sex and consent. My parents probably felt that stuff goes without saying, but there are conflicting messages out there and many in my and subsequent generations felt that being too drunk to remember clearly or testify credibly was "consent". If you can't live without sex, look around and some woman is willing.

With 3 boys we've been very concerned with how they are susceptible in a #MeToo world. Even when alcohol isn't involved we are concerned that they always always always confirm consent. Of course, our experience in a socially liberal Seattle suburb is that the females are the aggressors. It's the females that are pursuing the boys and sending promiscuous snapchats to boys they aren't even romantically involved with.
With 3 boys we've been very concerned with how they are susceptible in a #MeToo world. Even when alcohol isn't involved we are concerned that they always always always confirm consent. Of course, our experience in a socially liberal Seattle suburb is that the females are the aggressors. It's the females that are pursuing the boys and sending promiscuous snapchats to boys they aren't even romantically involved with.

Here's something I wrote for my son:


Do not assume a woman is practicing birth-control; while it may not be romantic to talk about it in the moment, neither is it romantic to have a baby with a woman you do not love, especially if you are broke.

Being a man is not making love to a woman; it is being mature about life.

When a woman says no, then she means no; even if it’s like a light that goes from green directly to red while you are speeding through the intersection; unlike a car, your brakes work instantly.

If a woman is drunk being a man means helping her, not taking advantage of her.

STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease. A condom solves the problem. So does not making love to her. It’s your choice.

The Bible says, "Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Wife." You know why? He may kill you among other reasons. It's the same with somebody's girl-friend. It's bad form and besides, if she's lying to him to be with you then one day she will lie to you to be with somebody else.

It is illegal in Texas for anyone under 21 to drink alcoholic beverages or take drugs at any age; it is also illegal to ingest someone else’s prescription drugs (SYZRRP).

It is illegal to drive under the influence; it is also life-threatening, not only to you but your passengers and others who have the misfortune of crossing your path.

If you do drink, the only way to know it's not spiked is to open the can or bottle yourself; otherwise... you just don't know what's in that trash can punch do you? It's the same with recreational drugs; they are not inspected by the Food and Drug Administration now are they?

“A man has got to know his limitations.” That’s a line from a Clint Eastwood movie; knowing your limits means not losing control. You have to be able to take care of business whether it means being able to drive yourself home from a party or knowing when it’s time to go to the library.

A friend will understand the above, a bad influence will not. Know the difference.

An adult does not suffer any loss of pride by saying no to bad decisions.

A woman is impressed with a man who has his act together, has a plan for the future, is honest in a kind manner even if he is rejecting her and is able to accept present frustration for a future gain, meaning he takes his time when it is necessary.

You are not independent until you can pay for all your expenses without the help of your parents.
When a woman says no, then she means no; even if it’s like a light that goes from green directly to red while you are speeding through the intersection; unlike a car, your brakes work instantly.
If a woman says no then it should be a full stop, no question. But to say that a woman always means exactly what she said is an instant loss of credibility.

Ex: "Honey,what did you want for your birthday this year?" "Oh no don't get me anything, I have too much stuff already".... She said no, but that's not what she meant.
If a woman says no then it should be a full stop, no question. But to say that a woman always means exactly what she said is an instant loss of credibility.

Ex: "Honey,what did you want for your birthday this year?" "Oh no don't get me anything, I have too much stuff already".... She said no, but that's not what she meant.

I wrote this thing for him about six or seven years ago. It was before #Metoo. No means no was the buzz phrase before all the mess we see today. I felt there was no nuance that a no from a woman might mean maybe or keep trying. I wanted to make sure he understood there is nothing about himself that he can't control no matter the situation.

Hey, l tried my persuasion charms long ago, alone in a girls dorm room. More than once. I understand how the light can change on you. Thank God I had good brakes.
This is all future sports if you guys keep letting liberals ruin everything

They're gonna do to all the other sports what they did to the rules of basketball? :D

Having A Vagina Does Not Make Me A Woman

Well, that's correct. Having XX chromosomes both makes someone female and makes them have a vagina. Having XY chromosomes both makes someone male and makes them have a penis. The vagina and penis aren't what cause someone to be female/male (which is why changing them doesn't change whether someone is male or female).
Shouldn't the challenge be coming from females? They are the ones most directly affected.
We have already seen the no-platforming and removals from social media platforms when actual females tell those guys that they are not women. The Brigade goes after the outspoken females with an all-out effort to destroy them...I've even had them try to come after my position and I really didn't consider myself to have been THAT outspoken...
It's only a matter of time before DNA tests are required for competitive sports. Forget what gender someone identifies with and focus only on the genetics.

With that said, the histrionics on this topic are overblown. No "sport" has been ruined yet.
In other words, we have solutions looking for a problem.

There is always a time lag. Trans acceptance is at an all-time high and they will continue to exert their rights on all fronts. It's a vision. I believe there will be a train-wreck of sorts as women will begin to lose more and more to trans-gender athletes. Men don't have to worry about it. I just think it's obvious what's coming.

As for the testing that you mention, I wonder if anyone will ever agree on the parameters. What is the range that separates the male from the female category in competition other than the obvious: the male and female anatomy.

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