Don't trust Obama

Hillary offers nothing that would make me think she should be in charge of anything

Rather people like Obama or anyone else...the worst thing that could happen IMO (even over some of the Rebs outside McCain getting office) is to have the Clintons back in the white house.

and if its power you are worried about and how Obama would handle can anyone act like the Clintons having that power back would be a good thing? People talk about Obama fooling people. I continue to be amazed at the support for Hillary.
"The expectations of the left on a new Dem Prez will be enormous and moderating that will require someone who knows the pitfalls of failing to do so. I'm afraid Obama will instead get caught up in the excitement. The reality is that half of this country wants one thing and the other half wants something else. I, for instance, don't want socialized medicine, a ***** approach to the war on terror (as opposed to Iraq), or ambivalence about illegal aliens.

We need a President who understands how to govern with a forty percent approval rating, which is what any will have. It's where we are. Hillary has experienced the necessary failures to understand the limits of the President's power and Obama has not. My logic says maybe Hillary would be better. "

So did you voice the same concerns when the current occupant of the White House came to power or it didn't matter then since his views were more aligned to yours?
"and if its power you are worried about and how Obama would handle can anyone act like the Clintons having that power back would be a good thing? People talk about Obama fooling people. I continue to be amazed at the support for Hillary."

Who said a democrat was going to win?

And Tyler, if the man is running for POTUS then he should at least be acting like, "America.. **** Yeah." Don't ya think?

Everyone blasted you for posting that link. Maybe our President doesn 't need to display or practice the accepted and usual displays of honoring their country, the country to whose highest office they have been elected.
I would prefer that our President at least pretend in public that he/she understands the traditional behavior we all use to give the appearance of honoring our nation.

However your last paragraph hit on the issue that for me supercedes any minor annoyance of Obama refusing to honor our pledge.

this:"The scary thing is that people are being sucked in by his charisma. He talks good but he's to the left of Hillary.

If he is elected your life is not going to change one way or the other except he might want to take more of your money than the gove already takes. Other than that whatever. He is just another empty suit just like the last two we have had and just like every other candidate running this time. Worry about solving your own problems and we'll all be better off.
zzzz, I've been to this church a few times.

It is Afro-centric, perhaps to the point of being irritating (at least to me), but it is not some radical, diabolical unit planning separation from the United States or whatever.

Its members are just like members of various other Black churches I have been to.

But that is just my impression from a few Sunday masses.
Wow, are people REALLY still bringing this **** up??

Please refer to this:The Link

And pay special attention to this: "The senator himself said that "My grandfather taught me when I was 2. During the Pledge of Allegiance, you put your hand over your heart. During the national anthem, you sing."

I love the fact that this is the worst thing people can find wrong with Mr. Obama.
Oh and I wish some of you would just come clean with yourselves and admit you can't stand the idea of a black man in the White House. If it's not that, I don't know what it is.

Somewhat. The nation-building part is not conservative and sucks. The immigration enforcement is not conservative and sucks. The Cuban policy is neither conservative nor liberal and sucks. The African policy is conservative and sucks. It could be much better but it could also be much worse.
My God, if acting patriotic actually accomplished anything, GW Bush would be #1 on everybody's list as the greatest Prez of all time. Same for his religious faith, for what that is worth. Acting patriotic is something Hillary & Bill do well also. So I would guess they are more trustworthy. As for the stances of his church, there is nothing that would indicate that Obama is pushing an agenda for the country that reflects their principles. It would be political suicide and he knows it.

The problem with the American electorate is that we tend to over-emphasize image and ignore substance - hence look at the mess we're in now. Carl Rove sold a 85 Chevy Impala to Americans who thought they were buying a 2000 Cadillac. And we ended up with a very patriotic and deeply religious man of little substance, imagination, or vision. I don't know who I'm going to vote for at this point, but that video and Obama's church don't phase me at all.
^ strange correlation there 4th, if BO was dissing the US due to commitment to Africa, he would do the black power salute.

Also, notice he did clap at song's end, BEFORE Richardson clapped. ie, Richardson is a communist agent [/standard nutty internet theory]
Can't trust President Bush either.

"September 11, 2006, President Bush and first lady Laura Bush stand on a carpet of the American flag at Ground Zero in Manhattan, the site of the September 11, 2001 attack. Section 8b of the Flag Code reads, " The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground..."

"In July 2003 President Bush autographed a small flag. This picture was circulated across the Internet noting its violation of the Flag Code: "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature."

But they are both in good company. My guess is that 99% of Americans have unintentionally violated the flag code one time or another, including probably half of the spectators at any given football game during the National Anthem who either do not place their hand over their heart or give a military salute when not in uniform.

And how many “super patriots” have you seen who wear flag ties or shirts, etc., which are also violations.


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