Daylon Mack

I was surprised at Mack's positive comments especially in light of his position only a couple of weeks back that he wouldn't be visiting Texas. One more week...I hope NSD is huge and we have a lot of theses guys flashing the "Hook 'Em" and wearing burnt orange. But if not I am sitll impressed with the class so far. These guys coming in want, can and will have an impact at the 40 acres and can get us back on track again in a positive way.
sorry i've been absent. i've been preparing the perfect bleach cocktail to possibly consume on signing day.

it burns going down. gotta work on that.
Prop Joe,
Why don't you just go ahead and renounce the dark side and put on Burnt Orange? We would welcome you, and the taste left in your mouth will be far better than a bleach cocktail!
as tempting as that offer is my entire wardrobe consists of maroon and white.

the expenses alone (not to mention the emotional trauma) would be too much to overcome.
^^ BON is a little behind, 3nnsang. We were in his top-3 for at least 5 weeks even if he never said it. Right now we may be leading at least 45-35-20 (Texas-TCU-aggy). In-home visits by all 3 head coaches this week, but Patterson and Sumlin are going up against Charlie AND Malik. Tough fight for them to win that. Possible, but I like our chances.
Joe, we could have a bake sale to raise funds for you and your new wardrobe if need be. It would be like Big Brother and Little Brother. Wait, it already is! We could take you under our wing, I mean Horn, and save you.
OK...I need some tech assistance to stay on top of this fast pace game of kids ....

Following threads, ie the D Mack tread...I read through some then all of a sudden, all I have is the name or continuation of thread with date etc but no content ? comments....whats up with that...that is only one Iv'e notice this pattern....

You may want to respond or direct me to another expert....don't see how you keep all this knowledge flowing...but it is appreciated...I will delete this soon as I know how to remedy!!
Charlie melts Moms!

Colt Barber of 247 just reported that after the in-home visit yesterday, Daylon Mack's mom now has Texas as her top choice. It's a Texas-TCU battle, and a&m seems to be fading, seeing the sense of his article.

If momma likes us, we get the baby, right? Another mom wants her baby to get some TLC from Pat Moorer. What's new?

Don't forget that Malik had tweeted a few weeks ago that his mom talks more to Mack's mom than him, or something like that. And we now know that Mack's mom likes Charles' mom too, after the OV. We have a kitchen club of mommas working on keeping their babies together, I guess.

Not that dads have any problems (except for one specific out-of-state dad). But if you go by what aggy says, dads are all waiting for "bagmen" or for contracts from Matt Merrick's rich dad, who they say is bankrolling this whole operation. Pathetic aggy!

I assume you are still working covert surveillance in front of Mack’s home from the black Suburban. I hope the snack bar is holding up for you and the team.

Have you seen our bag man there yet? We asked him to be discreet with his payment delivery. He should be driving an unmarked burnt orange Ferrari so as to remain inconspicuous. His code name is “Bill” (as in Dollar Bill).

If you see a maroon pickup you should alert Bill and abort the mi$$ion immediately.

Please update us here at HQ on mi$$ion status a$ap.

Love your work. And hope you're right, re: mom.

All things being remotely equal, my oldest probably would have gone with the opposite of mom (and dad) when he was 18. My youngest too. My middle child may have gone w/ parents. That may say more about my family than Daylon's. But, have you conducted and applied sibling order research on this impt matter?
The Link

Here is the latest video of Jay coordinating a delivery by one of our bag men.

Aggy is following our bag man with the help of surveillance equipment from their headquarters in the large animal clinic in College Station.

Once Jay and his team know that our bag man is being followed they set an elaborate trap and capture the Aggy culprit. They then wait for the Aggy fearless leader to show up and then take care of him also.

Of course Jay knows that if he or any of his team is captured by other schools or the NCAA (like that would ever happen) that Belmont, the BOMC, and even Hornfans will disavow any knowledge of his actions. Good luck Jay on any and all future missions if you choose to accept them.

This post may self destruct in five seconds or maybe when the new site comes on board.
Not that I would call him a celebrity but is that Mr. Whiffle or the Dunkin "Time to make the Donuts" Donut man to the right as you look at the photo? Are they allowed pseudo celebrities? I guess so since they are pseudo good and only pseudo important on the College Football landscape.
That is great work by Dion and Jay. I have full confidence that our mission will be accomplished.

However, if one looks closely at Mack's right hand you will see a budding thumb separating from the other fingers in what could be a feint gig em. At least this is what my paranoid conspiracy theorists advisors tell me.
Mack just cancelled an unofficial visit he was planning to take this weekend to TCU. Boom!

The aggy sites are quiet and pretty resigned to their fate, or so it seems as of now, a few hours after Sumlin's visit. The visit was fairly brief, maybe even just 45 minutes, based on rumors (trying to get confirmation, but looking at the timeline of when Sumlin started the Boyd visit this evening, the rumor sound right). Anyway, much shorter than the 4 hours of rollicking time the family had with Charlie had yesterday.

Aggy is very upset seeing his orange socks in the picture today. That is just the Gladewater HS colors, but aggy is upset that he didn't have the sense to avoid showing them that color. Poor aggy!)

Now TCU goes in for their final pitch tomorrow. I don't think TCU is out of this though. They have some stuff of substance to sell, unlike aggy.
It was funny yesterday when around the time when Sumlin's extremely brief in-home with Mack finished, about 5 or 6 CBs switched to Texas (for those of you who aren't up on the latest in the absolutely meaningless things done during recruiting these days, those is "crystal ball" picks that a whole bunch of so called recruit gurus put in at the 247 network).

In fact the last 10 or so CB picks have all gone for Texas in the last couple of days. There are 49 national gurus who have been predicting where Mack would go. As of this morning, Texas leads A&M for the first time since they started predicting for Mack over a year ago. It has been a quick turn around in his case this week. Of course, CBs don't mean a damn thing. It is just for recruitaholics to have fun with.

This one is really beginning to look like it's in the bag. TCU has a tough sell job today in their in-home. Once that is done, we can say for sure if he s coming or not. I say at least 70% Texas, now. He ain't going to Texas a&m, I am pretty sure.
Just one ring? If ever there is a time to do a Lebron James count like he did in Miami, this is it! Or not.

I love that the kids coming here are so damned excited about it.

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