Daylon Mack


That post you pulled from over there is telling; we use the word delusional in reference to A&M so often that it has lost it's impact but the fact is the word is entirely appropriate. They lost five games last year yet they believe they are a player. They last won a national championship the year Germany attacked Poland. They had periods of excellent results on the field but both were facilitated by major NCAA infractions. They left the conference complaining about UT, meaning they lost the off the field battle, then threw stones boasting of the SEC. This was an attempt to retroactively accrue the legacy of the SEC onto themselves. And then then there's the painting of old national championships purportedly won during the Roaring Twenties or whenever they ocurred.

The Aggie way is Ego Before Accomplishment. That is why they are shocked when things don't go their way. The cult is too insular for introspection apparently.

Texas is going through a mudslide right now and we have no idea if these five guys are going to all announce UT or A&M (or for that matter TCU). But the important thing is to NOT BE AGGIE. Recognize it's a process (sounds like Jason Garrett) and Charlie is working to rebuild the foundation of what should be a strong (no pun intended) program for years to come.

Hopefully we're on that path right now.
So true Bystander. They were at best the middle of the pack in the Big 12. The only difference now is they are playing more games further east and at best the middle of the pack again. Maybe Ag should try Conf USA now to see if they can move up from being below average.
^^ and my favorite, "you may have tried to run the state, but we own it!"

Speaking of that, has anybody seen #WRTS lately from any aggy?

Yep. Neither have I. Reality hit them (to the extent any hit can dent their delusions) since Malik committed to us.

By the way, #WRTS is kinda relevant. Guess who officially owns the trademark on the #WRTS tag? (No jokes). Yes, a certain Mr. Mack, whose son is about to reach Austin today to see if he should bring that tag and bury it somewhere in the 40 acres, that really owns the state.
The best way to describe Aggy is "Little Penis Syndrome!"
lol I was wondering too why our friend with the silly sig is only lurking now. He'll stop lurking and post the second things start to go their way.
I had to rearrange the barbershop after styling Malik's hair thus am 4 minutes late in confirming that the unconfirmed report above is indeed authentic.

Daylon Mack is confirmed to have arrived in Austin.

From an undisclosed location. J-stleath-kris
It's amazing how tight these kids are these days as friends. I mean, those two look genuinely happy to meet again. And Malik had tweeted a few hours ago that he "misses his baby @tbhmcNEal " (Deandre McNeal).

If all these guys commit, there will be quite a bit of camaraderie in the team for sure.
Sunday 1/25/15 12:30 pm. A Mr. Daylon Truckin Mack was observed entering the secret chambers occupied by a Mr. Charlie Friggin Strong, who my investigations reveal to be the head honcho of the complex under surveillance. Evidence of further activities will be duly reported. From an undisclosed location far away from the complex, Jay-stealth-Kris.
Actually, if Mack were to commit to us, I won't be surprised if he does that before Kyler does anything. I had always felt, and said it in this thread, that a big reason why he said we weren't high in his list was because he didn't want to look like he is a Malik follower, but just a Malik buddy. Once Malik didn't go to aggy, he lost a bit of interest in a&m and decommitted. I said then that he was going to make us recruit him hard before showing up in Austin. And he has. He used the Kyler confusion to sneak out to Austin without making it like he was coming because Malik pulled him in (though Malik makes no bones about showing that he is hard-recruiting Mack).

Anyway, there is no Malik-follower tag on him at this point. But if he were to commit to us only after Kyler, it would look like he is a Kyler follower. He may want to avoid that too.

So the conclusion. He commits soon
.... That is, if he really has plans to come to UT, and was playing a game when he kept saying A&M, LSU and TCU were his leaders in succession. If he truly has TCU or A&M still ahead, he doesn't come to us of course.

Meanwhile, curiously, Keith Niebehr who is an Aubburn recruiting guru who runs their 247 site, just crystal balled Mack to us suddenly, in the middle of doing some hectic coverage of a big recruiting wekend at Auburn. What might he know? Well, Demarkus Lodge is visiting Auburn today. I wonder if he said something to somebody that reached Keith.

Anyway, we will see what Mack does.
Even I might convert to some Jayakristianity, if we can get Mack, Kyler, Soso, Lodge, Boyd, Hill, Warren, Locksley and Burt. Hell, I might even become a Hindu if that happens
Oh well, any religion change will have to wait till NSD. My hopes for a quick announcement didn't materialize.

Gerry Hamilton (ESPN) just tweeted this - "For those not aware, #ESPN300 5-star DT DaylonMack will announce on NSD live on ESPN @ Gladewater High"

So, add one more guy to the NSD announcement. I am not even sure if we have anybody left except maybe Burt who is not set to announce on NSD. May be a couple. We may end up waiting for some 6 or 7 guys to announce on NSD, unsure of whether our class will be #3 in the country or #13. It is just crazy. But I think Charlie will be told beforehand who is committing to us, and will use up the remaining spots by then. If there are 6 guys left to commit from our list and there are only 3 spots left, we will know that we are only getting 3 of the 6
This is insane, recruiting madness like I've never seen. To be in on so many guys so late that were committed elsewhere until the last few weeks. Charlie has expanded the recruiting grounds for UT nation wide, and has put us back front and center on the Texas stage. All this in one year.

Charlie has kept us in the mix, or gotten us in the mix where we weren't before. And he and his staff are not backing down from any challenge here.

This is only gonna get better. Holla!!!
Notice that we are not in a fight with anybody that any other Big12 team has a shot at (except one player, Mack, that Big 12 champions TCU have a shot at... or "had", as of a day back?). All our fights are with the SEC teams at this point, except 2 with Pac10 (UCLA for Soso, and Washington for Warren), and one with FSU (Locksley). Quite exciting to see Charlie bring the whole thing around to this.
Here are some excerpts I saw posted elsewhere from an ESPN insider article that came out on Mack's visit -

“It went great!” Mack said. “The vibe was completely different from the last time I was there. I honestly didn’t think I would enjoy it that much, but my perspective on Texas is way different now. Great staff! Great people and my parents really liked it as well.”

Strong’s message was a simple one.
“That I could come in and fill Malcom Brown’s spot and have a huge impact as a freshman,” Mack said.

“I can’t really give an order at this point, but Texas made a huge impression," Mack said. "I have a couple of guys I’ll talk to about it all when I get back home, but Texas definitely gave me a lot to think about, and I feel really good about them headed into signing day.”


Looking good. Malik did change his mind, as he promised on twitter yesterday. Is that enough? We shaaaallll seeeee.....
Charles got a tweet from Mack's mom, with a picture of her with Charles' mom
"met a GREAT woman this weekend." --The Link

Hey, Charles is getting his Mom to recruit Mack's mom, and it seems to have worked. I think Charles in charge has this one all wrapped up for Charlie.

He said he was not there to get in anybody's ear and he was done recruiting. But the sneaky devil found other ways to recruit.
Mom comes to Texas on OV, count the recruit to Texas. Charlie melts moms.

In fact, even aggy folks were really concerned when they heard Mack's parents were coming on the OV. Those guys are getting a clue (finally!) that Charlie's recruiting revolves around knocking it out of the park on convincing the parents.

In this whole recruiting cycle, I don't remember a single parent that came to UT and didn't leave wanting the kid to come to Texas. Also, in almost every case where we have had waffling recruits or decommitments, there has been some issue on the parentage side. I will skip the names.

One other thing to note is the extent of negative recruiting that had gone into Daylong Mack over the last couple of years. From his comments to ESPN, it seems he was pretty much shocked at how different things were, compared what he expected. His last and only other visit to UT was way back in March 2013 when we had Longhorn Stampede or some such junior day. Obviously the atmosphere was terrible at that time with all the negativity. But I think throughout last year as well, aggy managed to keep him believing it was all the same still. That explains why Malik openly tweeted "I am going to change some minds in 3 hours" as Mack was on his way to Texas.

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