My only shred of hope is that this is only being confirmed by "recruiting services" with no first-hand statement from Mack, his family, the staff of the team he has chosen, or our staff. All of these services have missed a lot so far when they were so damn sure. Just because they now all agree together doesn't make it much more written in stone. It does seem unlikely we win with a consensus from them saying otherwise, but none say who they are confirming anything from, just that they have. Blah blah blah. Anyone can say that as there are no consequences for their already several misses. Smart money says he is gone, but until Mack or someone directly involved in this agreement says something, smart money isn't the same as cash in hand money.
I'm sorry but the vast majority of these recruiting services have done a great job at providing factual information like visits, quotes, etc...and a piss poor job of being correct on any more than a punchers chance when the hands were held close to the vest on big targets still in play. They flip-flopped daily to cover tracks and still were wrong a fair amount of the time. Just last week they were fiercely boasting Murray as a Horn and a few days later Locksley was standing firm with FSU. Poor Texas had no QB and they panicked the fanbase. Just like they soured our momentum pumping Murray so sold on us and betraying their Aggy bloodline. Thank God I knew better as that **** is very personal to football families deeply tied to a school.
Sure things change in a week, so maybe the services should simply say how they think they are leaning and refrain from the bold chest pounding half the time knowing this simple truth of fluidity. Mack is still in play, as ever slim as it may be now, until the man says otherwise or a legit staff involved does. I still say Texas gets a surprise tomorrow from Chuck's last dash at it and the Locksley confirmation. Mack, Newsome, Jamoba, somebody said to be leaning away is gonna ride with Coach Strong. There will be a curveball in there.