"Knowing what they are doing" was all bad choice of words .. I tend to agree that Engineering needs lesser time if one has the right mind-set and intellect for that field. Just that one did well in highschool math or physics (one of the reasons why many take up the engineering major) is not enough to say whether one has the type of intelligence needed for engineering. To put it simply, some have it and some don't. Those who don't have it, despite their being very good students, may take a long time to do the homework stream that keeps coming in engineering.
Those who have the proper engineering aptitude and mindset, might "get it" really fast and can get things done very fast. Yes, you do ge a lot more homework on a constant basis, unlike intermittent paper and reading that takes up a lot of time in other majors. Engineering homework is annoying, but those who have the right abilities might be able to get it done in a half hour before the Thursday TV programs
.. That is unike in other majors, where the
variance of time requirement for homework/reading/papers/research is much less than in engineering. In fact, it is quite rare that an engineerig student even has to google for some research for a paper.
In other words, both sides arguing the case in the above thread are partly correct. The engineer, typically, phrased his thought all wrong. The non-engineers, typically, saw none of the details of what the engineer was thinking
... Did I get it right?
Disclosure -- I was a graduate engineering student at UT and am an engineering professor now.