Darius White

How often does Rivals update? They still have Darius with 13 schools in the running!!
Anybody know if White made it to Norman this weekend for the blow-u spring game? If so, any idea what his thoughts are after the game? (Sorry, I'm too cheap to shell out for the pay services.)
Agreed, there is plenty of room at WR. Plus if you play as a true frosh and make a name for yourshelf while others redshirt then you have a huge advantage.
Texas has apparently cooled on White, or at least thats White's interpretation of what's going on. That's why he's wandering the Big 12 South like Kung Fu. Watch out for Tech.

Good news on Jeffcoat though. Texas is his favorite, and he would have pulled the trigger by now, but for Dad. Dad wants him at SC.
I hope Mr. Jeffcoat doesn't completely over rule Jackson's decision. He obviously should have significant input, but it should be the kid's call.

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