I would like to take a moment to respond to the first post in this thread. The premise of the post by jasmine was to relay information in the Dallas Morning News, the meat of which included a quote from Sonsini regarding DS's decision.
In an interview Wednesday with The Dallas Morning News, Roger Sonsini, the recruiting coordinator for St. Bonaventure High School, questioned Scott's decision to choose Colorado.
"Colorado came in on Friday and said and did something and offered something that Darrell and his mom couldn't pass up," Sonsini said.
After that article, internet rumor mongering exploded and several people chose to drag numerous entities through the mud. It has been illuminating watching how far and to what extent BASELESS rumors have been allowed to run in context of some cryptic statements by Mack Brown during his LOI interview.
Folks - Mack was rather vague. At no point did he name names. Yet from those two known facts, numerous other non-established facets have been bantered around as if they were equally as factual.
CU was promised a phone call which did not happen. Texans were promised more details during a radio show. That was a bust. Headlines were promised. They lack. Some have even overlooked the fact that the Big XII stated themselves that no one has contacted them to complain about the signing - and revised their information into the rumor that not only the Big XII but the NCAA is "already" looking into this.
Ironically, the comment that started Texas message boards smoking - Mr. Sonsini will you please stand up? - has been RETRACTED. Facts regarding the comment that launched a thousand defamations:
* Alexis Scott said "I don't play games like this" in response to it , and scheduled a meeting Friday. Whatever was said in that meeting was sufficient enough to clamp down Sonsini's lips, as no further comments have been attributed to him.
* Sonsini is also claiming (truthfully or not) that that he did NOT say what the DMN attributed to him. - "Hagan, the Buffs assistant who credited a long-term relationship with Scott among the reasons for Scott spurning Texas, said he called Sonsini about the quote the day before it was published. "He told me he didn't say that," Hagan said. "He said as far as he knew, Darrell was going to Texas and he (told the newspaper) 'Colorado did something to make him change his mind' - and that was all. . . . I think he was trying to backpedal real fast.""
Is it not POSSIBLE that all of this is much ado about nothing? If Texas has proof that Colorado cheated, I would expect them to BRING IT. Not to wag loose tongues like a spurned woman. To me, it seems suspect that Mack would resort to innuendo, his fans to rumor, instead of bringing to the surface the facts and truth. If there is substance to it, for all that is holy, make it right. If not, then for all that is holy, check yourselves.