CU Cheated?

The Husker probably has it right. OU set the precedent for getting away with a slap on the wrist. USC's fiasco with Bush is another example.

Maybe it's really nothing. But if there is anything shady at some level of the recruiting, NCAA probably won't raise an eyebrow.
What FB player did Tom Hicks ever sign to a minor league contract? Ricky signed w/ Philly and Ced with LA.

That comment seems to come from left field (in a manner of speaking).
I have no intention to get into an argument about whether or not CU cheated.

I will say that I find some of the "rumors" to be quite unfortunate and am very very surprised by some UT fans.

Ketchum played cover his *** and the lies grew legs faster than anything I had seen.

Anyway, good luck to you guys in the future. You already have an outstanding start to next years recruiting class. I am really looking forward to our game this season. Hopefully we continue to improve and will be in a position to make a game of up.

And if you hadn't figured it out, I have been banned for getting a little salty one night.
I would like to take a moment to respond to the first post in this thread. The premise of the post by jasmine was to relay information in the Dallas Morning News, the meat of which included a quote from Sonsini regarding DS's decision.

In an interview Wednesday with The Dallas Morning News, Roger Sonsini, the recruiting coordinator for St. Bonaventure High School, questioned Scott's decision to choose Colorado.

"Colorado came in on Friday and said and did something and offered something that Darrell and his mom couldn't pass up," Sonsini said.

After that article, internet rumor mongering exploded and several people chose to drag numerous entities through the mud. It has been illuminating watching how far and to what extent BASELESS rumors have been allowed to run in context of some cryptic statements by Mack Brown during his LOI interview.

Folks - Mack was rather vague. At no point did he name names. Yet from those two known facts, numerous other non-established facets have been bantered around as if they were equally as factual.

CU was promised a phone call which did not happen. Texans were promised more details during a radio show. That was a bust. Headlines were promised. They lack. Some have even overlooked the fact that the Big XII stated themselves that no one has contacted them to complain about the signing - and revised their information into the rumor that not only the Big XII but the NCAA is "already" looking into this.

Ironically, the comment that started Texas message boards smoking - Mr. Sonsini will you please stand up? - has been RETRACTED. Facts regarding the comment that launched a thousand defamations:

* Alexis Scott said "I don't play games like this" in response to it , and scheduled a meeting Friday. Whatever was said in that meeting was sufficient enough to clamp down Sonsini's lips, as no further comments have been attributed to him.

* Sonsini is also claiming (truthfully or not) that that he did NOT say what the DMN attributed to him. - "Hagan, the Buffs assistant who credited a long-term relationship with Scott among the reasons for Scott spurning Texas, said he called Sonsini about the quote the day before it was published. "He told me he didn't say that," Hagan said. "He said as far as he knew, Darrell was going to Texas and he (told the newspaper) 'Colorado did something to make him change his mind' - and that was all. . . . I think he was trying to backpedal real fast.""

Is it not POSSIBLE that all of this is much ado about nothing? If Texas has proof that Colorado cheated, I would expect them to BRING IT. Not to wag loose tongues like a spurned woman. To me, it seems suspect that Mack would resort to innuendo, his fans to rumor, instead of bringing to the surface the facts and truth. If there is substance to it, for all that is holy, make it right. If not, then for all that is holy, check yourselves.
speaksoftly -2/10 post - has just trumped the best writing on this board I've seen since I first came here (under various other names).

There aren't many paid writers in rags that can do as well. Nice job. Points well taken, and definitely well said (articulated).
Superfan, you have a valid point. Hagan did say that.

Let's look to Sonsini post-Friday. We know he was called to a meeting by an irate Alexis Scott. Since then, what has he said to clarify his position? Anything? For all intents and purposes, he has crawled under a rock. Is that what someone who has the truth on their side would do?

Lets play a game called "what if". What if Sonsini had information to back up the DMN quote. Alexis Scott comes into their meeting, guns-a-blazing. What might he tell her? Quite possibly to get bent and stop wasting his time? That would be what most people would say. If the DMN took liberties with what he did say, or if he said it thoughtlessly, one can imagine that he would quickly fade to the background and not involve himself in something that could get him sued. His choices since the DMN article are rather insightful.

Let's take this a step further. What if the recorded conversation or texts (horn fans have claimed it has come in both varieties) exist between Alexis and Kennedy. In the eyes of this Buff fan, I would encourage the calls not stop with Hank Brown - I would expect phone calls to every organization that would have a stake in this. That type of alleged behavior has no place in college ball.

Still, I am a person who believes that the proof is in the pudding. The alleged texts and recordings would be of great importance, and would venture to say that if the phone calls have not happened by now, (every organization has been quoted in various sources as not having recieved that information) then they are a pure fabrication, and a number of people were taken in by internet rumor. Would this be the first time a "reliable" source with "inside" information was wrong?

Documenting the information and relaying it would probably not take more than a day or two. Can anyone can come up with a valid reason why it would practically take a permission slip from God to prompt a phone call to CU? What is the major malfunction?
Speaks, In answer to your info on "tongues wagging". Your tongue is the one doing a lot of wagging. And yes, we are in the process of 'Bringing It" right now! You are railing against those who are in the process of bringing it, while at the sane time you are saying we should "bring it".
I never thought we'd get DS, so I'm not upset about losing him.

All I know is that there was some wacky rumor going around that CU offered Ms. Scott a cush job at a bank in Boulder paying six figures. Naturally, I laughed it off. Come on. Seriously? That would never happen.

But then Ms. Scott comes out and is quoted in an article stating that she may very well move to Boulder to be with her son.


That's the only thing that causes me not to write this off as some baseless internet rumor. If she moves to Boulder (can't believe she would now), then her job and housing situation will be heavily scrutinized.
i also didn't think we would get d scott but was excited about the chance we could get him. it looked like a decent shot at the end, and then poof he went to CU. okay, i'm ready to put it behind us and move on. now if alexis scott moves to colorado, she is gonna bring on all kinds of scrutiny upon herself, her son, and CU.
utfan4ever - if anyone can provide some credible evidence about the situation, i would be most interested in just the facts.

jive - if my brother and son were going to be in a certain geographical region for several years - barring a valid reason to stay in the area i was at (such as other family commitments) i would not rule out relocating. a relocation in itself is a rather weak "evidence" to use to give credence to the current rumors.

what would convince me would be some cold, hard evidence. utfan4ever seems to have the corner on that market. and heck - i am home with bronchitis today, so have nothing to lose.

i would like to know:

* what evidence?
* when will it be brought forward?
* to whom?
* why the delay?
* is there a link that would provide a relaible source that can back this up? or does this require we trust vapor-thin assurances of anonymous posters?
Who cares about DS! It seems everytime we are spurned by an OOS recruit, it ends up being better for us in the long run. Seriously, I could care less where DS ends up. Now if cheating was involved (and I am not saying it was or wasn't) then I can understand the uproar. I would be pissed if someone cheated to sign a 3 star lineman. It's about principle, NOT SOUR GRAPES. Cheating happens EVERY year in recruiting. It's no new story and it happens more than the common fan would like to think. I have no problem with people on HF or any other board for that matter having a discussion on whether there is merit to a recruit that was lost due to possible cheating. I don't understand how being upset about a possible blatant violation is "aggy" or "gooner".

Now carry on....
No coincidence that of all the huge sports fans I know the BlowU fans are the only ones who use the 'everyone's dirty' excuse. Somebody feeling a bit self conscious about the Bomar and company??
jive - agreed. it is a rare thing for parents (plural) and family to pick up and scoot to a college town. that being said, i would not choose to initiate a witch hunt if someone did choose to relocate. the substance of these rumors either does or does not exist. moving, in itself, is not substance.

from what little i know about the family, it appears to be just her and her son. her brother is already IN colorado. when a kid moves on to college, a single parent with no area ties gains a lot of freedom. a move would not be a truly bizarre or shocking thing.

something holding her to california is that she oversees a medical clinic. i do not know if there is a lot of family in the area for her there or not. i have read that the proposed move is at the moment a lark, rather than a fully developed plan.

i feel she is entitled to the freedom of movement.
One thing is for sure, it will not come from the University of Texas if and when it does.

so much for the "Texas is bringing it" line of thought. for all the conspiracy theories on a couple threads here, the hint that there was a recorded recruit call where alexis asked kennedy to show her da money was the most intriguing.

in your opinion, is the threatened phone call on or off?
In my opinion the phone call has already happened and it was about negative recruiting and not about violations. Take that for what it is worth but the person I talked to said it did and he is close to the program and I believe him.
I don't think Scott's mother is dumb enough to tell a Texas coach that CU made some kind of offer and she wanted to know what Texas would do to match it. I have never thought that happened.

I also don't have a clue if any job offer was made to Scott's mother and honestly I don't know where that even came from originally.

I don't think a sportswriter or a recruiting service has anything to gain by making stuff up either so if that is where this all started then there might be some truth to it.

I am sure we will not know anything, if we ever do, anytime soon either way.
i am intrigued to understand where negative recruiting starts and violations end, in your opinion.

i think this whole thing exploded with sonsini's comment in the dmn. a comment that he has not championed. a comment that landed him in a meeting at the end of last week. a comment that others have been quoted by others to have backpedaled from.

seriously - if you think the recruiting was negative, but did not include violations what exactly do you mean? that the end result was negative for Texas?
It is not an NCAA violation to badmouth another school to a prospective recruit which is negative recruiting. It goes on a lot but there is somewhat of a gentleman's agreement in the coaching ranks which was enacted to try and limit it as much as possible.

This is what the phone call was about in my opinion and I seriously doubt that any of it will ever be made public.
The whole thing either comes out, or not, but after this weekend, most of us have moved on. The Buffs got a very good running back, by whatever means. We got a very good class last Wednesday, and the start of a terrific class these last few days.

I suspect any carryover to the Scott recruitment will be settled on the field when the two schools meet this fall. Truthfully, I figure both programs will have moved on by then, but if Texas builds a big lead, I don't expect Mack to be too quick in pulling the starters. This whole thing has certainly made the notion of playing Colorado interesting.

This is absolutely the last post I intend to make about Scott. He's not a Longhorn...he's not important to me.

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