
Worster, sorry to hear you got it but the Ivermectin and HCQ should really help. Take high doses of Zinc and Vitamin D too. Then look for a doctor who will prescribe monoclonal antibodies.

How did you get HCQ? I didn't know that was being prescribed still. Really great to hear though.


Been taking Zinc, Quercetin, Vit. D & C daily for 1.5 years. Doubled them when I tested positive this week.

I understand Monochronial Antibodies are no longer available around DFW?

Wife got Hydroxichloriquine with Online Doctors a year ago and she got 2 more Rx in Oct. when she got Covid. Think Online Docs at some point was prevented from Hydrox. Rx -maybe a year ago? Her Dr. - Hydrox. Rx was filled by Mom and Pop pharmacy.

We also got extra Ivermectin from her Doc and another Rx from an online pharmacy in India she learned of. I think you can still get Ivermectin from that place in India. BUT, it takes about 3 weeks to get by US Mail.
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So how hard is it to get that stuff prescribed specifically to treat Covid/Delta et al?

Good question. I don't know as I have not had to try via my Doc. I understand the Fed, CDC, Big Pharma, etc. have pressured/ threatened druggist about filling Rx for Hydroxichloriquine and Ivermectin to some degree. ******** obviously pushing the population to a Phase 1, Emergency Use Only vax for BIG $$$.

Maybe others here can respond better.
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What I am saying is I know someone whose mother had cancer and got vaccinated. She worsened very quickly and died. Not from covid either.

I like you too, that is why I am being harsh here. I should have said he sounds stupid on this, not overall since I don't know him. I'm sure he is a fine doctor and person otherwise but maybe misguided here.

That is why I made my comment.

Edit: I figured my comment may garner your reply, and I get it.

I don't know the statistics. But in the room where everyone gets infusions, people's lives are being saved and they all have taken the shot. I haven't heard any horror stories except for a couple of folks who did not get vaccinated and are now in ICU for weeks on end because they caught COVID. It would be a mind-blowing reality to believe this doctor is part of a conspiracy or is stupid when it is obvious from his credentials (Johns Hopkins), gentle manner and clear record of saving lives that he is no fool or evil monster.
Good question. I don't know as I have not had to try via my Doc. I understand the Fed, CDC, Big Pharma, etc. have pressured/ threatened druggist about filling Rx for Hydroxichloriquine and Ivermectin to some degree. ******** obviously pushing the population to a Phase 1, Emergency Use Only vax - $$$.

Maybe others here can respond better.

Not being an expert at all on this stuff, I would ask if a doctor/pharmacist can just prescribe whatever form of legal medication out there to treat any type of disease or illness? Are they to fill in the dots in a "made as instructed" manner or can they freelance? I would think insurance companies have a major say so in what is "medically necessary" for them to pay the tab.
Luck ran out.

No vax, been testing weekly for 6 months. Avoided crowds and larger gatherings for almost 2 years. Tested positive Wed.

So far mild symptoms- fever, chills, aches and severe fatigue. Probably Omicron.

Taking Rx Ivermectin and Hydroxichloriquine plus a ton of other stuff.

Therapeutics work on this virus people.
Try to get the AB treatment or better yet the new Covid pills. They are being prescribed starting Dec 30 by Walmart pharmacies.
Luck ran out.

No vax, been testing weekly for 6 months. Avoided crowds and larger gatherings for almost 2 years. Tested positive Wed.

So far mild symptoms- fever, chills, aches and severe fatigue. Probably Omicron.

Taking Rx Ivermectin and Hydroxichloriquine plus a ton of other stuff.

Therapeutics work on this virus people.

If I were you, I would try hard to get the Pfizer pill.

Texas Walmart, Sam's Club providing COVID-19 medication |
I don't know the statistics. But in the room where everyone gets infusions, people's lives are being saved and they all have taken the shot. I haven't heard any horror stories except for a couple of folks who did not get vaccinated and are now in ICU for weeks on end because they caught COVID. It would be a mind-blowing reality to believe this doctor is part of a conspiracy or is stupid when it is obvious from his credentials (Johns Hopkins), gentle manner and clear record of saving lives that he is no fool or evil monster.
I would think a doctor would want to see more evidence and research on vaccine effects especially for those who are compromised before being so scared of covid as to recommend this "vaccine".

And, you are in my thoughts along with a few others here.
Luck ran out.

No vax, been testing weekly for 6 months. Avoided crowds and larger gatherings for almost 2 years. Tested positive Wed.

So far mild symptoms- fever, chills, aches and severe fatigue. Probably Omicron.

Taking Rx Ivermectin and Hydroxichloriquine plus a ton of other stuff.

Therapeutics work on this virus people.
My suggestion is brisket and ribs.
Not being an expert at all on this stuff, I would ask if a doctor/pharmacist can just prescribe whatever form of legal medication out there to treat any type of disease or illness? Are they to fill in the dots in a "made as instructed" manner or can they freelance? I would think insurance companies have a major say so in what is "medically necessary" for them to pay the tab.

I too am not an expert, just someone that reads and very knowledgeable wife on this stuff. Just passing along some info that might be helpful to one of you.

Key is, if you have symptoms or think you have symptoms get tested ASAP and get treatment early.

A licensed MD should have the right to prescribe what in their judgement is best for THAT patient, despite what Fed or CDC dictates.

Friends that have had Covid have gone to Dr. for treatment. Various therapeutics prescribed have included already mentioned stuff along with steroids and nebulizers. All but one beat virus in shorter time and no hospital, except 1. She waited far too late to seek help and eventually died.
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Luck ran out.

No vax, been testing weekly for 6 months. Avoided crowds and larger gatherings for almost 2 years. Tested positive Wed.

So far mild symptoms- fever, chills, aches and severe fatigue. Probably Omicron.

Taking Rx Ivermectin and Hydroxichloriquine plus a ton of other stuff.

Therapeutics work on this virus people.

Woo, best wishes to you, man. I know you'll whip its *** , but go slow and take it easy. Fatigue will be the biggest thing for awhile, just be patient. We're pulling for ya
You got this Worster. Can’t add any advice to what others have told you but definitely encourage the take it easy sentiment. I think mine hung on longer than it should have because I kept thinking I was ok to do too much.
My wife and I had Omicron. We took Hydroxychloroquin, Advil, Tylenol, mucinex. She’s 100% and I am close. Maybe by tomorrow. It was two days, cough, congestion no taste or smell. Muscle aches. Way too many blood clots and myocarditis plus Covid amongst the vaxxed for me to take an experimental vaccine. Only 1% of the vaccine effects are getting reported. Dr Robert Malone the mRNA vaccine inventor says don’t take the vaccine! I’ll take my chances with natural immunity!
During the year leading up to February 2021, I had swollen glands in my neck. I'd been suffering from fatigue issues for several years or more. In February 2021 I received both Moderna shots. I had difficult side effects but the main one was the swelling of my glands under my arm pit and groin area. Then a new one in my neck. Long story short, the vaccine REVEALED that I had Leukemia as the swelling spurred me to consult with a surgical Oncologist and two Oncologists, one in Austin and one at MD Anderson. I'm not sure where I'd be had the shot not reacted in my body as it did. It did not cause the Leukemia. And now I am doing very well (technically in remission if you rely solely on labs) half-way through the treatment. But as I've said before, I am immunocompromised and all the doctors have advised me to be extremely careful.

That is my story:

1) I had Leukemia for years
2) It was revealed by the Moderna shot
3) My Leukemia treatment is a home run
4) I am living in a low level state of fear of catching the virus.
Obviously the shots exacerbated your symptoms to the point of diagnosis and for that you’re understandably grateful. My question would be why the diagnosis was missed earlier? But as you feel now, grateful, I certainly would too. Stay well my friend.
AC how was it determined to be that specific variant? Is there a test available that differentiates? Or did you take one that was positive then another to identify? Or maybe they get a positive then use same sample to test for the specific variant? Just curious.
Worster, Just getting over Covid myself. That Monoclonal Antibody Infusion worked wonders for me. You qualify for the treatment because of your age and it’s free. The state pays for it. The thing is, like most drugs, the earlier you do it, the more effective it is. Good luck my friend.
During the year leading up to February 2021, I had swollen glands in my neck. I'd been suffering from fatigue issues for several years or more. In February 2021 I received both Moderna shots. I had difficult side effects but the main one was the swelling of my glands under my arm pit and groin area. Then a new one in my neck. Long story short, the vaccine REVEALED that I had Leukemia as the swelling spurred me to consult with a surgical Oncologist and two Oncologists, one in Austin and one at MD Anderson. I'm not sure where I'd be had the shot not reacted in my body as it did. It did not cause the Leukemia. And now I am doing very well (technically in remission if you rely solely on labs) half-way through the treatment. But as I've said before, I am immunocompromised and all the doctors have advised me to be extremely careful.

That is my story:

1) I had Leukemia for years
2) It was revealed by the Moderna shot
3) My Leukemia treatment is a home run
4) I am living in a low level state of fear of catching the virus.
Glad you caught it early!! Congratulations!
Obviously the shots exacerbated your symptoms to the point of diagnosis and for that you’re understandably grateful. My question would be why the diagnosis was missed earlier? But as you feel now, grateful, I certainly would too. Stay well my friend.
AC how was it determined to be that specific variant? Is there a test available that differentiates? Or did you take one that was positive then another to identify? Or maybe they get a positive then use same sample to test for the specific variant? Just curious.

I thought my neck gland was due to allergies. Nobody caught it. I had some elevated WBC levels at one time but the lab results didn't indicate a concern. I had my neck scanned as I do every year at MD Anderson for my annual thyroid check-up (I had thyroid cancer in 2003). No indication of a problem. The labs were very narrowly focused to thyroid tumor markers. Nobody thought I had a problem.

Then the vaccines. Then the red flags all over my body.

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