
Steve. To paraphrase Weezer from steel magnolias, “every gay guy is named Steve and has track lighting”. Here’s the actual quote: "all gay men have track lighting, and all gay men are named Mark, Rick, or Steve"

my brother in law is named Steve. So I’ve remembered it well.

Mark, Rick, and Steve aren't gay names. Glen, Scott, and Gene (but not when the guy actually goes by Eugene) are more like it. It's especially true of Glen (particularly with 2 Ns). I've never known a straight Glenn. I've known quite a few gay Jeffs too, but I've known too many straight Jeffs to lump it in with the others.

So you like Steel Magnolias and Barry Switzer. It doesn't get much worse than that. Do you like Beaches and Dirty Dancing too?

Do straight guys watch Steel Magnolias? :p

My wife has been trying to get me to watch that movie and Dirty Dancing for 13 years. It's not gonna happen. And it's not because I'm stubborn or uncompromising. I left my job and my career and moved to a different continent for her ambition. I moved to the UK when I was happy living in Germany. I don't like country music, but I happily play it in our house. I like crunchy peanut butter, but we only have creamy in the house. I hate cats, and I gave in and got a cat. I'm also not completely hostile to watching chick flix. I've watched The Notebook, Love Actually, and You've Got Mail with her, and I actually enjoy When Harry Met Sally quite a bit. But even I have my limits, and the Patriarchy is going to win on this one.
I researched your claim a while back. What I found as counter argument was that Magic had access to the best medicine years before the general public. For example, he was like the first guy to try the

Winner winner chicken dinner. Magic had the best doctors money could buy.

Magic Johnson is the first and only franchisee for Starbucks. He owns ~150 stores in low-income inner city areas. I didn't work directly with him but a buddy of mine did. He said his energy level would drop precipitously on occasions forcing them to postpone meetings. They attributed the energy drop not from his engagement level (he was competitive and intense always) but the medication cocktails he was taking.

You can fake an energy drop. Magic is a smart guy. If he was going to do this, I'm sure he would thoroughly research the visible symptoms someone with HIV would have as well as the visible side effects of the drugs. You can't half-*** something like this.

And neither of you address the wife issue. I totally understand that it's tactless and pretty insensitive to look at that angle, but come on. Surely you guys can see why something doesn't add up. Again, it's not impossible. It's just very hard to believe and very improbable.

I've heard some explain this by claiming that his wife is actually a beard and that Magic was and is gay. The problem with that is that they had a child together (so there was sex and probably quite a bit of it), and I think it would be harder to keep that hidden after so many years. It's one thing to keep medical professionals who have careers and ethical duties to you quiet. It's quite another to keep a bunch of dudes that you ditched and don't talk to anymore quiet.
Steve. To paraphrase Weezer from steel magnolias, “every gay guy is named Steve and has track lighting”. Here’s the actual quote: "all gay men have track lighting, and all gay men are named Mark, Rick, or Steve"

my brother in law is named Steve. So I’ve remembered it well.
Never saw Steel Magnolias, but hey, we all have our faults.
Never saw Steel Magnolias, but hey, we all have our faults.
The sappy story is not the best part of the story. The story works best when the circle of friends inter relate. Dolly, Sally Fields, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley McClain. Very good cast. And, also any time when Tom Skerrit's character is involved.
The sappy story is not the best part of the story. The story works best when the circle of friends inter relate. Dolly, Sally Fields, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley McClain. Very good cast. And, also any time when Tom Skerrit's character is involved.

Just admit that you wear a dress.
What I read was that the medicine, treatment, etc came along just in time for Magic. That was the story.

Freddy M died in November of '91, Magic announced his diagnosis in July of '91. It's entirely plausible that Mercury was in an advanced state meaning the drugs that helped Magic would have been useless for Freddy. Aids doesn't kill you but destroys your immune systems so that other diseases kill you. The HIV cocktails stymie the virus that attacks the immune system.
Mark, Rick, and Steve aren't gay names. Glen, Scott, and Gene (but not when the guy actually goes by Eugene) are more like it. It's especially true of Glen (particularly with 2 Ns). I've never known a straight Glenn. I've known quite a few gay Jeffs too, but I've known too many straight Jeffs to lump it in with the others.

The gay Jeff theory could explain the misuse of VY by you suppose Vince spurned an advance?
Do they like chix with dix?

In a word...NO. In a few more words...not just no but HELL NO!

Ultimately, this angle shows how much of a ******** issue this really is. If you truly buy into the trans movement and ideology surrounding gender (which is essentially that subjective self-proclaimed gender trumps biological sex and that people and institutions should adapt to that), then why wouldn't you dig chicks with dicks if you're a straight guy or a lesbian? Or "dudes with boobs" (which admittedly doesn't roll off the tongue as well as "chicks with dicks") if you're a straight woman or gay man? There's an inherent inconsistency that people just pretend doesn't exist to avoid the obvious conclusion that this issue is stupid.
In first federal ruling on vaccine mandates, judge sides with Houston hospital, dismissing claims from staff resisters

"The case involved Houston Methodist, which was the first hospital system in the country to require that all its employees get vaccinated. U.S. District Judge Lynn N. Hughes ruled Saturday that federal law does not prevent employers from issuing that mandate.

After months of warnings, Houston Methodist had put more than 170 of its 26,000 employees on unpaid suspension Monday. They were told they would be fired it they weren't vaccinated by June 21.

The hospital had made it clear it meant what it said: It fired the director of corporate risk – Bob Nevens – and another manager in April when they did not meet the earlier deadline for bosses."

It appears this ruling means any private company can fire their employees if they do not vaccinate unless there is a state law in place giving the employees the right to refuse the vaccine. There are no federal prohibitions at this time for this requirement.

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